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A Grand Mountain Scene


花园山地映象是我为Het Nieuwe Instituut策划的一个突跃(pop-in)展览。在这里 Ber Slangen的想法得到了展现。这个花园绝对是独一无二的,它是这片住宅区中特殊存在的小高地。 这个花园由Ber Slangen 自己建造在它位于马斯特里赫特的家中, 前来拜访的人们总能被它的尺度和主题思想所吸引。 在经历了二战的艰辛后,Ber Slangen在骑行的过程中路过了阿尔卑斯,从当地的自然景观让他的心灵得到治愈。山野之中的景观和新鲜空气激发了他重塑自由的想法。正是基于这个灵感,他创作了这个山地花园去营造这种自由,这不需要对植物和高度有精准的还原。Ber Slangen总会花很长时间坐在他的长凳上,一边叼着烟斗一边静静看着他花园之中的自由的山地。

A Grand Mountain Scene is a pop-in expo I’ve curated for Het Nieuwe Instituut in which I present a garden designed and built by Bèr Slangen. The garden is unique and out of place in the terraced housing neighbourhood in which it is located. Constructed by Bèr Slangen in the garden of his house in Maastricht, the garden surprises visitors by its scale and theme. After the hardships of the Second World War Bèr Slangen found solace in bike rides through the Alps. The mountainous landscape and fresh mountain air inspired him to recreate the sense of freedom. He created the garden working from a sense of feeling, rather than botanical and geographical accuracy. Bèr Slangen spent many hours sitting on his bench, smoking his pipe gazing into the garden admiring his grand mountain scene.



这次的pop-in展览展出了Bèr Slangen提供的照片以及花园中的一些长凳和水管。

The pop-in expo was composed of photos from the private archive of Bèr Slangen combined with the original bench and pipe.


该展览也是奇异花园项目的一部分。Het Nieuwe Instituut一直关注着如何以最现代的方式表达文化与自然之间的传统元素。这个项目包含了五个展览,系列讲座和讨论活动。这对自然和文化之间存在的传统元素与现代的磨合进行质疑与探究。 这个展览也向公众展示了设计师、建筑师和艺术家们具有影响力的贡献,这使得我们反思如今人们与自然、与源于现代材料以及技术发展产生的环境冲击的关系。

The pop-in expo was part of the programme Dissident Gardens, Het Nieuwe Instituut focuses on the most current expressions of the classic struggle between nature and culture. The programme includes five exhibitions and a series of lectures and debates. It questions and investigates the most current manifestations of the classic struggle between nature and culture. The exhibition presents influential contributions from designers, architects and artists that allow us to reflect on our current relationship with nature, living-material innovations and the impact of technology on our lives and our environment.



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