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In Memoriam—Those we Lost in 2017



In 2017, we said farewell to some of our most legendary names. This year will regretfully be remembered for its notable losses as we said goodbye to some of architecture's biggest and brightest champions, educators, historians, and practitioners. Here, we pay tribute to those who changed the field, and for many, our lives.

↑ 联邦调查局总部/FBI Headquarters


Carter Manny (1918-2017)

今年早些时候去世的Carter Manny在他数十年的职业生涯中曾参与过O'Hare国际机场和J. Edgar Hoover联邦调查局总部大厦等标志性项目。他还担任过芝加哥格雷厄姆基金会的董事,并为世界各地的建筑师提供研究经费。

Over the course of his decades-long career, Carter Manny, who passed away at 98 earlier this year, worked on iconic projects such as the O'Hare International Airport and the J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I Building. He also served a lengthy career as the director of the Graham Foundation, a Chicago organization that offers research grants to architects around the world.

↑ 纽约无线电城市音乐厅,由Hardy在1999年重新设计/Radio City Music Hall in New York, renovated in 1999 by Hardy


Hugh Hardy (1932-2017)

在他传奇的职业生涯中,建筑师Hugh Hardy 给纽约市最著名的戏剧地标注入了新的活力,无线电城音乐厅,新阿姆斯特丹剧院和彩虹厅等项目都是他的代表作品。Hardy在3月去了乔伊斯剧院观看舞蹈表演,这是一座昔日摇摇欲坠的电影院,30年前经由他的翻修成为世界首屈一指的舞蹈剧院。在观看完表演后,他永远离开了我们。他的作品、他的建筑理念将被后人永远铭记。

Over the course of his legendary career, architect Hugh Hardy breathed new life into some of New York City’s most famous theatrical landmarks, with his many restoration and renovation projects including Radio City Music Hall, the New Amsterdam Theater, and the Rainbow Room among others. Hardy passed away in March while attending a dance performance at the Joyce Theater—an former crumbling movie house that he had renovated 30 years prior and turned into one of the premiere dance theaters in the world. He will be remembered for his overall influence on the architecture profession, the historic preservation movement, and urbanism in New York.

↑ 建筑艺术店面,由Vito Acconci和斯蒂文•霍尔于2003年合作完成/Storefront for Art and Architecture, completed in 2003 by Vito Acconci and Steven Holl


Vito Acconci (1940-2017)

Vito Acconci 是纽约艺术界深具影响力的先锋概念艺术家和实验设计师,于2017年4月去世。到了80年代,这位以诗人出身的表演艺术家成立了Acconci工作室,并开始专注于理论研究、建筑设计以及景观设计。他最着名的项目有Murinsel,这是一个浮动在奥地利穆尔河上的平台,以及位于密尔沃基中西部航空中心的人行道。但对于建筑师,Acconci最知名的作品是他与斯蒂文•霍尔(Steven Holl)合作的纽约建筑艺术店面。

The pioneering conceptual artist and experimental architect, who had been a deeply influential force on the New York art scene for decades, died in April of 2017. By the 80s, the poet-turned-performance artist founded Acconci studio and began to focus on theoretical design and building as well as landscape architecture. Among his most notable projects are Murinsel, a floating platform on the Mur river in Austria, and Walkways Through the Wall, an installation in the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee. But for architects, Acconci's most recognizable work will be his collaboration with Steven Holl, the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York.

↑ 书斋/Studiolo by Diane Lewis Architect


Diane Lewis (1951-2017)

具有理论家、历史学家、实践者、教师多重身份的Diane Lewis于2017年5月去世,她是纽约建筑界的中心人物。在为贝聿铭(I.M. Pei)、理查德•迈耶(Richard Meier)工作后,然后建立了自己的同名公司,这位建筑师、教育家成为了第一位库珀建筑联盟的女性成员,于1993年被赋予终身任职的使命。她将自己的全部热情投入到工作室教学和批判性写作的实践中,鼓励学生运用“城市建筑”的设计理念。

Lewis, who died in May, was a central fixture in the New York architecture community as a theorist, historian, practitioner and teacher. After working for Richard Meier, I.M. Pei and then establishing her own eponymous firm, the decorated architect and beloved educator became the first woman appointed to The Cooper Union's full-time architecture faculty, where she was tenured in 1993. She fiercely dedicated her practice to studio teaching and critical writing, inspiring many students with an approach that encouraged an engagement with concepts of “the architecture of the city.”

