摘要:在当代城市精细化的分工中,设计专业在不断细分的同时也形成了更多的板块边界,而这边界如同天空和大海之间的地平线,给人更多的未知和想象,又如同艺术哲人杜尚置于现代艺术与思想之间的现成品——“马桶”,让艺术固有的边界增加了更抽象的内涵。在本文中,作者试图结合自身建筑专业边缘的装置化家具、构筑实践,浅论家具与建筑交集中“以小建大”这一组构思想的理解与运用。 关键词:小、单元、组构、类型
Design`s Boundary——Small to Big
Abstract:In the variousdivision of modern design, more and more boundary have emerged, it just like the horizon between sky and sea, which gives us huge unknown and imagination; it also like the‘Closestool’inserted between art and ideologymade by Duchamp,which give the boundary of art more connotation. In this article, The writers tried to expoundaconstructional concept:‘ Small to Big’through their practice of furniture and construction.
Keywords: Small, Unit, Compositionality, Type