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来自德国HPP建筑事务所的分享。在过去,HPP还给我们分享了: 德国战后现代主义杰出代表作---“三片楼(蒂森总部大楼)”翻新工程 Dreischeibenhaus Refurbishment O.A.S.E.医学图书馆,杜塞尔多夫 Study Center & Medical Library, Düsseldorf 以“航空旅行”为主题的购物中心--德国Weiterstadt Loop 5 购物中心 Loop 5 Shopping Center, Weiterstadt, Germany

近日,明斯特州立保险公司5号楼(LVM5)包括塔楼,楼前广场, 艺术品,以及所有的档案工作正式画上句号,并以出版物“水晶”向世人展现它的魅力。

HPP建筑事务所自30年前就开始为明斯特州立保险公司LVM总部园区设计办公建筑。近日,在与韩国建筑师梁德奎(Ryang Duk Kyu -HPP前合伙人)的通力合作下,又一杰出的作品正式出炉, 并由于其异于平常的造型, 被称为“水晶”。

For more than 30 years, HPP Architects have been designing, planning and building offices on the Kolde-Ring Campus in Münster for LVM Insurances. The latest office tower on the campus, designed jointly by HPP and Duk-Kyu Ryang, can be viewed as a culmination of this ongoing work. The building has been named ‘Kristall’ (or ‘Crystal’ in English) as a reflection of its striking cubic geometry.

自从明斯特州立保险于1967年迁入新的园区, 便随着业务的增长不断扩建。新的 LVM5建设前,还拆除了1976年建成的一座5层的建筑。  新的建筑经过28个月的设计施工, 于2014年5月竣工,艺术品的加入与周边设施的完善,标志着整个设计正式完成。HPP通过Jovis出版社,为项目立著。

坚挺的玻璃造型耸立在园区当中, 并通过位于11层的廊桥与旁边的塔楼相连。 建筑的裙房部分主要布置了会议和培训区,2-14层为开敞式办公, 共容纳450名员工。 顶部的15-17层, 则设置了空中休息厅,城市观光区,小型接待和会议室。整座建筑,包含室内设计,家具和色调,以及艺术品都通过统一的设计语言显得极富表现力。

LVM Insurances first moved to the Kolde-Ring campus in 1967, which has been expanding ever since, and can thus be viewed as a physical representation of the insurance company’s continuous growth.

The existing 5-storey building, dating from 1976, was demolished in order to make way for the newest building on Plot 5, which has been internally referred to as ‘LVM 5.’ On 5th September 2014, the new tower, with a total gross floor area of 19,800 m2, was officially opened after only 28 months under construction. The completion of the external areas and art installation marked the end of all works, which have been documented in a publication by Jovis Verlag.

The sculpture-like glass structure twists diagonally upwards and connects to the existing neighbouring building by means of a bridge built entirely from glass and located on Floor 11. The podium houses numerous event spaces and training rooms, and Floors 2 to 14 house open-space office areas where 450 employees work. On the three uppermost floors (Floors 15, 16 and 17) the Sky Lounge offers panoramic views of Münster and provides accommodation suitable for small receptions and conferences. The influence of an expressive architectural language is palpable throughout the entire building, including the interior fit-out, the furnishings, the colour scheme and the art work.

结构四层的不规则裙房,以钢筋混凝土结构支撑, 配以大跨度的上下梁和倾斜的水泥支撑墙。塔楼的结构则是钢结构框架和混凝土楼板,配以水泥柱和核心筒。

Structural Engineering The irregular geometry of the base construction of up to 4 storeys was realised through the use of steel-reinforced concrete, with highly-stressed structural ceilings and floors, and partially-skewed bracing walls. The supporting structure of the tower comprises a steel-reinforced concrete skeleton with level-flat ceilings, struts and cores.

立面整座水晶被6000平方米的双层玻璃幕墙包裹,并形成了一道气候缓冲区。内侧的幕墙由三层玻璃构成。由于特殊的造型, 4个立面都有所不同,因此600个立面元件产生了480种差异。外层的立面根据三角形的网格设定, 内层立面则根据对角线确定。两层立面形成一道气候缓冲层,用户可根绝需要打开内窗以获得新鲜空气。

Fa?adeThe ‘Crystal’ is enclosed by 6,000 m2 of glass, composed of a climatic buffer zone in-between a double-skin fa?ade. The internal skin of the fa?ade is triple-glazed. The geometry of the fa?ades on four faces of the building varies according to the desired appearance of the building. The building contains over 600 fa?ade elements, 480 of which have a unique geometry. The external fa?ade follows the triangular grid, on which the geometry of the building as a whole is based, whereas the internal fa?ade is arranged orthogonally. The wind-shielded climatic buffer zone between the external and internal skins allows fresh air into the offices, where internal panes can be user-operable.

