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  KAIROS是由建筑师JoãoQuintela与Tim Simon于2012年合作创建,利用该公司的预制混凝土Gracifer,并受到里斯本建筑三年展支持的一个项目。该项目为抑制性的不可持续发展的社会及经济环境提供了一个答案,以空间中心主题,目的在于鼓励,生产和展示特定地点的装置。
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第1张图片

  Form the architect : KAIROS is a project created in 2012 by the architects JoãoQuintela and Tim Simon in partnership with the company’s prefab concrete Gracifer ( and with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale's support ( as an answer to an inhibitor and unsustainable social and economic context, with the aim of encouraging, generating and presenting site-specific installations in which Space appears as the central theme.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第2张图片

KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第3张图片

  It’s a pavilion - non profit project - that intends to receive interventions proposed by architects or artists and the calendar always changes between periods of invited proposals and periods of selected interventions from an open call. These projects should be created as an original work developed for this space exploiting his characteristics and dialoguing with the ambiences through their own and personal research.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第4张图片

  Following this concept, and moving away from the institutional circuit of museums and galleries, the space is intended to be public, free and open to all the participants and proposals that want to integrate the exhibition’s calendar and by this generate the meeting and interaction between different generations and multidisciplinary projects.The invitation to participate and submit proposals in KAIROS Pavilion is open to architecture, fine arts, performance, theatre, music and other artistic languages in which the participants feel that fits inside this concept contributing to approach creators and public.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第5张图片

KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第6张图片

  To the linear and chronological time ‘CHRONOS’ opposes ‘KAIROS’, an undefined and symbolic time which cannot be measured except by hisquality.
  The building wants to put two apparently irreconcilable times in dialogue. Since the very ancient periods buildings aspire to the idea of the ‘eternal’ through a spatiality and materiality able to resist time. The great temples and cathedrals, completely made out of natural stone, continue to coexist with the contemporaneity. Concrete constructions represent undoubtedly the legacy of modernity and they recover as well this symbolic idea of eternity.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第7张图片

  由JoãoQuintela和Tim Simon创建的KAIROS是作为一个对空间研究的结果出现的。这个空间研究参考了历史上对物质,光和时间的使用。混凝土的物质,太阳的光以及建于这两者的时间。这是一个关于比例的研究,也是一个关于小尺度的孤立模数和在文脉中的大尺度的建筑物本身之间关系的研究。
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第8张图片

  This confront between the temporary and the eternal is something worth researching through a general view to the possibilities that our time can offer us. This prefab solution is capable to deal simultaneously with these two aspects as it allows us working with a durable and resistant material dialoguing with continuous Time, through a modular construction and an easy assembly or disassembly.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第9张图片

  KAIROS, created by JoãoQuintela and Tim Simon, appears as a result of a spatially research referenced in history through the use of Matter,Light and Time. The Matter of the Concrete, the Light of the Sun and the Time built from both. It’s an investigation about proportions and the relationship between the small scale of the isolated module and the large scale of the whole building itself in relation with the context.
KAIROS Pavilion /João Quintela and Tim Simon第10张图片

  The space is built by a very easy and primitive constructive system of overlapping and joining pieces, taking advantage of their own weight without using any glue or screws. It’s a square plan building with an inside square patio. Thus, there exists a perimeter all around that consists in a path developed both on the lower and upper level, generating two similar spaces with completely antagonistic ambiences. One is covered and black while the other is exterior and bright.
  The inner patio is defined by the mirror created through the water inside which reflects the sky and duplicates the space. This becomes the central element, inaccessible and contemplative, able to freeze time and build an intimate moment, a dialogue with the past. Becomes the most significant space and acquires symbolism due to his impossible conquer.
  建筑师:João Quintela and Tim Simon
  馆长:Fabrícia Valente
  沟通:Teresa Teixeira
  建造者:Isabel Gomes, Gracifer Derivados de Cimento
  工程师:Manuel Gameiro, AJZ Construções
  协调人团队:José Gonçalves
  建设团队:José Ramos, Artur Panchuck, António Santos, Florbela Pestana e Reinaldo Gomes
  摄影:Diana Quintela
  Architects: João Quintela and Tim Simon
  Curator: Fabrícia Valente
  Comunication: Teresa Teixeira
  Builder: Isabel Gomes, Gracifer Derivados de Cimento
  Engineer: Manuel Gameiro, AJZ Construções
  Coordinator's Team: José Gonçalves
  Construction's Team: José Ramos, Artur Panchuck, António Santos, Florbela Pestana e Reinaldo Gomes
  Photography: Diana Quintela
  Date: 2012
  Location: Lx Factory, Lisbon, Portugal
  Use: Pavilion for site-specific interventions
  Materials: Prefab Concrete
  via: gooood




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