↑ 加州住宅/House in California. Photo by Darren Bradley/Courtesy of Darren Bradley.


William Krisel (1924-2017)

William Krisel是一位将自己的中世纪现代主义理念带入南加利福尼亚州住房设计里的建筑师,于今年去世,享年92岁。这位建筑师因对蝶形屋顶的妙用而闻名,他的大部分时间在南加利福尼亚州工作,在该地区设计了3万户家庭住宅。他的遗产将运用于多项建筑保护项目中,并持续为建筑业做出贡献。

William Krisel, a pioneering architect who brought his vision of mid-century modernism to Southern California tract housing, died this year at the age 92. The esteemed architect, known for his use of the butterfly roof, worked largely in Southern California having designed over 30,000 homes in the region. His legacy continues to capture the public’s imagination fostering a significant preservation movement and placing many Krisel-designed homes on the market.

↑ Conrad B. Duberstein美国破产法院和邮政总局,由Kliment Halsband建筑事务所在2006年重新装修和扩建/Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse and General Post Office, renovated and expanded 2006 by Kliment Halsband Architects


Robert Michael Kliment (1933-2017)

6月份去世的Robert Michael Kliment是纽约Kliment Halsband Architects公司的创始人之一  。其代表作有普林斯顿大学和哥伦比亚大学的计算机科学大楼、耶鲁大学神学院的翻新工程,以及纽约布鲁克林和密西西比州格尔夫波特的联邦法院。他注重建筑的历史和文脉。作为一个实践者,他的设计作品既严谨又精确。

Robert Michael Kliment, who passed away in June, was a cofounder of the New York-based practice, Kliment Halsband Architects. Prominent works on which he was the principal designer include the computer science buildings at Princeton and Columbia, the renovation of the Yale Divinity School, and federal courthouses in Brooklyn, New York, and Gulfport, Mississippi. He practiced a humanistic architecture that engaged thoughtfully with historical and cultural contexts and as a practitioner, he brought a rigorous precision to the everyday craft of design.

↑ Frank Welch设计的“The Birthday”/The Birthday by Frank Welch. Photo by Ezra Stoller


Frank Welch (1927-2017)

Frank Welch 被亲切地被誉为“院长”。在其在世90年中,他设计了许多宽敞优雅的建筑作品。Welch是得克萨斯地区现代建筑的标杆,在那里留下了他著名作品,其中有“The Birthday”、Walter Davis故居和Midland的福雷斯特石油大厦。他于今年六月逝世。

Known affectionately as "The Dean," Frank Welch's 90 years on earth spanned the creation of numerous spacious, elegant structures in a state primed for the appreciation of wide open spaces. Welch was the standard bearer of Texas regional modern architecture with some of his most famous works including "The Birthday," the Walter Davis House, and the Forrest Oil Building in Midland. He passed away in June of this year.

↑ 挪威贝鲁姆的电信公司全球总部/Telenor World Headquarters in Fornebu, Norway


Peter Pran (1935-2017)

挪威出生的建筑师Peter Pran于七月五日去世,享年八十一岁,在Ellerbe Becket、Skidmore、Owings&Merrill和NBBJ等企业任职数十年期间,他因大规模实践中倡导创新而建立起声誉。普兰还是一位有影响力的教育家,曾在堪萨斯大学、康奈尔大学、伊利诺伊大学和芝加哥大学以及日本、意大利和丹麦高校进行教育工作。

The Norwegian-born architect Peter Pran died on July 5 at the age of 81, following decades at firms such as Ellerbe Becket, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, and NBBJ, where he built a reputation for championing innovation in large practices. Pran was also an influential educator, having taught at schools including the University of Kansas, Cornell University, and the University of Illinois-Chicago, as well as schools in Japan, Italy, and Denmark.

↑ Purple酒店的明信片,印制于1960年间/A postcard for the Purple Hotel, printed around the time it opened in 1960. Sun-Times Archive.


