Wooden straight- BoTeng Ornament Panel Exhibition Hall- ShenZhen/ Dickson Design
该项目位于深圳市罗湖区八卦岭,与大部分木饰面展厅相似, 展厅的原貌具备了许多展厅都存在的特征:灯光混乱、过度成列、收纳空间缺乏、没有体现产品特性。
The project located at BaGuaLing, Luohu,Shenzhen, which familiar with a majority of wood veneer exhibition hall: confused lights, too many displays, lack of receiving space and cannot show the feature of products.
▼改造前照片,Photos before modification
首先改变入门压低的方式 ,相对原有场地延长了玄关的进深 ,让空间营造一种仪式感和神秘感,连接进出口的一个灰空间门洞压到800, 先矮后高的产生强烈的对比。再通过木饰面和白墙的组合,把墙体与装饰手法相融合,在将原有柱体作为新建展墙的支撑构件的同时,利用看似随机偏移角度、厚薄变化的墙体,弱化参观者对原有均质空间结构的认知,建成后的展厅使得展品成为其有机的组成部分,而非各自为阵,孤芳自赏的独立存在,突破了传统展陈空间通过牺牲空间个性来突出单一展品的固有模式。
The biggest challenge of retrofit design is the consistency of the cabinets. The site and limited space of two rows of cabinets should be keep in the same after reform. We try to mix the flexible and rich streamlines and the various of products by this way. Firstly change the way of “walk-in-bending”when enter the room, oppositely, extend the entrance long to make the feel of mystique and sense of ritual and shorten the gray space door to 800 which connected with the entrance which can be a strong contrast. And then using the skill of decoration, via the combination of white walls and wood veneers, using the original columns as the supporting stuff, and the walls----thick-thin and seems moved angles to weaken the sense of customers to the original space. When it done will let products seems like born in the hall, not the separated parts of the space. This, break the traditional fixed formula---only knows to shoot all lights on the products.
▼实景照片,completed scene
项目通过运用可调节的灯光效果首先吸引顾客的注意, 从不同视觉效果来呈现产品,产品按照合理的倾斜角度,在长 4.5米的展架上方形成完整的序列,产品陈列方式让产品本身回归到属于它们本身的价值区间上。结合不同形式成功把产品的特点和功能展现出顾客,成功促成交易和消费升级的差异化设计。
Firstly the project can attract customers’ attention by the adjusting lights, from different visual effect to show the products. We use reasonable angles on the 4.5m display rack to show all products which the way can let the products own value back to their own. Combined different forms and design we can successfully show the product feature and function to customers, which easily bring more business.
The design of in-directed lights and spot lights which mixed new and old, show and office.
Project Overview:
Designed Date: 2017
Status: Done
1st Party: BoTeng Ornament Panel Exhibition Hall
Function: ShowingSpace
Covered Area: 70m2
Location: ShenZhen, China
Architectural design: Dickson Design (SZ) Itd, Company
Project Team
Major Designer: Dickson Xie
Photograph: HongFei Zhao
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