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“小熊车库”里的Be@rbrick展示橱窗—该项目是设计一个长16.5米,宽4.5米和高1.2米的L形橱窗来展示三种不同大小共97个Be@rbrick公仔收藏品,其中包含47个70厘米高的1000% Be@rbrick,30个28厘米高的400% Be@rbrick 和20个7厘米高的100% Be@rbrick。每一个公仔都有独特的装饰图案,如加勒比女海盗、愚蠢朋克、蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、Paul & Joe、Levi's(R)、全球之旅—Be@rbrick Mastermind Japan。Be@rbrick展示橱窗是小熊车库的核心区域,让客人在艺术品和汽车、画作和酒等收藏品之间流连忘返。

Be@rbrick cabinet at Bear Garage, the brief is to design an L-shape cabinet of 16.5 metres long, 4.5 metres wide, and 1.2 metre deep to accommodate97 Be@rbrick collectable toys of three different scales. They are forty-seven 1000% Be@rbrick of seventy centimetres high, thirty 400% Be@rbrick of twenty-eight centimetres high, and twenty 100% Be@rbrick of seven centimetres high. Each Be@rbrick has a unique decorative pattern, such asPirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow, Daftpunk, the Amazing Spider-Man, Iron Man Mark VII, Paul & Joe, Levi's(R), World Wide Tour Be@rbrick Mastermind Japan. Be@rbrick cabinet is the central piece in Bear Garage, a space where guests hangout amongst art objects and collectable items such as cars, paintings and wine.


Onion decides to juxtapose two spatial characters within the L-shape cabinet, namely the crowdedness and the spaciousness. The spacious part ofBe@rbrick cabinet is the longer side of the L-shape. The design is based on the idea of optical illusion. Onion studied Ames Room in order to createthe special effect of perceptual distortion. Horizontal planes are the main elements of design. The cabinet floor slopes down four degrees. The ceilingslants up two degrees and it vertically flips up, reaching thirty-five degrees at the corner of the room. Onion has attempted to create a new outline of the space by flipping, folding and leaning horizontal planes.

Be@rbrick橱窗越向远处延伸,其搁板也变得越来越宽,搁板的间距越来越大。每一个搁板都是特别定制的。第一个搁板与其陈列的1000% Be@rbrick公仔—“重金摇滚双面人”的肩膀同宽,而最后Be@rbrick “愚蠢朋克”搁板的宽度是第一个搁板的两倍。这样,展示窗内的1000% Be@rbricks公仔看起来越来越小,角落处最后一只公仔的尺寸似乎减少了一半。能看到橱窗正面的车库中心是最佳视觉点。

In the longer part of the cabinet, Be@rbrick shelves are increasingly wider and further apart. Each shelf is individually customised. The first one, where Be@rbrick Detroit Metal City stands, has the same width as the 1000% Be@rbrick shoulder whereas the last shelf, where Daftpunk Be@rbrickis on display, is double that width. As an effect, the 1000% Be@rbricks queuing along on these shelves seem progressively smaller until its size is reduced by half at the corner of the space. A best viewpoint to perceive this is at the middle of the Garage where the cabinet elevation can be observed.


The shorter side of the L-shape cabinet is a much simpler shelving system. The objective is to display as many Be@rbrick figures as possible. Theystand close to each other and in continuity along the racks. Seventy figures at least are on display in this limited space of 4.8 metres high. It works as a background when the cabinet is observed from the diagonal viewpoint.

店面的构想将这两种设计方案连接起来。整个Be@rbrick橱窗明亮炫白,创造出高端奢华的感觉。短边橱窗上下安装了LED灯条。1000% Be@rbrick搁板上部灯条的数量要多于100% Be@rbrick以便形成均匀的光照度。长边部分有两种照明系统,即LED灯条和LED射灯。灯条安装在天花板和后墙之间,一部分隐藏起来,而另一部分在倾斜的天花板边缘显露出来。射灯安装在黑色方形凹盒内,其尺寸和间隙沿着L形橱窗结合点不断增大。射灯精确地安装在每个1000% Be@rbrick公仔的上方。灯光系统强化了视觉错觉的效果。

What unites the two design solutions is the idea of shopfront. The entire Be@rbrick cabinet is bright and white as if the toy figures are in luxuriouswindow displays. LED strip-down-lights and LED strip-up-lights illuminate the shorter part of the cabinet. If the shelves are for 1000% Be@rbrickthe number of strip-down-light will be more than those for 100% Be@rbrick. This is to uniform the illumination. For the longer part, there are twolighting systems, namely LED strip-down-lights and LED spot-lights. The strip-lights are between the ceiling and the rear wall. They are partly hidden from sight and partly shown through the edge of ceiling slope. Spot-lights are placed in the black square boxes that are increasingly larger in scales and in gaps through out to the corner of the space. Each light bulb precisely spots on each 1000% Be@rbrick. Lighting systems emphasisethe effect of perceptual distortion.


Materials play an important part in the design. They are the matte white laminated plastic sheet, black mortises and transparent glass. On the frontal plane, the vertical mortises of six-millimetre wide are gradually spread out. These lines are the foreground of the cabinet. On the rear wall,a perspective of a room is drawn by using three-millimetre wide mortises. These thin lines are the pattern of conceptual depth. They make thecabinet appears deeper much less than set a background for the distortion of Be@rbrick size. Glass walls that envelop the entire cabinet has no frame. They are perpendicular. Again, the perception of Be@rbrick reflections is distorted at the corner of the room. Be@rbrick toys seem to havetheir double images that are thiner or fatter than themselves.


Be@rbrick cabinet brings light to Bear Garage. It somehow transforms the entire space. Cabinet ceiling that folds in various angles give shades to the whole Garage ceiling. Its steep slope extends itself from the inside to the outside of the cabinet. This darker shade of grey leads the gaze to abrighter space, that is Be@rbrick window display. Bear Garage, in this light, is far from being a car storage.English text by M.L.Chittawadi Chitrabongs

MORE: Onion




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