John Macsai (1926-2017)

匈牙利出生的建筑师、大屠杀幸存者John Macsai于8月份去世。他因设计了众多沿着海滨大道的高楼和著名的Purple酒店而闻名。

The Hungarian-born architect and Holocaust survivor John Macsai, who passed away in August, left his mark on Chicago with his numerous high-rises along Lake Shore Drive and the famed Purple Hotel; now demolished, the Hyatt property hosted everyone from Michael Jordan to Perry Como back in its heyday.

↑ 拉脱维亚国家图书馆/The National Library of Latvia. Photo by Indriķis Stūrmanis


Gunnar Birkerts (1925-2017)

这位出生于拉脱维亚的建筑师以独特形式的建筑作品而闻名,享年92岁。在其49岁移居美国,为埃罗•沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)工作之后,Birkerts继而成为高级现代主义风格的领军人物。其代表作有休斯顿当代艺术博物馆和明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行。不久之前,美国建筑师协会向他颁发了图书馆建筑奖,用于表彰其辞世之作——里加的拉脱维亚国家图书馆。

The Latvian-born architect known for his unexpected forms passed away this year at the age of 92. After moving to the U.S. in '49 and working for Eero Saarinen, Birkerts went on to establish himself as a leading practitioner of the high Modernist style with projects such as the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston and the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis. Shortly before his passing, the AIA awarded him with their Library Building Award for his final, and perhaps most triumphant building, the Latvian National Library in Riga.

↑ 马萨诸塞州坎顿法典公司总部/Codex Corporation headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts


弗瑞德•科特(Fred Koetter,1938-2017)

波士顿Koetter Kim&Associates事务所的创始人,于八月去世,享年七十九岁,留下了大量的经典建筑作品。兼具大学建筑学院前院长、建筑师、教师、城市规划师头衔的弗瑞德•科特是现代城市的忠实拥护者,其代表项目有田纳西州查塔努加米勒公园广场等城市项目、马萨诸塞州坎顿的法典公司总部还有普林斯顿大学的费尔斯通图书馆。

Fred Koetter (1938-2017)
Founding principal of the Boston-based practice Koetter Kim & Associates, Fred Koetter passed away in August at the age of 79, leaving behind an extensive architectural legacy. The architect, teacher, urbanist, and former Dean of Yale School of Architecture, was a dedicated fan of downtowns and oversaw the creation of urban projects such as Miller Park Plaza in Chattanooga, Tennessee; the Codex Corporation headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts; and the Firestone Library at Princeton University during the course of his career.

↑ 比佛利山76加油站/The 76 gas station in Beverly Hills


黄振捷 (1922-2017)

黄振捷为战后洛杉矶建筑的发展做出了巨大贡献,他是一位华裔美籍建筑师,也是一位极具影响力的现代主义代表人物。其代表作有位于洛杉矶国际机场的蜘蛛状建筑、CBS电视城、比弗利山庄Union 76加油站。他的作品甚至激发了1962年传奇动画电视节目《杰森一家》的设计师的创作灵感。

Gin Wong (1922-2017)
Gin Wong was one of a unique group of Chinese-American architects who helped define the postwar architecture of Los Angeles. The influential, though often overlooked, modernist is responsible for some of the city's most iconic buildings; he is credited with the spider-like structure of the Theme Building at LAX, had a principal role in creating CBS Television City, his Union 76 station in Beverly Hills remains as one of the highest examples of Googie architecture in the world, and he even inspired the designers of the legendary 1962 animated TV show, The Jetsons.

↑ 布赖顿英国航空公司i360/British Airways i360 at Brighton


David Marks (1952-2017)

曾经与癌症长期斗争的马克在十月份去世,享年64岁。这位犹太建筑师因在伦敦眼和英国航空公司i360 观测塔等奇特项目而被誉为创新型梦想家  。在和他的妻子Julia建立Marks Barfield建筑事务所之后  ,他们以其企业精神和决心(他们经常投资自己的项目)而闻名于世。

Marks, who had been suffering a long battle with cancer, passed away back in October at the age of 64. The Jewish architect was famed as the innovative visionary behind fanciful projects like the London Eye and the British Airways i360 observation tower. After founding his practice, Marks Barfield Architects, with his wife Julia, the two became known for their entrepreneurial spirit and determination (they often invested in their own projects) to see their ambitions through.

