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景深教程/Alex Hogrefe第1张图片

Depth of Field Tutorial

适应多种类型的建筑渲染图的一个简单的方法就是调整景深,这个也是我一直在用的方法。现在用这个方法来完成我的展板插图、模型图片和我的研究生作品集。当然也许有更好的方法,然而,这个方法可以在短短的几分钟里掌握它,对于那些有兴趣使用 SketchUp 的人,在 YouTube 上有一个教程叫做“SketchUp 和 Photoshop:镜头模糊”,这个教程使用 SketchUp 里的雾的设置来创建图层蒙板,虽然这是相当有创造性的工作流程,它对我还是有一点矫枉过正,另外一件事是设置 SketchUp,然后导入Photoshop 里,最终的效果很相似,它似乎不值得通过额外的努力在 SketchUp 里设置一切。

Adjusting the depth of field is an easy way to punch up many types of architectural renderings. I have been using this technique for a while now and have applied this concept to final presentation illustrations, model pics, and my graduate portfolio. There are probably better ways to do this, however, once you get use to the concepts, this technique can be applied in a matter of a few minutes. For those interested and using Sketchup, there is a tutorial on YouTube called “Sketchup and Photoshop: lens blur.” This tutorial uses Sketchup and its fog settings to create the layer mask. While the work flow is pretty creative, it’s a little overkill for me and one more thing to set up in sketchup and export into photoshop. The final results will be so similar, it doesn’t seem worth going through the extra effort to set everything up in sketchup.

过去我已经使用过这些技术,下面是一些例子。有一件事要注意到,当这应用在大比例的建筑区域,最终的结果看起来更像是一个小比例的手工模型,而不是一个完整的 1:1 的建筑,不过,我认为这样子很酷。

Below are some examples that I have applied this technique to in the past. One thing to notice, when this is applied to a large scale building site, the final result looks more like a small-scale physical model instead of a full scale 1:1 building. Still, I think it’s a cool look.

景深教程/Alex Hogrefe第2张图片

景深教程/Alex Hogrefe第3张图片

景深教程/Alex Hogrefe第4张图片





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  • 安藤003
  • 2016.09.01 06:11
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