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时       间:2016年10月10日 下午14:00 ~19:30地       点:威尼斯建筑大学 特隆宫二楼大厅

14:00~ 14:15 安吉拉· 维特西教授致欢迎辞;策展人马里诺·福林教授发言
14:15~ 15:30    何镜堂院士专题演讲《地域性·文化性·时代性——为激变的中国而设计》
15:30~15:45 咖啡茶歇
15:50~18:00 圆桌论坛:在变化的世界中设计
-  朱剑飞教授  |  墨尔本大学 建筑与规划学院 墨尔本设计学院
-  冯仕达教授  |  香港中文大学 建筑学院
-  奥尔多·艾莫尼诺教授  |  威尼斯建筑大学
-  罗伯塔· 阿别罗教授  |  威尼斯建筑大学
-  安吉拉· 维特西教授  |  威尼斯建筑大学
18:00~19:30 展览开幕仪式  " PLACE,  CULTURE,  TIME"He Jingtang: Design for Drastically Changing ChinaOpening Activites Time: 10th October, 2016 / p.m.14:00~19:30
Place: First floor, Ca’Tron, Iuav University

14:00~ 14:15    Welcome words by Prof. Angela Vettese, Introduction by Curator Prof. Marino Folin
14:15~ 15:30    Lecture by Prof. He Jingtang, title: “PLACE,  CULTURE,  TIME—Design for Drastically Changing China ”
15:30~15:45 Coffee and tea break
15:50~18:00 Round table face talk: “Design in a Changing World”
Moderators: Prof. Marino Folin and Prof. Paolo Ceccarelli
Invited scholars:
-  Prof. Jianfei Zhu   |   Melbourne School of Design, Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning,University of Melbourne
-  Prof. Stanislaus Fung   |   School of Architecture,Chinese University of Hong Kong
-  Prof. arch. Aldo Aymonino   |   IUAV University
-  Prof. arch. Roberta Albiero   |   IUAV University
-  Prof. Angela Vettese   |  IUAV University
18:00~19:30 Opening ceremony

主讲人  |   Keynote Speaker

何镜堂  |  He Jingtang
何镜堂,建筑学家,中国工程院院士。现任华南理工大学建筑学院名誉院长、建筑设计研究院院长,教授,博士生导师,总建筑师。他长期从事建筑设计、教学和研究工作,创立"两观三性"建筑论,坚持中国特色创作道路,探索出产、学、研三结合发展模式,主持设计了一大批在国内外有较大影响的优秀作品,获得多项大奖,并发表上百篇学术论文。他尤善长文化、博览建筑和校园规划及建筑设计,主持设计了2010年上海世博会中国馆、侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程及胜利纪念馆、天津博物馆、映秀震中纪念地、钱学森图书馆、西汉南越王墓博物馆、侵华日军731部队遗址罪证陈列馆、大厂民族宫、浙江大学紫金港校区和澳门大学横琴新校区等一批精品工程。He Jingtang, architect, professor, doctorial supervisor, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is now the Honorary Dean of School of Architecture, South ChinaUniversity of Technology (SCUT), and the President and Chief Architect of Architectural Design and Research Institute of SCUT (ADRISCUT). He has been long engaged in architecturedesign, teaching and research, and developed the architectural theory of Two Concepts(holistic and sustainable concepts) and Three Features (place, culture andtime). He has been pursuing the architectural creation with Chinese characteristics, and founded an approach that integrates the design practices,teaching and research. He has directed a great number of award-winning design projects that are highly influential in China and published over 100 academic papers.  He’s particularly apt at architectural design of cultural, expo and academic buildings and the campus planning. The design projects he directed include China Pavilion in the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai, Expansion of The Memorial Hall of The Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders and the Victory Memorial, , Tianjin Museum, Yingxiu Epicenter Memorial Hall, Qian Xuesen Library, Museum of the West Han Dynasty Mausoleum of Nanyue King, Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperia Army (Unit 731 Museum (New)), Dachang Palace of Nationalities, Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University, and Hengqin Campus of University of Macau etc.

