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“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第1张图片

微型居室 – 共同建设——在2018米兰设计周上的联合建筑设计的设想
MINI LIVING - BUILT BY ALL envisions collaborative architecture at Milan design week 2018


通过创造性地利用未开发的城市空间,MINI LIVING在2018年米兰设计周展示了一种新的富有远见的生活理念。通过与Studiomama工作室合作,‘微型居室 – 共同建设’装置点缀品牌的渐进主题的同时突出了参与的重要性。借此,该建筑旨在了解并解决每个人的需求和想法,使居民和建筑师在不远的将来能够建立密切的合作关系。

Once again mesmerizing by making creative use of unused urban space, MINI LIVING presents a new visionary living concept at Milan design week 2018.In collaboration with Studiomama, the ‘MINI LIVING – built by all’ installation embellishes upon the brand’s progressive themes while highlighting the importance of the principle of participation. With this, the architecture aims to understand and address each individual’s requirements, needs and ideas, enabling the potential for close collaborations between residents and architects in the not-too-distant future.

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第2张图片
All images courtesy of MINI LIVING

伦敦设计公司Studiomama和MINI LIVING事务所共同设计的 “共同建设”位于Tortona的设计区 。该设计强调用户在塑造空间中所发挥的作用。在原来的空楼分别展示了四个独立的样板居住单位,那里的居民可以享受自己的隐私,也可以向公众开放。虽然每个单元都只有15-20平方米,但是它们拥有不同的形状,颜色和材料,不仅表达了居民的不同个性,还展示了这一概念的灵活性和多功能性。这些单位与包括共用厨房、中庭、花园和室外健身房额公共区域相连 。其结果不仅产生了一个个性化的概念,而且也形成了一个独立的微型社区。

Located in the Tortona design district, ‘built by all’ which was developed in cooperation with London based design firm Studiomama emphasizes the role that users make in shaping spaces. Inside the formerly empty building, the concept showcases four separate, example living units, where residents can enjoy their privacy yet have the option to open it up to the public. With only 15-20 sqm each, all of them have different shapes, colors and materials and express not only the different personalities of their inhabitants but showcase the flexibility and versatility of the concept. The units are grouped together with a public area that encompasses a communal kitchen, ‘atrium’, garden and an outdoor gym. The result not only creates a curated, individualized concept but also one that is a self-contained mirco-neighborhood.

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第3张图片

MINI LIVING的创意主管Oke Hauser解释了装置背后的思考:“今天的标准化住房市场在满足个人需求方面的能力有限,所以我们的‘微型居室 – 共同建设’装置将人们变成活跃的创造者,并将其置于设计过程的核心。我们相信居住空间的质量取决于居民对自己家的定义。”

‘Today’s standardized housing market is limited in its ability to meet the requirements of the individual,’ says Oke Hauser, creative lead MINI LIVING, explaining the approach behind the installation. ‘So our MINI LIVING – built by all installation turns people into active creators and puts them back at the heart of the design process. We believe the quality of a living space is determined by how well the residents identify with their home.’

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第4张图片
Qke Hauser,MINI LIVING创意人(左)和Studiomama创始人Nina Tolstrup(右)/Qke Hauser, creative lead MINI LIVING (left), and Nina Tolstrup, founder of Studiomama (right)

除了伦敦建筑事务所的装置外,MINI LIVING还为相邻房间的访客设置了一个名为“创意工厂”额体验区。 客人有机会 通过模型的形式创建自己的理想生活单元。这种做法着重居民和建筑师之间的密切合作的概念,将个人创意投入在他们居住的空间中。

Besides the London architectural firm’s installation, MINI LIVING has set up an experience area for visitors in the adjacent room. Called ‘factory of ideas’, guests have the opportunity to create their own visions of their ideal living unit through the form of models. This practice reiterates the installation’s concept of close collaboration between residents and architects, fundamentally the creative input individuals have on the spaces they live in.

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第5张图片

从2018年4月17日至22日,'MINI LIVING - built by all '装置向游客开放。

From April 17-22 2018, the ‘MINI LIVING – built by all’ installation is open to visitors on via Tortona 32 in Milan, Italy.

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第6张图片

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第7张图片

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第8张图片

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第9张图片

“微型居室 – 共同建设”装置会将你变成活跃的创造者第10张图片





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