A champion of the 'do more with less' adage, the project finds its home amongst festival goers in an environment known for its alternative lifestyles and freedom to explore new ideas. the entire structure is made out of single sheets of plywood and many, many screws. each modular piece is CNC-milled and designed to be handled by two people, easily assembled and dis-assembled, transported and stored for later use. around the windows dotting the surface, vertical panels perpendicular to the curved face frame the voids making it easier to cover them with a transparent waterproof membranes. 128 individual units and 240 nodes - taking literally after the carbon 240 molecule - are used to create twice the covered floor area that is suitable for a wide range of purposes. during the day the timber structure is the ideal setting for a stage to host several spoken events and a drawing workshop. at night it is filled with people, standing room only, with projections on the inside walls of the dome that form a spherical geometric mesh. on the fourth day of its 8-day campaign, danish collective artists ultragran painted each of the modules of the construction to create a visual color wheel.