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新的芝加哥河畔步道是沿Wacker Drive下街区河流水位的一项主公共设施,从密歇根大道西延伸到湖街,它既是营业场所,又是公共活动场地。步道与城市的过去显然有着象征性联系,同时还为公民、参观者和穿过芝加哥城的这条河流的追随者创造了最先进的设施。
The new Chicago Riverwalk is a major public amenity at the river level along lower Wacker Drive, extending from Michigan Avenue west to Lake Street, it offers a mix of concessions and public activities. Symbolic links to the City’s past are evident, while creating state-of-the-art facilities for citizens, visitors and fans of the River as it flows through the City of Chicago.

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The Chicago Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Plaza, one of the largest in the nation outside of Washington, D.C., commemorates the sacrifices of Illinois’ fallen soldiers, connects people to the riverfront, provides an escape from the steel and glass of the City, and bejewels the City’s waterfront. Its public objectives and finished forms embody what a memorial plaza should be; a remembrnace of those that served, and a celebration of the living.

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芝加哥越南老兵纪念馆和喷泉既有教育意义,又有象征意义。广场上部的喷泉水墙,与Wacker Drive街旁的石灰岩墙形成纵横向,洒进泉池协调的喷泉池内。一块记录了战争中重要事件的时间轴碑,与喷泉池边沿平行。越战中伊利诺伊州阵亡将士们的名字与时间轴上下并排,每个名字对应阵亡的具体时间。
The Chicago Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Fountain is both educational and symbolic. A wall of water, cuts into the limestone wall along Wacker Drive, spills into a pool that harmonizes with the upper plaza’s fountain. A timeline, of significant events during the war, line the sides of the pool. The names of Illinois soldiers who died during the war parallel the timeline, linking each name with a moment in time.

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Wacker Drive街搬迁改建后空出来的土地,用于建造了广场旁的城市公园,台阶和一边有石椅的斜道从繁忙的市区街道平缓地向更为安静的河边区域延伸。河边区域是市中心的一个绿色庇护所,它是连接Wacker Drive上街区和芝加哥河的枢纽。
景观美化后的区域和草坪均衡了石灰岩和大理石柱、壁柱以及檐口设计,这些是原来Wacker Drive街两旁的延伸物。
The plaza occupies land, reclaimed by the rebuilding and relocation of Wacker Drive, to create an urban park, with terraces and bench-lined ramps that gently transition from busy city streets to more quiet spaces near the river. It provides a green refuge in the center of the City while creating a vital link between the upper Wacker Drive and the Chicago River.
Landscaped areas and lawns balance the limestone and granite pillars, pilasters, coping and cornices that are an extension of the original Wacker Drive design.
Michelle Woods, Project Manager
Construction Amount: $20,000,000
Program Phase I: Michigan Ave to Lake St., Vietnam Veterans
Memorial Date Completed 2009
Team: Phase I: Michigan Avenue to Vietnam Veterans Memorial;
Ross Barney Architects, Jacobs Ryan Associates, Landscape
Architect. Collins Engineering, Civil.

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Chicago Riverwalk, Phase II
The Marina Plaza
Ross Barney Architects is designing the next phase of the Riverwalk that will enable uninterrupted public waterfront activity along the Chicago River’s south bank, from Lake Michigan west to the confluence of the river’s north, south, and main branches.
Working with Sasaki Associates and a host of specialty consultants, six new blocks will be added to the two completed Riverwalk sections that Ross Barney Architects designed. Working within a restrictive 25 foot build out area, the new Riverwalk links a series of distinct civic spaces or “rooms,” each named for its unique program. These include the Marina Plaza; Cove; River Theater; Swimming Hole; Jetty; and Boardwalk.
An integral link to the streets above is provided at the River Theater, a block-wide set of stairs that connects the city with the river and the river with the city. A fully accessible path is geometrically woven into the stairs to become a central circulation feature. The stairs will also serve as seating, both for staged events and for watching the “theater” of the river and city.
As a connected path system, the new Riverwalk provides continuous access along the river, while each linked typological “room” offers a unique experience and perspective of the water. This variety creates a series of diverse new opportunities along Chicago’s downtown riverfront, ranging from unique dining options, to expansive public event programming, to new amenities for human-powered craft.

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↑防波堤 The Jetty

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↑游泳深水潭 The Swimming Hole

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↑河湾 The Cove

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↑芝加哥河畔步道II期工程 Chicago Riverwalk Phase II
Construction Amount: $100,000,000
Program Phase II: State Street West to Lake St.
Date Completed In Phases of Design and
Construction 2014-2016
Team: Phase II: Sasaki Associates, Ross Barney
Architects,Alfred Benesch &Co., Jacobs Ryan
Associates, Schuler &Shook.   




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