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Mortgage Choice是一个在澳大利亚开设数百家办事处的老字号金融经纪品牌,他们在South Yarrawanted开设了一个相当大的新办公室。
Mortgage Choice is a time-honoured brand of finance brokers with hundreds of offices across Australia. The new branch in South Yarrawanted to create a distinct identity within the larger network that would appeal to all generations.

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第1张图片


While quite refined, the office is more like a studio with a comfortable, relaxed aesthetic.  Unique for a financial business, it has an open plan with the primary focus on two custom-made work stations designed as stand-alone furniture with steel up lights at the centre.  Where separation is necessary, steel-framed glass partitionsform an executive office and casual conference rooms. The glazing is segmented with irregular banding of obscure glass, based more on a fabric design than a traditional steel window detailing, providing privacy and maintaining the open feel.

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Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第3张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第4张图片

The finishes and furnishings are an eclectic mix that is less about luxury and more about creating a memorable space. Grey rendered walls, dark timber joinery and plush silk carpeting create a richly textured backdrop. The furniture, a varied collection of coloured velvet, leather, timber and blackened steel, feels as if it has been accumulated over time. Lighting is warm and dimmable with a preference towards unique accent lightsto be more inviting. The choice of artwork further emphasizes the attention to detail that encourages customers to feel at ease.

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Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第6张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第7张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第8张图片

A relaxed setting that relates to culture, Mortgage Choice, South Yarra is an alternative to a prescriptive corporate model; it isa financial company for today.

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Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第10张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第11张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第12张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第13张图片

Mortgage Choice Workplace / b.e architecture第14张图片




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