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惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第1张图片


Diller Scofidio + Renfro最近完成了在斯坦福大学艺术及艺术史系的麦克默特里大楼。作家弗莱德伯恩斯坦参观了Charles Renfro的这个建筑作品并为世界建筑(《World-Architects》)撰写了这篇报道。

Diller Scofidio + Renfro recently completed the McMurtry Building for the Department of Art & Art History at Stanford University. Writer Fred Bernstein got a tour of the building from Charles Renfro and filed this report for World-Architects.

惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第2张图片

在非常重视创新的校长的领导下,斯坦福大学在旧金山南部Palo Alto分校区接近主入口的地方建立了一个“艺术区” 。该区最初的两座建筑物是安德森纪念馆——一座当代艺术博物馆,和Bing音乐厅,都是由Ennead建筑事务所的Richard Olcot设计的。前者一周开放39小时,后者在举办音乐会的晚上才开放。这就形成了对聚会空间的需求,由Diller Scofidio + Renfro设计的McMurtry大楼即是对该艺术区的最新的扩建,填补了这个需求。事实上,总共花费85000000美元的这栋大楼的大部分,包括一个通过两座大型室外阶梯连接的非常诱人的天台花园,将全天候向公众开放。

Under a president who values creativity, Stanford University has been constructing an "arts district" near the main entrance to its sprawling campus in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco. The first two buildings in the district were the Anderson Collection, a contemporary art museum, and the Bing Concert Hall, both designed by Richard Olcott of Ennead Architects. The former is open 39 hours a week; the latter, on the rare evening when there’s a concert. That created a need for a gathering place, which the latest addition to the arts district, the McMurtry Building by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, is prepared to fill: Indeed, large parts of the $85 million building, including a remarkably inviting rooftop garden reached by two large outdoor stairways, will be open to the public 24-7.

惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第3张图片

但当Renfro看到McMurtry服务整个校园,服务艺术学生,他从内心感激自己的努力。这座大楼要容纳本科生和研究生上艺术史课程(即所谓的“学习链”元素),和从摄影、绘画、雕塑、设计到纪录片(“制造链”)等艺术工作室,还有建筑和艺术史图书馆。Renfro说他花了很长时间去了解每个使用者群体。”他说:“他们对工作空间的要求非常具体,”建筑师很快清楚不是一种单一的房间类型就可以满足所有需求,用途的多样性要求多种多样的形式。与这座大楼最相似的当属雷姆库哈斯位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊理工学院的McCormick Tribune校园中心,它是一系列功能引发严肃革新的愉悦突破的又一个案例。

But while Renfro sees McMurtry serving the entire campus, it is to art students that he really dedicated his efforts. The building had to accommodate undergraduate and graduate art history programs (which Renfro calls the "studying strand"), and undergraduate art studios ranging from photography to painting to sculpture to design to documentary film (the "making strand"), plus an architecture and art history library. Renfro says he spent a long time getting to know each group of users. "They’re very particular about how their spaces work," he says. It soon became clear that one type of room wouldn’t fit all — that a multiplicity of uses would require a concatenation of forms. The building’s closest analogue may be Rem Koolhaas's McCormick Tribune Campus Center at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, another case in which a grab-bag program led to a joyful explosion of formal invention.

惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第4张图片

DS + R(与Boora建筑事务所的首席建筑师合作)想出了一个相对简单的法子。“学习链”和“制造链”从地面向相反方向倾斜向上。这些斜面,目前几乎是DS + R商标的形象,呈现在一个庞大的新古典主义罗丹雕塑博物馆之中。

从与周边的自然环境的协调度来论,“学习链”是覆盖在米色涂料下,而“制造链”则被棕色锌板覆盖。Renfro说,两种材料都 “高度尊重传统的斯坦福色系”;同时,他准确地观察到,它们之间的差异足以给每个链各自明确的定位。新建筑的第三大组成部分——图书馆是一个密斯箱,黑色玻璃的外观和工字梁竖框。它是在两个倾斜的线上,是剪叉式建筑。

