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Solange Azagury Partridge和Ladurée 的合作款甜品直击你的味蕾
Solange Azagury-Partridge’s collaboration with Ladurée hits the sweet spot


创始于1862年的拉杜丽(Ladurée)凭借马卡龙被世人熟知。“Solange pour Ladurée”是珠宝设计师Solange Azagury-Partridge和法国著名轻奢面包坊的合作产品,让人垂涎欲滴。


Found in 1862, Ladurée is renowned for its creation of the first double-decker macaroon. ‘Solange pour Ladurée’, the mouthwatering collaboration between Solange Azagury-Partridge and the French luxury bakery is a flavoursome match.
The London-based jeweller has created a macaron gift box, featuring eight individual flavours encased in a colourful cardboard rainbow. It features not only a fine spectrum of seven macarons (a nod to Azagury-Partridge’s kaleidoscopic aesthetic), but her own newly developed ‘Solangette’ biscuit.

珠宝设计师Solange Azagury-Partridge/Jewellery designer Solange Azagury-Partridge

根据拉杜丽(Ladurée)首席甜点师Claire Heitler的构想,这款饼干由两种填满桔子酱的巧克力味甜点层组成。“这个作品的灵感来源是一款‘橙香四溢’巧克力、一片被巧克力包裹的橙子皮和我最爱的糖果。” Azagury-Partridge解释道。

Conceived by Ladurée’s head pastry chef Claire Heitler, it is made up of two chocolate macaron shells filled with marmalade. ‘It’s based on an orangette, an orange peel covered in chocolate, and my favourite sweet,’ explains Azagury-Partridge.

“Tri-Di戒指”,由十八克拉的黄金以及钻石、蓝宝石、祖母绿、陶瓷板和漆器制作而成/‘Tri-Di Ring’, 18ct yellow gold with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, ceramic plate and lacquer

“我的珠宝有时候看上去很好吃。”她说道,“我使用的这些彩色的宝石和祖母绿让作品看上去都非常甜美。”在Azagury-Partridge最近名为“流行之尾”的收藏品中,别具一格的鸡尾酒色戒指,由拥有五彩斑斓层次的陶瓷和漆器精巧制作而成。它像奶油蛋糕表面的各层颜料,也仿佛一块可食用的岩石断层。亦或是,在名为“Enamel”的系列藏品中,“Smartie Mother指环”由闪闪发光、裹着糖衣巧克力的糖果组合而成。

‘My jewellery looks edible in a way,’ she says. ‘The coloured gemstones and enamels that I use are quite sweetie-like.' Take Azagury-Partridge’s recent ‘Poptails’ collection, which features chunky cocktail rings crafted from colourful layers of ceramic and lacquer, resembling layers of food-dyed sponge cake or the strata of edible rock. Or the ‘Smartie Mother Ring’ in the ‘Enamel’ collection, evoking an assemblage of shining sugar-coated chocolate confectionary.



‘I also design the way my jewellery is presented, which involves both packaging and display,’ she says of her focus on product design. ‘The macaron box represents my vision of the world. The rainbow is a signifier of every colour, and my practice is about exploring every shade.’ We think it makes for a tasty mouthpiece.





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