策展人  |  Curator

马里诺·福林  |  Marino Folin  马里诺·福林,建筑师,1944年出生于威尼斯,1968年完成学业;1972年至1982年,任职威尼斯建筑大学建筑系城市和地域分析专业教授;1982年起,任职威尼斯建筑大学城市规划学院全职教授;1988年法国城市学院—Paris VIII客座教授;1998年威尼斯建筑双年展(汉斯·霍莱因总策展),意大利馆策展人;1991年至2006年,任职威尼斯建筑大学校长2006年至2012年威尼斯基金会副主席。2006年至2013年威尼斯大学基金会主席;2013年至今雅伦格文化艺术基金会主席;2015年任米兰世博会威尼斯展科学委员会协调员;现任“威尼斯2000”基金会主席,米兰三年展董事会成员,国际环境科学学院创始人。MarinoFolin, architect, born in Venice, 1944. Graduated in 1968, became professor of“City and Territory Analysis” at the University Institute for Architecture inVenice (IUAV) in 1972; since 1982 full professor of Town Planning; and in 1988,a visiting Professor at the Institut Francais D’Urbanism - Paris VIII. Between1991 and 2006, he has been Rector of the IUAV University.MarinoFolin was Curator of the Italian participation at 6th Architecture Exhibition Venice Biennale in 1998 (Hans Hollein Director). Amongst others, he has been amember of the board of directors of Milan Triennale, founding member of theInternational Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES); and since 2006,President of IUAV Foundation (-2013), Vice President of Fondazione Venezia(-2012), and the President of Venezia 2000 Foundation. Currently, he is theCoordinator of the Scientific Committee of Venice's exhibition at the coming2015 Expo in Milan, and, since 2013, President of EMGdotART Foundation.

特邀嘉宾  |  Invited Scholars
(按发言顺序 Iisted by speech order)

齐珂理  |  Paolo Ceccarelli 齐珂理,国际知名的城市规划、历史城市保护及发展研究专家,意大利费拉拉大学城市分析和城市规划专业终身教授,城市区域和环境研究中心主任,国际建筑和城市设计实验室主席,联合国教科文组织“地方性城市和区域可持续发展规划”委员会主席 。曾任威尼斯建筑学院院长,费拉拉大学建筑学院院长,在美国MIT、UC Berkeley、圣克鲁兹大学任客座教授,是哈佛大学、早稻田大学访问学者。从1960年代开始在意大利、法国、美国、古巴、埃塞俄比亚、利比亚、巴西、智利、阿根廷、中国、越南以及其他世界各国从事城市历史中心和遗产保护及发展项目。齐珂理教授是华南理工大学中意建筑与城市研究中心双主席之一。 Prof. Paolo Ceccarelli is an internationally renowned expert on urban planning, urban heritage conservation and innovation in historic cities. He is Professor of Urban planning and Analysis in University of Ferrara, Director of CRUTA (Center for Urban Regional and Environment Research), Chairman of ILAUD,(International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design) UNESCO Chair in Urban and Regional Planning for Local Sustainable Development.He was the former dean of IUAV in Venice, and of Faculty of Architecture in University of Ferrara for a long time. Also, he was visiting professor at MIT, UC Berkeley and Santa Cruz University, visiting scholar at Harvard University and Waseda University. From the 1960s onwards, he has been involved in urban heritage conservation and development projects in Italy, France, the United States, Cuba, Ethiopia, Libya, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, China, Vietnam and many other countries around the world. Prof. Ceccarelli is one of the co-chair of Sino-Italian Center for Architecture and Urban Design in South China University of Technology.

朱剑飞  |  Jianfei Zhu
朱剑飞,天津大学和伦敦大学毕业,1994年伦敦大学院(UCL)获博士学位,从此开始学术生涯,研究建筑理论与历史,主要以跨文化比较方法和社会政治学方法研究中国建筑课题。他研究了明清北京的政治空间,近现代中国建筑历史的重要节点,视觉与形式的关系,以及形式与政治的关系等课题。他出版了英文专著ChineseSpatial Strategies: Imperial Beijing(Routledge2004)和Architectureof Modern China (Routledge2009),以及多篇著名文章,包括‘Criticalityin between China and the West’ (Journalof Architecture, 10/5, 2005)和‘Empireof Signs of Empire’ (HarvardDesign Magazine 38, 2014)。他受邀在世界各地做了70次演讲,演讲机构包括麻省理工学院、哈佛大学设计学院、伦敦建筑联盟、伦敦皇家艺术院,以及香港、南京、上海、杭州、北京的各建筑院校。他目前任教于澳大利亚墨尔本大学建筑城规学院。JianfeiZhu studied architecture at Tianjin University China and Bartlett Schoolof University College London. Obtaining a PhD at UCL in 1994, he embarked on anacademic career, focusing on theory and history of architecture, with a focuson China in a comparative and socio-political perspective. He has worked onspatial politics of imperial Beijing, critical moments of modern Chinesearchitecture, issues of vision and form, and relations between ‘form’ andpolitics. He is the author of Chinese Spatial Strategies: Imperial Beijing (2004) and Architecture of Modern China (2009), both byRouteldge, and many papers including ‘Criticality in between China and theWest’ (Journal of Architecture, 10/5, 2005) and ‘Empire of Signs of Empire’(Harvard Design Magazine 38, 2014). He has delivered 70 public lectures atinstitutions such as MIT, GSD, AA, Royal Academy of Arts (London) and architectural schools in Hong Kong, Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing. He is currently teaching at the University of Melbourne.

