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该项目是由Denton Corker Marshall设计的悉尼科技大学工程和信息技术学院新大楼。该设计从60个参赛作品中脱颖而出,赢得了国际设计比赛的胜利。大楼与城市文脉相融合,展现了大学在创新和技术领域的重要地位。

Selected from over 60 entries in an international two-stage design competition, the design of the new Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology engages with the urban context and conveys the university’s position at the intersection of creativity and technology.


On a prominent urban site, the building creates a gateway to the university’s revitalized city campus and the southern end of Sydney’s CBD.Fourteen levels, plus four below ground, accommodate state-of-the-art lecture rooms, academic offices, seminar rooms, teaching and research laboratories, student union, food and recreation areas, with bicycle and car parking.


The building is expressed as a singular sculptural object, setting it apart from the more traditional architectural expression of its neighbours and from proposed towers at the Fraser Broadway Development opposite the site.


Four tilted and skewed plates envelope the building’s volume. The plates are made of aluminium sheets perforated in a pattern derived from thebinary code for ‘University of Technology Sydney Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology’. ‘Gills’ creased into the surface of each platepunctuate the fa?ade, visually reinforcing the sense of plate as skin and symbolically allowing the building to breathe.


The faculty’s collaborative learning culture materializes in the ultra-thin crevasse-like atrium which links all teaching, learning and social spaces. It’s a dynamic space occupied by open stairs, random bridge links and lounges for informal encounters, with circulation along its edges. The raw aesthetic achieved internally with materials such as off form concrete and Corten steel engenders a warehouse quality, aligning the faculty with environments favoured by the creative industries. Offering naturally-lit access through the building at ground level, the crevasse directly links theuniversity to the local neighbourhood.

内部设计创造了一个创新和高科技的学术环境,旨在满足学生和未来行业发展的需求。在这里,你可以找到最尖端的科学技术,包括机器人、电脑设计实验室、以人为主导的设计实验室,3D数据可视化设备、以及Data Arena—澳大利亚该领域最先进的研究工具。

The interior architecture has an innovative pedagogical approach and a technology rich environment at its core, which aims to support student needs and future industry trends. The latest in cutting-edge technology, includes robotics, computer and human-centred design labs, and a 3D data visualisation facility, the Data Arena – the most advanced research facility of its type in Australia.


An extensive range of environmentally sustainable design initiatives make a substantial contribution to achieving best practice standards in thefaculty accommodation. The design targets a minimum 5 star Green Star rating, and is expected to deliver an energy savings of 30- 45%, a potablewater saving of 20-30% and a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over benchmarked tertiary educational buildings with similar functionalspaces. The shading of the binary code screen alone is estimated to bring about a 10-15% operational energy saving.


Also known as the Broadway Building, the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology forms a key part of the university’s vision to deliveran iconic and connected campus, a ten year $1 billion redevelopment initiative that will help transform the southern approach to the Sydney CBD.

Key Project Facts

Project NameFaculty of Engineering + Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney

Project AddressBuilding 11, Corner of Broadway + Jones StreetUltimo, Sydney NSW

Project TypeTertiary education building

Construction Cost$205m

Construction cost per m2$4820

Project DatesStart Date       January 2009Early Works Construction Start   April 2011Early Works Completion     February 2012Main Works Construction Start   February 2012Main Works Completion Date   May 2014

Project SizeTotal building area   43,500m2Usable floor area   22,050m218 floors: 4 basements + 14 floors (above ground)

Project Team

Client University of Technology, Sydney

Project ManagerDenton Corker Marshall

Architect + Interior ArchitectDenton Corker Marshall

PlanningJBA Urban PlanningQuantity Surveyor + Building CertifierGroup DLA

Structural, Civil, Facades + ESDAureconMechanical + Electrical WatermanAHW

Specialist LightingElectrolight

Fire + HydraulicsArup

Vertical Transportation + Fire SafetyAecomAcoustics + VibrationRenzo Tonin& Associates

TrafficHalcrowGTA Consultants

Landscape ArchitectsTaylor BrammerAccessMorris GodingOH&SArchitecture + AccessTesting + CommissioningNorman Disney YoungContractorLend Lease

MORE: Denton Corker Marshall




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