Fentress Bradburn won the national design competition to design and construct a government center for Clark Count)‘, Nevada. The competition also called for a master plan to include space for government administration, a law enforcement complex, a performing arts complex, a child-care facility and structured parking.
The governmenl center, discussed earlier (seepage 1.34), draws upon Clark County‘s desert environment and regional history for inspiradon.
The master plan centers on a 350,000-square-fool government administration complex that contains a single-story auditorium, a pvramid-shaped cafeteria and a cylindrical, six-story recepuon hall, as well as office buildings. The design physically embodies Clark County‘s philosophy of providing open, accessible government in a new civic cultural renter. The bisected circular plan, detailed with a colonnade enclosing an amphitheater and a spine of evergreens, provides a centering device for the government building and subsequent additions.