This is a stage. The architect is commissioned to create a stage in a obsolete marble quarry for Tragedy Medea. The door added coordinates with the atmosphere pervaded through the quarry. It is plain but significant, full-loaded with a strong sense of history, succinct but not simple. Appreciation towards COR asociados Miguel Rodenas + Jesús Olivares for providing the following description:
哈维尔?莫诺剧团委托COR asociados Miguel Rodenas + Jesús Olivares为古典戏剧艺术节上演的古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的戏剧《美狄亚》设计布景。该戏剧的演出场地在一处废弃的采石场,位置十分特殊。 废弃大理石采石场荒凉无助的环境成为最佳的天然布景,蕴藏其中的情感氛围、位置、灯光甚至气味都与这出悲剧的基调十分契合。我们的策略是移除影响观感体验的一切不和谐因素。除此之外,我们增加了门的布景—美狄亚宫殿之门。
Javier Monzo Theatre Company commissioned us design and construction the scenography of Medea of Euripides, one of the great Greek tragedies,in the Classical Theatre Festival.
The tragedy is represented in a very special and meaningful place: an abandoned quarry.
The landscape of the obsolete marble quarry, helpless and defenseless is itself the best of the scene, the best of lanscape, thanks to its emotional capability, its location, its light, its smell...
Our strategy is to simply remove any discordant element that distracts the spectator experience.
We propose a gate. The door of the Medea’s Palace.

The doors are identifiable and ordinary objects, and universal signifiers of thresholds as well. door has acquired multiple connotations during history, both psychological and mythical: ranging from the entrance to a new and better world to the representation of a space with magicalfeatures. Door has the capacity to signify the space that is behind, to frame a reality that is perceived as new through the simple act of traspassingthe threshold. Thanks to its significant connotation like a latent space, doors results like places to develop an extraordinary sense of social satisfaction. In conclusion, doors represent an ambiguous boundaries: the reconquest of Medea’s Palace.

Client – Theater Company Javier Monzó Status - CompletedUse - ScenographySite - Alicante. 38o 22’ 31.90” N 0o 58’ 40.70” WPhoto – COR asociados
MORE: COR asociados Miguel Rodenas + Jesús Olivares
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