↑ 由Albert C. Ledner设计完成的奥图尔医疗服务大厦,并于2014年由Perkins Eastman整修/ O'Toole Medical Services Building, designed/completed by Albert C. Ledner and renovated in 2014 by Perkins Eastman


Albert C. Ledner (1924-2017)

作为弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的学徒,Albert C Ledner因为国家海事联盟设计的三栋建筑物而迅速跃居国家舞台。其设计作品为众人所称赞,他的设计作品繁多,在职业生涯中,他在新奥尔良地区设计了40多座住宅。他的女儿Catherine Ledner去年夏天发布了一部关于他的电影,让人们在其11月去世后深切缅怀这位建筑师。

An apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert C Ledner was catapulted onto the national stage for a trio of buildings he designed for the National Maritime Union. Known for his whimsical spirit that led to joyous flourishes like using ashtrays along rooflines, Ledner also had a prolific career designing more than 40 residences in the New Orleans area. His daughter, Catherine Ledner, released a film about her father last summer, fueling a renewed interest in his work before his passing in November.

↑ 《美国建筑与城市化》是Vincent Scully于1969年出版的一部重要著作,'American Architecture and Urbanism' an important work by Vincent Scully published in 1969


Vincent Scully (1920-2017)

在耶鲁大学工作了60年之后,建筑史学家Vincent Scully在十二月初因帕金森病并发症去世。他以启发性讲座和人道主义的箴言而闻名,Scully强烈塑造了自己的教学风格,并影响了一代又一代的学生,包括诺曼•福斯特(Norman Foster),罗伯特•斯特恩(Robert Stern),林璎(Maya Lin)和Paul Goldberger等等。

After a 60-year-long teaching career at Yale University, the architecture historian Vincent Scully passed away earlier this month due to complications of Parkinson's disease. Known for his inspired lectures and humanistic proverbs, Scully has deeply shaped the field with his teachings and influenced generations of students—including Norman Foster, Robert Stern, Maya Lin and Paul Goldberger to name a small few.

↑ 洛杉矶世纪城/Century City, Los Angeles

↑ MacDonald Becket 和叔叔建筑师Welton Becket(左)/MacDonald Becket, with uncle and fellow architect Welton Becket (left)

MacDonald Becket (1928-2017)

这位有影响力的加利福尼亚州公司Welton Becket and Associates的前任董事会主席兼首席执行官于今年去世,享年89岁。接替他叔叔的公司后(他的叔叔设计了1969年的国会唱片大楼和电影院等洛杉矶地标建筑),Becket参与了260英亩世纪城项目的总体规划项目,以及成功翻修在萨克拉门托州议会大厦。他还设计了美国前总统德怀特•艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)和杰拉尔德•福特(Gerald Ford)的私人住宅,证明了他的强大实力。

MacDonald Becket (1928-2017)
The former board chairman and CEO of the influential California firm Welton Becket and Associates passed away at the age of 89. Taking over the firm for his uncle—who designed LA icons like the Capitol Records Building and Cinerama Dome—in 1969, Becket was instrumental in coordinating the master planning and architectural implementations of the 260-acre Century City project, and in the successful renovation of the state capitol building in Sacramento. He also designed the personal homes of former US presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Gerald Ford, attesting to his far reaching influence.

↑26号案例研究住宅/ Case Study House #26


Beverley Thorne(1924-2017)

加州建筑师、案例研究之家的最后一位贡献者于近期逝世,享年93岁。其代表作有哈里森之家和26号住宅,这是一座位于山顶上湾区的白色钢架别墅。同时他还为传奇钢琴家Dave Brubeck设计了位于加利福尼亚州和康涅狄格州的住宅。

The California architect and last living contributor of the Case Study Houses program passed away recently at the age of 93. His contribution, the Harrison House or #26, was a four-bedroom, all-white steel frame home perched on top a hill in the Bay Area. Thorne was also the architect behind the often photographed California and Connecticut homes of the legendary jazz pianist Dave Brubeck.





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