
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实习生 / 景观设计师 / 三维表现设计师

关于Studio Zhu-Pei

朱锫建筑设计事务所成立于2005年,是国际知名建筑事务所之一。事务所位于北京市中心,基于“自然建筑”的理念创作并实践了一系列富有创新的建筑代表作品,包括阿布扎比古根海姆艺术馆 (阿布扎比,2006),北京古根海姆博物馆 (北京,2007),数字北京–奥运监控中心(北京,2008),蔡国强四合院改造(北京,2007),798 佩斯美术馆 (北京,2010),OCT设计博物馆(深圳,2011),北京民生现代美术馆(北京,2015),太庙美术馆(北京,2015)等。朱锫建筑的设计作品曾在多个国际知名展览中展出如:威尼斯建筑艺术双年展,英国维多利亚博物馆“创意中国展”,法国蓬皮杜艺术中心“中国建筑艺术展”,巴西圣保罗建筑艺术双年展,柏林Aedes当代建筑中心“会心处不在远”建筑个展,哈佛大学“中国当代建筑展”, 柏林Aedes当代建筑中心“再兴土木展“等;多个设计作品被国际知名博物馆收藏。

对我们而言,设计的挑战在于在实现有效的解决方案的同时,反映出我们强烈的创新理念,以及一种批判性的观点。我们实验性工作框架的形成是基于建筑实践所发生的场所­—当代城市中国。在快速城市化的进程中,中国的当代城市越来越趋于相同,逐渐失去了其自身应有的特性与活力。无论从物质形态上和生活方式上都与原有城市文化相脱离。设计与建造是我们的工作,其过程就像艺术创造过程,这意味着寻找文化根源与创造新经验就如同我们思考建筑时的“车之两轮,鸟之两翼”,让建筑,一方面, 可以根植于某种特定的土壤,另一方面,开放的体系,可以容纳很多新的可能。


Studio Zhu-Pei is one of the leading Chinese architecture firms. Located in the center of Beijing, the office presents a platform for nature inspired design that reflects on an array of innovative design works. Founded in 2005, Studio Zhu-Pei has accomplished many renowned projects, including the Guggenheim Art Pavilion in Abu Dhabi (2006), Guggenheim Museum Beijing (2007), Digital Beijing (the Control Center at the Beijing Olympics in 2008), CaiGuoqiang courtyard house renovation in Beijing (2007), 798 Pace Gallery in Beijing (2010), OCT Design Museum in Shenzhen (2011), Minsheng Museum of Modern Art in Beijing (2015), Taimiao Art Museum in Beijing (2015). The works of Studio Zhu-Pei have also been chosen for international exhibitions at the Venice Biennale, Victoria and Albert Museum, Centre Pompidou, Biennial Sao Paulo, “Mind Landscapes” Solo Exhibition at Aedes in Berlin, “Contemporary Architecture in China” at Harvard University, “ZÀI XĪNG TǓ MÙ” Exhibition at Aedes in Berlin, etc; and many of the works have also been collected by important international museums.

For us, the challenge of design is to provide practical solutions while reflecting a strong and innovative conceptual thinking and a critical outlook. Our projects, therefore, are an exploration of methods to connect process to product. The framework for this investigation and the experimental nature of our work is formed by the context in which it takes place—Urban China. The recent rapid development of the country has created new urban environments that can certainly be described as modern but lack the vitality and soul of older districts. Design and construction is our work, the process is like art creation, which means that the search for cultural roots and creation of new experiences just as we think about building of “car of the rounds, birds of the wings”, so that the building, on the one hand, it can be rooted in a particular soil. On the other hand, an open system that can accommodate many new possibilities.

Currently we are working on many important cultural projects including museums, culture centers, and theaters. The projects which under construction are: Yang Liping Performing Arts Center in Dali, Museum of Contemporary Art in Dali, Shou County Culture and Art Center, Shijingshan Cultural Center, Imperial Kiln Museum in Jingdezhen, 798 Art Center in Beijing, Jingjiang Cultural Center.