奥尔多•艾莫尼诺   |   Aldo Aymonino
奥尔多•艾莫尼诺,是威尼斯建筑大学建筑与艺术学院的全职教授,主要研究方向为“设计与城市设计”。他的诸多项目和学术研究成果广泛见于意大利及国际的各大重要建筑期刊,并参与了众多国内外重要的展览包括柏林、伦敦、多伦多、纽约、罗马等。他曾于许多意大利及国际的著名建筑学府讲学,包括里昂、苏黎世、代尔夫特、多伦多、圣保罗等。AldoAymonino is Full Professor at the Università IUAV di Venezia where he teach"Design and Urban Design" in the Department of Architecture and Arts.Many of his project and essays were published in the most importantarchitectural reviews in Italy and abroad. He had expose his work in many exhibitionsin Berlin, London, Toronto, New York, Rome etc. He gave lectures on his work inmany University in Italy and abroad (Lyon, Zurich, Delft, Toronto, SaoPaulo, etc.).  

冯仕达  |  Stanislaus Fung      冯仕达,香港中文大学建筑学院副教授及硕博学位课程主任。此前,他曽任职于南澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、美国宾夕法尼亚大学以及澳大利亚悉尼的新南威尔士大学。冯教授曽就澳大利亚建筑、中国当代建筑以及中国园林史等研究专题发表论文,关于他的最新的工作成果可参见《牛津汉学书目·园林部分》:《日常亚洲:变化世界中的可能性》(Erwin Viray编,东京,2015)、《建筑学报》(2016),以及《思考当代景观》(将于2016年十月由普林斯顿建筑出版社出版)。StanislausFung is Associate Professor and Director of the MPhil-PhD programme in theSchool of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Previously he was appointed in the Universityof Adelaide (South Australia), in the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)and in the University of New South Wales (Sydney). Professor Fung has publishedwidely on Australian architecture, contemporary Chinese architecture andChinese garden history. His recent work can be found in Oxford Bibliographiesin Chinese Studies, in The Asian Everyday: Possibilities in the Shifting World(ed. Erwin Viray, Tokyo, 2015) and Jianzhu xuebao (2016). A new essay forThinking the Contemporary Landscape (ed. Christophe Girot & Dora Imhof)will be published by Princeton Architectural Press in October 2016.

罗伯塔• 阿别罗   |    Roberta Albiero 罗伯塔• 阿别罗,威尼斯建筑大学建筑与城市设计副教授。她1992年毕业于威尼斯,  师从意大利著名建筑师ArrigoRudi和普利策建筑奖得奖者Eduardo Souto de Moura,并于米兰理工大学取得城市与建筑设计博士学位。现于建筑与文化硕士课程中,在可持续环境工作室内主持建筑设计的教学。她是一位研究20世纪意大利建筑学的作者,目前正研究地中海城市的可持续建筑,研究成果通过设计、竞赛、奖项和论文被广泛认可。RobertaAlbiero is an associate professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the University IUAV of Venice. She graduated in 1992 in Venice with Arrigo Rudi andEduardo Souto de Moura. She obtained the Phd in Urabn and architecture Designat the Politecnico of Milan. She currently teaches Architectural Design insidethe Atelier of Environmental Sustainability in the Master of Architecture andCultures of the Project and holds an intensive summer workshop. She is theauthor of studies on Italian architecture of the twentieth century. She iscurrently conducting research on models of sustainable architecture for the Mediterraneancity. These researches through design and in competitions, have been recognizedwith awards and reports.

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何镜堂 (13 articles)