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△ 景观符号赋予场所强辨识度 ©南西空间影像
Landscape symbol gives the place strong identification ©Nancy Studio



MixC is located at the core business district of Tianehu in the city of Hefei, Anhui Province. It has been a benchmark commercial complex since its opening in 2015. Due to rapid transformation in commercial developments in recent years, CR Land has high hopes for the project and kickstarted the first phase of the renovation on the rooftop. Through strategic upgrade, our involvement has brought dramatic transformation to the rooftop commercial realm.

△ 贴近天空的都市绿洲 ©南西空间影像
Urban garden close to the sky ©Nancy Studio

商业景观屋面的打造始终是一道复杂的难题。本次更新,我们聚焦于室内外一体化的终端体验营造。这里不仅是商业场所的延伸,更是纯粹的超自然生活美学空间。结合屋面新业态的置入,景观为这座微度假天台花园焕发出了全新的生命力,成就合肥万象城FOODIE SKY的品质跃升。

The making of a successful commercial rooftop has always been a difficult challenge. Through this regeneration, our design focused on creating ultimate experientiality at the final destination - FOODIE SKY. The rooftop becomes not only an extension of the commercial space, but also a sky garden with a surreal sense of refuge and retreat.   

△ 纯粹的景观语言 ©南西空间影像
Pure landscape design form ©Nancy Studio

△ 从高处鸟瞰餐饮庭院 ©南西空间影像
A bird's eye view of the dining courtyard from the sky ©Nancy Studio

01. 荒芜的现状
Derelict Original Site


The rooftop was originally in a state of abandonment, and has failed to contribute positively towards the commercial realm. Concrete paving with overgrown weeds were our first impression of the space.

△ 改造前屋顶_©FLO

Spatially Fragmented


The layout of the rooftop was fragmented into irregular spaces in various scales, divided by existing facility and equipment rooms. Accessibility to the roof is also poor, lacking effective connectivity with indoor and outdoor environment.

△ 改造前屋顶_©FLO

No Commercial Presence


There were no existing shops or businesses, and consequently the rooftop lacks reasons for visits. The renewal requires a comprehensive overhaul with integrated planning and design to reshape the value proposition of the rooftop.

△ 改造前屋顶_©FLO

Soil Depth Constraints


Due to technical limits on structural loads, maximum allowed soil depth varies from 0.3m to 1m in different areas of the roof. All additional structures or trees must be designed to be placed on top of existing structural columns.

02. 一滴雨 一片荷 万物生
A Drop Of Rain,A Pond Of Lotus,And All Things Are Born




Lotus pond has been a significant cultural landscape element of Anhui Province since ancient times. Historic villages surrounded by mountains, rivers and lotus ponds constitute our impressions of Anhui. The design team re-imagined the rooftop as a spatial container filled with potentials, and formed our conception of “Life in the Lotus Pond”where every drop of rain begins to nurture the lotus seeds we sow.
The design vocabulary is based on our abstraction of “lotus leaf” into rounded circles. Through multiplicity of compositions, we aimed to create spatial context and surreal qualities that depicts the rich vitality of life. Our masterplan design combines conceptual interpretation with inherent consideration for future commercial functions.

△ 空间生成 ©FLO景观设计事务所
Sketch ©FLO


We believe ultimate experientiality is best achieved through the purest application of design language. We wanted to reflect the transcendent quality of a surrealist rooftop using abstract symbolism, and ultimately create extraordinary spatiality that has memorable aesthetics where “less is more”.

03. 将“末端条件”转化为“终端体验”
Created Ultimate Experience At The Final Destination


A typical rooftop is located at the very end of circulation, and is also the most difficult space to activate successfully. However, we also found that the roof, as the “fifth facade of the city”, also provides an extraordinary sanctuary that pulls us away from trivialities of daily routines in life.

△ 访者穿行于“荷叶”之间 ©南西空间影像
Visitors walk among the “lotus leaves” ©Nancy Studio

△ 静谧的花园 ©南西空间影像
Quiet garden ©Nancy Studio


The concept of“Life in the Lotus Pond”was transformed into transcendent spatial sequences, where visitors could escape from their social identities and ordinary everyday life. The rejuvenated rooftop is more than just an upgrade on the physical space, but more importantly re-establishing customer experiential values in commercial spaces.