清华大学建筑学硕士,美国加州伯克利大学建筑与城市设计硕士。他是中国美术馆及文化建筑设计领域中影响最大的建筑师之一。被英国The Architectural Review评为“未来建筑奖-最佳文化建筑”(2017),2019北京世界园艺博览会设计方案获得美国建筑师协会(AIA)纽约分会荣誉奖 (2015),被美国赫芬顿邮报选为“当今世界最重要的5位(50岁以下)建筑师之一”(2011),被美国Architectural Record杂志评为“全球设计先锋”(2007)”、中国建筑奖”(2005), 被英国Wallpaper杂志授予“库瓦西耶设计奖”(2009),被香港DFA评为“亚洲最高荣誉设计大奖”,“亚洲文化优异设计大奖”(2008), 被国际建筑协会、联合国教科文组织评为“设计特别奖”(1989)。担任欧洲最重要的建筑奖,“密斯凡德罗奖建筑”奖评委(2011),香港设计周评委(2011)及与伊东丰雄一道在韩国作为国际设计竞赛评委(2015)。目前担任美国哥伦比亚大学客座教授,并执教于清华大学。他曾多次受邀在美国哈佛大学,美国哥伦比亚大学,美国加州伯克利大学,美国莱斯大学,美国罗德岛设计学院,美国南加州大学,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,奥克兰大学等发表学术演讲。

Zhu Pei is the founder and principle designer of Studio Zhu-Pei, he received his Master degree in Architecture from both Tsinghua University and UC Berkeley. After being invited to design the Guggenheim Museum in Beijing and Guggenheim Art Pavilion in Abu Dhabi, Zhu Pei has become an internationally recognized architect. Recent awards include The Architectural Review Future Project Awards in 2017, Honor Award from the AIA in 2015, he was named one of “The 5 greatest architects under 50” by the Huffington Post in 2011, the Design Vanguard Award by Architectural Record in 2007, the China Award from Architectural Record in 2005, and the Courvoisier Design Award by Wallpaper Magazine in 2009, and DFA Grand Award and Special Award for Culture, Hong Kong in 2008, Special Merit Award by UIA and UNESCO in 1989. Zhu Pei has also been selected as an architecture jury member for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2011, Hong Kong Design Week in 2011 and International Design Competition in Korea in 2015. He is adjunct professor of Columbia University and Tsinghua University. He has given many lectures at Harvard University, Columbia University, UC Berkeley, Rice University, Rhode Island school of Design, University of South California, University of Texas at Austin, University of Auckland etc.

主要作品 Projects

▽数字北京 – Digital Beijing
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第1张图片

▽蔡国强四合院改造 – CaiguoQiang Courtyard House Renovation
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第2张图片

▽OCT设计博物馆 – OCT Design Museum
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第3张图片

▽北京民生现代美术馆 – Minsheng Museum of Modern Art
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第4张图片

▽大理美术馆(上),大理杨丽萍表演艺术中心(下) – Museum of Contemporary Art, Dali (top); Yang Liping Performing Arts Center (bottom)
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第5张图片

(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第6张图片

  ▽寿县文化艺术中心 – Shou County Culture and Art Center
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第7张图片

▽石景山文化中心 – Shijingshan Cultural Center
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第8张图片

▽景德镇御窑博物馆 – Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第9张图片

▽第十二届威尼斯建筑双年展—意园 – Yi Garden I, 12th Venice Biennale
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第10张图片

▽2017朱锫建筑个展“会心处不在远” – “Mind Landscapes” Solo Exhibition at Aedes
(北京)Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑设计事务所 – 主创建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实...第11张图片


O 主创建筑师 Senior Architect 2-3人
熟练掌握Autocad, Rhino, 3ds Max, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI)等软件, 能够独立运用手工研究模型发展设计概念及方案设计;
Job description:
The main architect in the early stage of the project, responsible for leading the Assistant Architect develop design in accordance with the design concept and intention of the Design Principal.
Job requirements:
Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture, 3 to 5 years of professional practice;
Strong desire in designing and experimenting with architecture, willing to explore and practice, and capable of completing schematic design and development design with high quality and high efficiency under the guidance of the Design Principal;
Proficient in Autocad, Rhino, 3ds Max, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI) and other work-related software, proficient in hand modelling;
Strong interest in architectural material and structure with capability of integrating structure, material and space together;
Passionate about architecture industry, strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit and interpersonal skills;
Keep up with fast pace of our office, strong anti-pressure ability;
Possess overseas background in education and work experiences with bilingual skills (English and Chinese preferred).

