
(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计实习生 / 室内设计实习生

事务所简介 About us

WAY Studio是一所以艺术体验为出发点,致力于将不同领域的知识创造性地带入建筑设计,创造出可持续的,具有未来感的,能持续探索未知领域的建筑或空间。事务所同时与包括艺术家,服装设计师,工程师等在内的各界人士进行跨界合作,并通过这样的合作探索新可能性。

办公环境 Office

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第1张图片

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第2张图片

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第3张图片

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第4张图片

项目 Projects

▽ 2014年古根海姆美术馆赫尔辛基建筑设计竞赛 More:Guggenheim Museum Helsinki Competition Entry / WAY Studio

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第5张图片

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第6张图片

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第7张图片

▽ 英国Sanford Bridge桥梁设计

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第8张图片

▽ 白云山度假酒店

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第9张图片

▽ 2015国贸圣诞装置 More:“The Tree” by Way Studio

(北京)未之建筑设计研究所(WAY-Studio) – 建筑设计师 / 助理设计师 / 建筑设计...第10张图片

职位 Vacancies

O 建筑设计师 Architectural Designer
1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位,需有4年及以上工作经验;
2. 参与过2个及以上大型工程实践及实施项目(请在作品集中说明所任工作及职务);
3. 有良好专业能力和良好的设计感以及理解能力;
4. 能够熟练使用AutoCAD、犀牛等基本常用软件,能熟练使用Maya者更佳;
5. 应聘者性格热情积极,能够配合办公室的高速工作节奏,同时有极强沟通能力。
The ideal candidate should:
1. Possess a Bachelors or higher degree in architecture
2. Have a minimum 4 years of experience
3. Strong understanding of design and technical specifics
4. At least involved with 2 under construction/completed projects in past working experiences, please be specifics with your role on those projects in your portfolio;
5. Expertise in AutoCAD and Rhino at least. Could use Maya, will be highly preferred;
6. Strong manager of time, quality, schedule, and team
7. Can keep up with the fast-paced work environment and deal with obstacles and tight deadlines with a positive attitude. The candidate should also be out-going, strong communicator and able to prioritize and multi-task when he/she is required to do so.

O 助理设计师 Assistant Architect
1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位,1年以上全职工作经验;
2. 至少参与过1个大型工程实践及实施项目,请在作品集中说明所任工作及职务;
3. 能够熟练使用AutoCAD、犀牛等基本常用软件,能熟练使用Maya者更佳;
4. 有较强的设计能力、语言表达能力和沟通能力;
5. 应聘者性格热情积极,能够配合办公室的高速工作节奏,同时有极强沟通能力。
The ideal candidate should:
1. Possess a Bachelors or higher degree in architecture;
2. Have at least 1 years of experience in an architect firms or architectural design institute;
3. At least involved with 1 under construction/completed projects in past working experiences (past experiences in hotel, urban mix-used, civic building projects desired), please be specifics with your role on those projects in your portfolio;
4. Expertise in AutoCAD and Rhino at least. Could use Maya, will be highly preferred;
5. strong manager of time, quality, schedule, and team;
6. Out-going, self-motivated, can multi-task in tide time-frame, keep up with fast pace of office.

O 建筑设计实习生 / 室内设计实习生 Internship
我们随时欢迎优秀的建筑学生来加入我们的设计团队实习, 申请者需具备以下要求:
1. 建筑及相关专业大学本科二年级或以上在校生,能够保证3个月的实习期;
2. 拥有较强的设计能力和独特的设计作品集,有相关工作经历者更佳;
3. 掌握二维制图软件AutoCAD的使用;至少拥有Rhino或Maya的三维建模能力,并具有Photoshop,Illustrator和InDesign制图能力;
4. 应聘者性格热情积极,能够配合办公室的高速工作节奏,同时有极强沟通能力。
We are seeking talented Architectural Intern with a passion for Design. This position will be based in WAY’s Beijing. The position requires you to work with an experienced team in all phases of design on a variety projects, and offers the opportunity to learn, practice and grow with the firm under the supervision of project lead architects, senior architects, associates and principals.
The ideal candidate should:
1. Architectural or design students,2nd year and above;
2. Possess strong design abilities; preferably candidates who has worked in Architectural offices before;
3. Experience with producing SD drawings sets;
4. Must know and be very familiar with software such as AutoCAD, Rhino and/or Maya. Skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign;
5. Able to keep up with the fast-paced work environment and deal with obstacles and tight deadlines with a positive attitude.

申请方式 How to apply

The candidates shall send his/her resume, and any previous graphic design in PDF format (do not exceed 10MB) to
Please indicate the position you are applying for in the email subject.




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未之建筑设计研究所 (2 articles)

建筑设计师 (118 articles)

助理设计师 (7 articles)

建筑设计实习生 (9 articles)

北京 (746 articles)