Location: Beijing, China
Project Area: 220,000
Project year: 2003-2009
PROGRAM: 750 apartments, public green space, commercial zones, hotel, cinemateque, kindergarten, Montessori school, underground parking.
CLIENT: Modern Investment Group, Beijing
SIZE: 220,000 sm
STATUS: construction phase
linked hybrid 住宅项目是为位于北京的多用途大楼,由史斯蒂文•霍尔建筑师事务所设计。该项目占地220,000平方米,八座相互关联的大楼。多重结构,每座具备不同的公共职能。不寻常的设计是为了顺应中国当前城市发展的趋势,而不是封闭的私人大厦,建筑向所有公众开放。项目包含超过750间公寓,还有娱乐设施,酒店,学校以及各种公共和私人设施。设计概念师打造“城中之城”,为超过2500人提供服务。该项目在最近被亚洲和澳大利亚的高层建筑与城市住宅委员会(CTBUH)评为“最好的高层建筑”。
The 220,000 square meter pedestrian-oriented Linked Hybrid complex, sited adjacent to the site of old city wall of Beijing, aims to coun ter the current urban developments in China by creating a new twenty-first century porous urban space, inviting and open to the public from every side. Filmic urban public space; around, over and through multifaceted spatial layers, as well as the many passages through the project, make the Linked Hybrid an “open city within a city”.