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热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第1张图片

由Alison Furuto发布
Tekhne Architects建筑事务所,La Reunion,庄园,小型城市规划
建筑师:Tekhne Architects建筑事务所
地点: La Reunion, Sainte-Marie, Beausejour
景观设计:Atelier LD – UPAU
电力:Scene Publique
客户:CBO Territoria
by Alison Furuto
mini Urban PlanningBeausejour La Reunion Tekhne Architects
Architects: Tekhne Architects
Location: Beausejour, Sainte-Marie, La Reunion
Landscape Designers: Atelier LD – UPAU
Electrician: Scene Publique
Roads, Utilities & Miscellaneous External Works Engineers: Egis
Dry Utilities Systems Engineers: CER
Client: CBO Territoria

热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第2张图片

Tekhnê Architects建筑事务所为La Réunion ZAC庄园的城市开发项目提案最近在‘OFF du dévelopment durable’ 第一版中被评为‘可持续发展的理想区域’,并获得了最近的‘Barème carbone’奖。该提案旨在迎接巨大的改变。它包括把一片80公顷的甘蔗田通过构思,造就成一个广受喜爱、源远流长、适应二十一世纪环境的城镇。
Recently honored in the first edition of the ‘OFF du dévelopment durable’ as ‘sustainable and desirable area’ and awarded in the recent ‘Barème carbone’ Prize, Tekhnê Architects‘ proposal for the Urban Development project of Beausejour ZAC in La Réunion aims to meet a tremendous challenge. It consists in taking an outstanding 80 ha site of sugar cane fields and then conceiving and creating a town that will be loved by its population and will go through time without hindrance, by integrating it into the environmental setting of the 21st century. More images and architects’ description after the break.
(Re-)Discovering the pleasure of living “in town”, on an island, in a period when people prefer to live individually and apart, is not as simple as it may seem. To meet this challenge, the holistic proposal developed on the basis of the site’s potentials provides the 20,000 people of this “half-slopes” area with an attractive, identifiable town centre area and neighborhoods with unique atmospheres to ensure that they are lived in by a varied range of people, which is the foundation of balanced community harmony. In this case, the land ceases to be a simple asset to be developed, and it becomes a resource for a new intense, economical and balanced human settlement, playing its part in the island’s demographic expansion.

热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第3张图片

This balance is sought by founding the urban development plan on the place’s ecological base, combining urban functions (housing, shops, local services, jobs, leisure activities and entertainment, etc.), while offering a wide range of credible transport options (frequent, regular public transport services in dedicated corridors, electric bicycles, etc.) and also avoiding excessive use of energy (no air-conditioning of homes, etc.).

热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第4张图片

农田施肥的人工化保证了其80公顷生态设计的城市,包括2300个家庭,,90 800平方米的商店,服务和经营场所,开发了一个热带城市——密集、热切、可取——相比于以分散的方式在整个岛上的其他地方开发节省了相当于800公顷的土地。这项规划借鉴了该地的生态基质,考虑到了该地混合的地形(以一个大斜坡和宽沟壑为标志)、水流的路径、生态走廊的走向和风道。该地已定位于农业用途,甘蔗田间道路、海景或山景的背景使我们能看出该地周围地理环境的几何形状。
The artificialization of farmland fertilizes an ecologically-designed town of 80 ha, 2300 homes, 90 800 m2 of shops, services and business premises, and the developed mode l of a tropical town – dense, intense and desirable – saves the equivalent of 800 ha from being developed elsewhere in a scattered manner throughout the island. The plan draws on the ecological substratum of the place, considering a mix of the topography (marked by a strong slope and gaping ravines), the routes of run-off water flow, the passage of ecological corridors and the routes followed by winds. The site that is already defined and demarcated by agricultural use, the cane-field roads, the backgrounds views on sea or mountain, give us indications of the possibilities for the town to draw the neighborhood’s geometry in the place’s geography.

热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第5张图片

为了满足社会脆弱人群的需求,Beauséjour规划了40%的社会家园,广泛的住房类型 - 公寓楼、杂居住房或分离/独立的住房——是非常适当的方式达到分开包括不同世代的多元化人口的目标。市中心包括更多的公寓楼,其西部居民区设有所有类型的房屋及相关的户型和大小。市中心一共将建造2,300栋住房,其中包括中心区域的700栋和西部住宅区的700栋。
To meet the needs of a socially fragile population, 40% social homes are planned forBeauséjour. The wide range of housing types – apartment blocks, intermediate housing or detached/individual homes – is a very appropriate way the achieve the aim of diversifying the sections of the population, including different generations. While the central area includes more apartment buildings, the western neighborhoods have all types of housing and related shapes and sizes. In total, 2,300 homes will be built in the town, including 600 in the central area and 700 homes in the western neighborhoods.

热带城镇城市开发计划/ Tropical Town Urban Developm...第6张图片

The reduction of the ecological footprint of human settlements is vital for Reunion Island, as a direct consequence of its demographic transition and its insularity. In reference to the “Negawatt” energy saving approach, the plan always chooses simplicity and economy as its prime environmental principles. Stopping urban sprawl, returning to multi-functionality of the town, structuring a credible public transport system, developing non-motorized means of travel, re-introducing greenery and water into the town, and applying new ways of building, are all factors that contribute to it.

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