△ 雾森水景营造出轻盈感 ©南西空间影像
Water features create a sense of lightness ©Nancy Studio

Lotus Impressions At Interior Corridor


Lotus impressions were reflected in the artistic conception of the interior space designed by Atelier Global. Boundary between indoor and outdoor was diminished by integratedness of the circular design language. The curved ceiling forms dappled light and shadow on the ground, as if we’re walking beneath lotus leaves at the bottom of the pond.

△ 从绿植望向光影天花 ©青橙影像丨室内设计:AG汇创
Looking from the Greenery to Ceiling ©ORANGE IMAGE丨Atelier Global

△ 云朵天花下的用餐区 ©青橙影像丨室内设计:AG汇创
Dining Area beneath Clouds Ceiling ©ORANGE IMAGE丨Atelier Global

Lotus Trail At Entry Garden


As we step outside into exterior landscape, we’re immediately welcomed by an entry garden with exquisite planting clusters consisting of Rosmarinus officinalis L., Farfugiumjaponicum(L.f.)Kitam, Hydrangea paniculata Siebold and Woodwardia prolifera Hook. et Arn.. Delicate planting character forms our first impression of the surrealist sky garden.

△ 开敞的庭院入口 ©南西空间影像
Spacious courtyard entrance ©Nancy Studio

△ 弹性的外摆空间 ©南西空间影像
Flexible outdoor dining space ©Nancy Studio

Lotus Grove At Dining Courtyard


The renovated courtyard is surrounded by dining businesses. The layout takes into consideration of commercial circulation and outdoor dining, with dispersed clusters of planting to form visual and experiential richness at the courtyard. Planting clusters are about 3 to 5 meters apart, deliberately creating sense of affinity in scale. The garden consists of tallow trees with plantings such as Leucocasia gigantea (Blume) Schott, Aspidistra elatior Blume, Farfugiumjaponicum(L.f.)Kitam, Agapanthus africanus and Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C. Presl.

△ 植物组团描摹自然界中的荷叶群落 ©南西空间影像
Plant group depicts the lotus leaf community in nature ©Nancy Studio

△ 被自然包裹的亲和尺度 ©南西空间影像
Scale of affinity wrapped in nature ©Nancy Studio

Lotus Bay At Stepping Terraced


As we stroll towards the west side of the rooftop, our views open up to the stepping terraces with open lawn in the foreground. The terraces are spatially composed of cascading steps, seating edges, plantings and multi-functional platforms in rounded geometries, creating journey experiences like moving in-between lotus leaves. We used tallow trees and vegetation such as Liatris spicata (L.) Willd., Pseudolysimachion spicatum (L.) Opiz, Salvia japonica Thunb. and Agapanthus africanus to create a subtly differentiated experiential character.

△ 层叠的台地花园 ©南西空间影像
Terraced garden ©Nancy Studio

△ 弥漫绿意的休憩平台 ©南西空间影像
Relaxing garden filled with greenery ©Nancy Studio

Lotus Pavilions At Focal Stage

浮萍般的焦点廊亭位于屋面西侧的末端,景观团队与CAN Design合作完成了该节点的空间一体化设计;廊亭下方结合层叠错落的种植池、曲形阶梯及坐阶形成多功能的参与性空间。平日模式下,这里作为休憩平台使用,此外也可承担活动模式下的舞台功能,在中大型活动中成为地标背景。设计挑选迷迭香、芙蓉菊和柳叶星河等观赏型地被,结合棕红色碎木屑,为整体空间增添了几分野奢感的风情,进一步显露出极松弛的度假氛围。

Lotus pavilions were designed in collaboration with CAN Design, and they’re spatially integrated at the west end of the openspace, acting as focal space for the rooftop. Stepping terraces and multi-functional platforms below the pavilions can be used for casual gathering during weekdays, and transformed into a performance stage during weekend musical events. The pavilions have successfully become a distinctive landmark and photospot, attracting and encouraging visitors to spend more time at the roof for recreational activities. Plantings such as Rosmarinus officinalis L., Crossostephium chinense (L.) Makino and Gomphostigma virgatum in ground coverings of wood chips contribute to a somewhat rustic sense of natural immersion.