O 助理建筑师 Assistant Architect 3-5人
熟练使用Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI)等基本常用软件,会 Rhino者优先;熟练制作手工研究模型,动手能力强;
Job description:
Participated in the schematic design and discussion, and assist the Senior Architect to complete design tasks.
Job requirements:
Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture or Art, 1 to 3 years of full-time design working experience;
Strong design capabilities, responsible for developing design under the instruction of the Senior Architect, and assist the Senior Architect to complete design tasks efficiently and accurately;
Proficient in Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI) and other basic software, could use Rhino will be preferred; strong abilities in hand modelling;
Passionate about pursing the artistry of architecture, Strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit and good interpersonal skills (English and Chinese preferred).

O 建筑实习生 Architecture Internship 5-8人
熟练运用Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI)等基本常用软件,会 Rhino者优先,并拥有较强的手工模型制作能力;
Job requirements:
Bachelor’s degree or graduate in Architecture or Art, minimum 3 months of internship is required;
Proficient in Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI) and other basic software, could use Rhino will be preferred; good skills in hand modelling.;
Strong sense of responsibility, willing to try different tasks and follow the architect’s arrangements.

O 景观设计师 Landscape Designer
1. 建筑、风景园林、环艺相关专业学士或以上学位,至少拥有3年全职工作经验;
2. 熟悉国家景观设计规范,能够承担景观类项目的设计及规划工作,有从方案设计到施工图全过程经验,如有丰富植物知识更佳;
3. 熟练使用Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI)等基本常用软件,会 Rhino者优先;
4. 具有较强的艺术审美能力,对景观设计充满激情,敬业负责;
5. 具有一定的管理能力,能够有效的与业主、设计院及其他合作方进行沟通。
Job description: According to specific requirements, collaborative or independent completion of the project landscape schematic design, development design and construction drawings.
Job requirements:
1. Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture, Landscape Architecture or Art, at least 3 years of full-time working experience;
2. Familiar with national landscape design codes, capable of taking on designing and planning works of landscape projects, able to complete the whole process from schematic design to construction drawings, rich in plant knowledge is preferred;
3. Proficient in Autocad, Adobe Creative Suite (PS, ID, AI) and other basic software, could use Rhino will be preferred;
4. Strong artistic aesthetic ability, passionate about landscape design and strong sense of responsibility;
5. Capable of communicating effectively with the client, design institutes and other partners, have management capabilities.

O 三维表现设计师
职位描述: 根据方案进行模型建模,对方案的室内外场景进行渲染与后期处理。
1. 建筑专业优先,艺术设计相关专业,至少拥有2年相关工作经验;
2. 精通三维软件,如Rhino, 3D Max,V-ray,熟练使用PS,能够对场景进行渲染与后期处理;
3. 具有良好的艺术审美能力,对设计充满激情,敬业负责;
4. 有公共建筑、文化建筑项目经验者优先考虑。
Job description: The main job is modeling and rendering in accordance with design.
Job requirements:
1. Degree in Architecture or Art, at least two years of full-time working experience;
2. Expertise in Rhino, 3D Max, V-ray, Proficient in PS, capable of rendering and post processing with above software;
3. Strong artistic aesthetic ability, passionate about design and strong sense of responsibility.
4. Work experience in public buildings and cultural buildings is preferred.

如何申请 How to apply

请将个人简历和作品集以PDF格式(附件小于10MB) 发至,于邮件标题注明姓名及申请职位,并于邮件正文注明起始工作日期;
Please submit your application package including a cover letter, a complete resume and a portfolio not exceed 10MB to:


地址:北京 东四北大街 107号 科林商务大厦 B座 618
ADD: B-618 Kelin Business Center 107 N.Dongsi Street, Beijing 100007 P.R.CHINA
TEL: 86-10-64016657
FAX: 86-10-64038967
Projects and Recruitment:




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招聘 (332 articles)

朱锫建筑设计事务所 (3 articles)

主创建筑师 (18 articles)

助理建筑师 (36 articles)

建筑实习生 (13 articles)

景观设计师 (60 articles)

北京 (747 articles)