Situated on a pen¬in¬su¬la in nort¬heastern antarc¬tica, the 'bharati antarctic research station' by hamburg-basedbof arkitekten presents a self-sufficient energy facility comprised of 134 shipping containers wrapped with an insulating aerodynamic metal skin. the 2,500 sq m (27,000 sq ft) development, which was awarded by the na¬tio¬nal cen¬ter for antarc¬tic and oce¬an re¬se¬arch in 2006, is conceived as an architectural volume that can easily be completely dis-assembled due to the re¬stric¬ted ac¬ces¬si¬bi¬li-ty within the re¬gi¬on.
Energy is provided for the sta¬ti¬on using a combination of heat and power units; the re¬si¬du¬al heat from electri¬ci¬ty production is enough to warm the en¬ti¬re sta¬ti¬on year-round. a to¬tal of 24 sin¬gle and doub¬le rooms are lo¬ca¬ted on the se¬cond flo¬or which include a kit¬chen/di¬ning room, libra¬ry, fit¬ness room, as well as the of¬fi¬ces and a lounge. the lo¬wer elevation hou¬ses the la¬bo¬ra¬to¬ry and the sto¬ra¬ge and technical spa¬ces, and the third level provides a ter¬ra¬ce which can be used for sci¬en¬ti¬fic ex¬pe¬ri-ments.