△ “荷叶”形态与结构的抽象表达 ©南西空间影像
Abstract expression of the shape and structure of“lotus leaf” ©Nancy Studio

△ “荷叶”下的多功能公共空间 ©南西空间影像
Multi-functional public space under“lotus leaf” ©Nancy Studio

△ 建筑立面与景观材料形成统一-2 ©南西空间影像
Building facade is unified with the landscape material-2 ©Nancy Studio

Lotus Pond At Activity Lawn


A 300sqm flexible event lawn surrounded by stepping terraces is located at the center. It is an openspace that accommodates public and commercial activities such as open-air music festivals, outdoor movies and camping. During regular days, the activity lawn also provides a leisure openspace for family play. The lawn is separated from dining businesses by existing skylights, and the design team uses vegetation to conceal their undesirable presence. Species such as Aspidistra elatior Blume, Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia japonica Thunb. and Agapanthus africanus are used.

△ 公共活动模式下的草坪 ©万象生活
The lawn of the public activities ©MixC Life Style

△ 廊亭成为活动的焦点背景 ©万象生活
Pavilion becomes the focal background of the event ©MixC Life Style

Prototype Variations Of Lotus Leaves


The design vocabulary of rounded circles is repeatedly articulated into the landscape. Through our strategic application of spatial prototype systems, we have constructed diversified spatial relationships to enrich experientiality with a distinctive identity, while maintaining unification that’s consistent with our conceptual narrative.

Formulation Of Cascading Terraces


Cascading terraces in curvilinear forms are woven together through superimposed layering of circles. Abstraction of “lotus leaves” is materialized into landform spaces to enclose the activity lawn at the center, forming an activity theater embedded in nature.

△ 参杂着贝壳骨料的无机水磨石 ©南西空间影像
Inorganic terrazzo mixed with shell aggregate ©Nancy Studio

Formulation Of Planting Clusters


Due to structural constraints, trees must be planted in raised planters to meet soil depth requirements. The design team intentionally articulates compositions of rounded planters in different heights and sizes to optimize perception of scale from multiple angles. These clusters are an abstract depiction of lotus communities in the pond, creating three-dimensional visual interests with flourishing richness.

△ 水景为餐饮界面增添趣味 ©南西空间影像
Water features add interest to the dining garden ©Nancy Studio

Formulation Of Water Features


The water feature in dining courtyard consists of three rounded pools that are 13cm in thickness, with dotted LED lights at pool bottom mimicking the reflection of the starry sky above. The special rippling effect is achieved through a circular kinetic plate that gently pushes the water surface into spreading waves. This vividly simulates the rippling diffusion effect of rain drops in nature.

△ “水底星空”般的水景效果 ©南西空间影像
Waterscape likes the underwater sky ©Nancy Studio

△ 扩散的涟漪 ©南西空间影像
Spreading ripple ©Nancy Studio

Formulation Of Skylight Garden


Existing skylights next to activity lawn blends into the overall landscape. Nine sets of rounded circles wrap around the skylights, and are additionally planted with Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Gomphostigma virgatum, forming a vegetated carpet integrated with the environment.

△ 蕴藏节奏变化的采光井 ©南西空间影像
A light well with a change of rhythm ©Nancy Studio

△ 采光井隐藏在植物丛中 ©南西空间影像
Light well is hidden among the plants ©Nancy Studio

Formulation Of Feature Pavilions


Focal pavilions in circular form rise from the ground and are materialized into giant lotus leaves, providing shelter and forming pockets of refuge. Rammed earth finishes of the pavilions create a sense of rustic surrealism.

△ 夯土表皮构筑出景观的质朴感 ©南西空间影像
Rammed earth skin creates the rustic feel of the landscape ©Nancy Studio

△ 屋顶花园与廊亭 ©南西空间影像
Roof garden and pavilion ©Nancy Studio

Behind-The-Scenes Design Thinking

Customization Of Prefabricated Shell-Aggregate Terrazzo


We used prefabricated custom material in the hardscape of the terraces. Customized terrazzo has shell aggregates in the mix, which not only elevates the sense of quality in the appearance, but is also consistent with the material used on the exterior walls of the renovated rooftop. Terraces in white-colored terrazzo create visual contrast with dark gray pavings on the ground, reflecting our artistic conception of lotuses growing over the pond.

