From November 17 to 18, 2021 World Architecture News Awards (hereinafter referred to as WAN Awards) announced the award results by virtual ceremony.
As the official media partner of WAN awards, Youth Architects received exclusive award data. A total of 35 categories were reviewed by 56 judges. Finally, 78 projects stood out from 152 finalists and won gold, silver and bronze awards. Shortlist percentages by geographical region of entries from 33 categories( except for Outstanding Project of the Year and Rising Star / Emerging Practice of the Year) are shown as the diagram below.
A total of 35 gold winners were recognized, of which 12 were won by Chinese design practices, including EID Architecture,The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University, GN Architecture, SUP Atelier of THAD,Atelier cnS and Roarc Renew, etc.
评审奖/Judges' Awards
01 / 最佳新星/年度新锐事务所 Rising Star / Emerging Practice of the Year
项目名称:连州市湟川三峡旅游度假区景观步行玻璃桥工程Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic Area
设计公司:浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University
32 / 滨水建筑 Waterfront
项目名称:Apple Marina Bay Sands
设计公司:Foster + Partners
金奖 gold winner
33 / 混泥土建筑 Concrete in Architecture
项目名称:西安沣东新城莱安社区中心 LAND Community Center
设计公司:EID Arch-姜平工作室 Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Architecture
34 / 玻璃设施 Glass in Architecture
项目名称:Grand Théatre de Québec
设计公司:Lemay + Atelier 21
35 / 木结构建筑 Wood in Architecture
项目名称:华盛顿特区西南图书馆 DC Public Library - Southwest Library
关于 WAN Awards
WAN Awards是世界上最大的国际建筑奖项之一,至今已举办13届,由国际平台World Architecture News(WAN,世界建筑新闻网)创办,具有非常广泛的全球覆盖率,拥有网站读者45万,年网站访问量80万,6万2千名资讯订阅者以及逾130万社交媒体粉丝。
▲ WAN Awards 2021 线上颁奖典礼
WAN 奖项评审团由国际顶尖专家担任,包括国际一线设计机构主持建筑师、世界知名建筑学府专家等,以最专业的眼光评价参赛作品,具有极高的专业含量。
▲WAN Awards 2021 评审团
Now embracing its 13th year, WAN Awards is one of world's leading international architecture awards. The Awards was founded by the international platform World Architecture News (WAN), which enjoys a very wide global coverage, with more than 450,000 unique website visitors, 800,000 page views per year, 62,000 newsletter subscribers and a social media following of more than 1.3million.
WAN Awards’ judging panel consists of world's top experts who shall evaluate the entries with the most professional perspective.