节能目前, 只有极少的办公建筑可被称为“正能源屋”,即能源产出大于消耗。而水晶大楼的耗能与产能分别是能源规范(107 EnEV)与德标(DIN V 18599) 参考标准的35%和58%,这里包括了通过太阳能装置(功率=100kW高峰)和热电联产(功率=70kW高峰)产生的电能,一年下来净盈余22 kWh/(m2a).正能源的产生是DGNB金奖的的重要因素, 这一奖项预计在半年后授予。

照明建筑的照明根据设计的不同要求来设计与选择产品。针对具有特殊照明要求的大堂,办公区和会议区,则采用特殊的照明装置。根据标准化照明要求和最低耗能指标, 还另外配备了LED装置作为补充。

Energy Concept There are currently few office buildings that have been designed and built as energy-plus buildings (i.e. buildings that generate more primary energy than they actually consume). ‘Kristall’ has been shown to consume 35% less useful energy and 58% less primary energy than a reference building as stipulated by regulation 107 of the ‘Germany Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)’ and ‘German DIN Standard V 18599’. If the electrical energy that is produced by the photovoltaic system (with a peak production level of 100 kW) and the communal heating system (with a production level of 70 kW) is also taken into account, a NET energy surplus of -22 kWh/(m2a) is achieved over the course of a year. The building therefore produces more energy than it consumes. This energy surplus is also a significant factor in achieving the ‘DGNB Gold Certificate,’ which is expected in the second half of the year.


项目名称:  LVM 5 明斯特州立保险5号楼 / “水晶大楼” 业主: LVM明斯特州立保险公司                              项目开发与监理:地产部门,Herbert Paschant地点: 明斯特总建筑面积: 19.800 m2 (地上: 13.300 m2, 地下: 6.500 m2)工位: 450高度: 62,4 m楼层: 地上17 层,地下3层停车位: 地下LVM 5: 135; LVM 4: 90结构:  钢筋混凝土和复合钢柱结构轴网:  3,00 m立面:  双层立面外立面: Aluminium, VerbundsicherheitsglasInnen: Holz, Dreifach-IsolierverglasungKlimatechnik:  Natürliche Be- und Entlüftung mit dezentralenFassadenlüftungsger?tenAusbauraster:  1,50 mRaumkonzept:  Open Space mit Einzelbüros und Kommunikationsfl?chen; Veranstaltungs- und Schulungsr?ume im Sockelbau绿建: DGNB 金奖 (2015年底授予)

建筑师:  梁德奎(Duk-Kuy Ryang)/ HPP Architect,杜塞尔多夫 合伙人: Gerhard G. Feldmeyer 项目负责人: Ernst Pampus 项目团队: Stephan Heimann, Oliver Wilms, Achim Leschinger 室内设计团队: Wolfgang Miazgowski, Dorothee Schulte-Kellinghaus DGNB-认证: Bj?rn Hennemann Rebecca Teubner施工管理: ama – auer management+architektur, Düsseldorf 项目主管: Walter R. Auer结构: schlaich bergermann und partner, 斯图加特     Otten Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, 明斯特能源设计: Deerns Deutschland GmbH, 科隆幕墙技术: AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Neuss照明: Ing.-Büro Nordhorn GmbH, 明斯特景观设计: Brandenfels landscape + environment, 明斯特

出版物名称: KRISTALL/水晶出版社:  柏林jovis 出版有限公司文字:  Falk Jaeger, Herausgeber照片: HG Esch ISBN: 978-3-86859-336-5起售时间: Ende Mai 2015价格: 48,00 Euro

LocationMünsterGermany2015ClientInsurance company ‘LVM Versicherung’

Facts & FiguresGFA: 19,800 m2(13,300 m2 above ground, 6,500 m2 underground)Workplaces: 450Height: 62.4 mStoreys: 17 above ground, 3 below groundParking spaces: LVM 5 underground: 135 lots; LVM 4: 90Structure:  Steel reinforced concrete with composite steel supportsConstr. Grid:  3.00 mFa?ade:  Double-skin fa?adeExternal layer: aluminium, laminated safety glassInternal layer: timber, triple-glazingAir conditioning:  Natural ventilation with decentralised fa?ade ventilation unitsExtension grid:  1.50 mSpatial concept:  Open space with single offices and communication zones; event spaces and training rooms in the plinth areaGreen Building: DGNB Gold (certificate to be awarded in 2nd half of 2015)

PlannersArchitects:  Duk-Kyu Ryang and HPP Architects, DüsseldorfPartner in Charge: Gerhard G. FeldmeyerProject Leader: Ernst PampusPlanning Team: Stephan Heimann, Oliver Wilms, Achim LeschingerInterior Design Team: Wolfgang Miazgowski, Dorothee Schulte-KellinghausDGNB certification: Bj?rn Hennemann (auditor),Rebecca TeubnerSite Supervision: ama – auer management+architektur, DüsseldorfSite Supervisor: Walter R. AuerStructural Engineer: schlaich bergermann und partner, Stuttgartwith Otten Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, MünsterEnergy Concept: Deerns Deutschland GmbH, K?lnFa?ade Techics.: AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, NeussLighting: Ing.-Büro Nordhorn GmbH, MünsterLandscaping: Brandenfels landscape + environment, Münster

PublicationKRISTALL (German edition)Publisher:  jovis Verlag GmbH, BerlinText:  Falk Jaeger, PublisherISBN: 978-3-86859-336-5Available: End of May 2015Price: 48.00 Euro





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