△ 与水景互动的孩子 ©南西空间影像
Children interacting with water features ©Nancy Studio

Articulation Of Platform Branching Patterns


Due to maximum size limit on prefabricated terrazzo, the design takes into consideration of pavage subdivisions on large terrace platforms. Our modular design is inspired from the veins of lotus leaf to divide them into formal combinations in branching pattern. Each terrazzo paving is controlled within sizes suitable for prefabrication, and only six basic modules are used to generate the entirety of raised platforms.

△ 水磨石分缝模拟了自然的荷叶纹理 ©南西空间影像
The gaps in the terrazzo mimic the natural lotus leaf texture ©Nancy Studio

Articulation Of Curvilinear Step Subdivisions


It is also worth mentioning that curvilinear steps are also subject to maximum size constraints of terrazzo prefabrication. Our subdivision logic uses turning points of the curves to form radial angles for pavage subdivisions, mimicking the veins of lotus leaves. Edge of the steps also uses prefabricated terrazzo panels to form a clean border for the cascading terraces.

△ 自然与野趣 ©南西空间影像
layered sense of order ©Nancy Studio

System Logic Of Planting Compositions


Planting clusters need to take into consideration of multiple perspectives and viewpoints. Rounded planters at varying heights further add to the challenge of configuring plant compositions. Three types of planting typologies were strategized to accomplish balanced assemblage properties of each cluster. The three typologies include “iconic, intermediate, and characteristic”. By categorizing typology-based plant selections, we were able to create rich dynamism in their visual and experiential qualities.

△ 高低错落的种植组团 ©南西空间影像
Nature and wild ©Nancy Studio

△ 景观与高楼形成对比 ©南西空间影像
The landscape contrasts with the tall buildings ©Nancy Studio


焕新后的合肥万象城屋面FOODIE SKY,象征着其在商业创新与空间美学上的蜕变与新生。万象城借此契机,再次呈现出了其独树一帜的品牌影响力与蓬勃活力,营造出集高品质与精致生活理念于一体的空间场域。自然界中蕴涵着复杂的结构体系,在看似混乱的背后遵循着某种隐形规律。该项目的景观设计极致而纯粹,这既是我们对超自然生活美学的诠释,也是我们透过符号提炼为都市公共空间植入全新基因的创新体现。

The rejuvenated sky garden of Hefei MixC - Foodie Sky showcased transformative rebirth that manifests lifestyle place-making with integrated beauty and surrealism. We are fascinated by human-nature relationships behind seemingly complex natural systems, and seek to innovate place-making through conceptualizing design language into landscape systems, and ultimately creating surrealism in the experientiality of an iconic commercial rooftop.

△ 傍晚时分的餐饮氛围 ©南西空间影像
Dining atmosphere in the evening ©Nancy Studio

△ 微度假的屋顶秘境 ©南西空间影像
Micro-vacation rooftop ©Nancy Studio

△ 从都市上空俯瞰花园全景 ©南西空间影像
A panoramic view of the garden from above the city ©Nancy Studio

△ Plan 总平面图 ©FLO

项目周期:2021.04 - 2024.06
景观面积:4200 SQM
建筑设计:CAN Design
委托机构: 华润置地

Project Name:Hefei MixC Rooftop Renovation
Function:Commercial Rooftop
Period:2022.01 - 2024.06
Landscape Area:4200 SQM
Landscape Design:FLO Landscape Design (Shanghai) Co. Limited
Team:Kai Fu, Xueyan Zhuang,Yayun Ni,Qiuye Ma,Jie Yu,Rui Hao,Yexiu Hu,Sibei Dong,Kuizhi Li,Shenghao Wu,Sijia Qiu,Kun Liu,Yanyan Shi,Junqiao Liu,Luhui Xiong,Sibo Wang
Construction Drawing Design:Shanghai landscape Industrial Development Co., LTD
Lighting Consultant:Shiyu (Shanghai) Lighting Design Co., LTD
Waterscape Consultant:Shanghai Yize Electromechanical Design Atelier
Decoration Consultant:Shenzhen Diyijia Design Creativity Co., LTD
Construction:Guangzhou Huayuan Garden Co., LTD
Architecture Design:CAN Design
Interior Design:Atelier Global
Client:China Resources Land Limited
Photographs:Nancy Studio,MixC Life Style,ORANGE IMAGE丨Atelier Global





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