DS+R (working with executive architect Boora Architects) came up with a relatively simple parti.  The "studying strand" and "making strand" slant up from the ground in opposite directions. Those inclined planes, almost a DS+R trademark by now, seem radical in a setting dominated by a collection of Rodin sculptures and a hulking neoclassical museum.
In a stab at contextualism, the "studying strand" is covered in beige stucco and the "making strand" in brownish zinc. Both materials, Renfro says, are "highly deferential to the traditional Stanford palette"; at the same time, he correctly observes, they are different enough to give each strand its own identity. The third large component of the new building, the library, is a Miesian box, with a blackish glass skin and I-beam mullions. It is cradled by the two angled strands, as if the building were a scissor-lift holding a parcel.

惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第5张图片


在一次巡视建筑时,Renfro把自己介绍给一个艺术史教授,他说,“到处都有惊喜。”然后一个县的建筑检查员迎接Renfro,称非常高兴看到这座建筑落成。 Renfro回应说:“当人们开始使用它的时候,那就是它竣工的时候。”他与那些不希望自己的纯粹的创作被玷污的建筑家大不一样。他很想看到这座大楼开始服务大家,他也想看看学生们是怎样在他建设的基础上建设下去的。

But if the parti sounds simple, the resulting building isn't. Running through the angled strands are outdoor stairways that Renfro sees as updates of the campus's traditional arcades. And he wanted the arcades to offer views of what's happening inside the building. (He also wanted to create openings that allow users to see from room to room.)  Stanford was "hesitant to embrace all the transparency we proposed initially," says Renfro, who believes the users of the building don’t want or expect privacy. Having grown up in the era of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, they are happy to be on display, he says. (Compromising, Renfro coated one row of windows with translucent film, which can be removed if more openness wins out.) Another problem: Fitting rooms into structures that angle upward at 27 degrees. The "studying strand" contains stepped tiers of study carrels. The "making strand" contains a series of painting studios with angled ceilings and clerestory windows; Renfro compares them to artists' garrets.
During a tour of the building, Renfro introduces himself to an art history professor, who gushes, "There are surprises everywhere." Then a county building inspector greets Renfro and tells him it's great to see the building finished. "When people are using it, that's when it's finished," Renfro responds. He couldn’t be more unlike those architects who don't want their pristine creations sullied. Renfro is dying to see the building occupied, to see how students finish what he started.

惊鸿一瞥:艺术及艺术史系麦克默里特大楼 / Diller Scofidio + Renfro第6张图片

麦克默特里大楼只是Diller Scofidio + Renfro项目在加利福尼亚三个项目的其中之一。Broad于九月在洛杉矶打开大门,而伯克利艺术博物馆/太平洋电影档案馆将为春季首秀一起登场。占地100000平方英尺,麦克默特里大楼以其数量庞大的组成部分,在三个项目中是最复杂的一个。Renfro将建筑化繁为简的能力在该事务所的其他项目体现得淋漓精致 。

Fred Bernstein是纽约的一位作家。

照片上有一个标注:这些Iwan Baan初步拍摄的照片在大厦落成、师生迁入迎接新学期的到来之前就拍好了。世界建筑师将在Baan的照片成品发布后单独刊登。

The McMurty Building is just one of three new Diller Scofidio + Renfro projects in California. The Broad opens in Los Angeles in September, and the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive is being readied for a spring debut. At 100,000 square feet, McMurtry, with its myriad constituents, is the most complicated of the three. Renfro’s ability to transmute those complications into confident and compelling architecture bodes well for the firm's other projects.

Fred Bernstein is a writer based in New York City.
A note on the photographs: These preliminary shots by Iwan Baan were taken before the building was completed and students and faculty moved in for the fall semester. World-Architects will feature Baan's finished photos in a separate post once they are available.





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