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Gangnam Commercial Building / SYSTEM LAB第1张图片

Gangnam Commercial Building / SYSTEM LAB第2张图片

Gangnam Commercial Building / SYSTEM LAB第3张图片

  “Paul Smith”的亚洲首家旗舰店,位于韩国首尔江南区的GangnamCommercial Building,一座有着光滑外观的抢眼白色建筑。
  Britain`s famous fashion brand “Paul Smith” is opening its first Asian flagship store in Korea, in Gangnam-a trading center for luxury brands. Considering the fact that the streets here are lined with exclusive stores for premium brands, not to mention that many high-end name-brand designers fiercely compete to open stores in this area, it was quite interesting to see how Paul Smith would make a lasting imprint with its brand of architecture on the local urban environment. We define the main characteristic of Paul Smith`s fashion brand as its ability to draw different responses, depending on the customer`s situation and interpretations.
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  建筑周围是高密度商业区,有很多高端品牌专卖,竞争相当激烈,为此需要建筑师设计一个在城市环境中别具一格,向所有人开放,并根据每个人的位置和视角呈现出不同状态的独特建筑。建筑场地有严格的容积率要求和对周边采光影响要求。建筑师根据规范削去多余体量,并在建筑顶端增加了一个阁楼层,为建筑争取了最大化容积率。整个建筑的外表皮混凝土壳体+哑光工业漆,建筑师采用了胶合板为模板,利用弯曲的泡沫塑料作为校正模具,最终实现了外观上的圆润与光滑。建筑的设备,结构都被完美的隐藏,就像是Paul Smith品牌的设计那样,把自由和愉悦留给大众。
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  The Paul Smith Flagship store was created as a vehicle to infuse the abovementioned phenomenon into the urban environment. The specific shape of the building was predetermined, but its interpretation is open to all, depending on the unique perspective of each customer. The suggested figure, intended to create different stories depending on people`s perspectives and interpretations, was actually the result of a design that was constrained by legal regulations.
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  In fact, it was very challenging meeting all the requests of Paul Smith when we considered the restricted area of about 330С, as well as the high-density commercial district surrounding the area. Some architecture needs to achieve name recognition as a premium brand; the physical beauty of architecture, however, can be achieved by generally reducing the floor area ratio. However, it seemed difficult to solve the problem by simply reducing the floor area ratio; much of this was due to the quantitative weight of the project.
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  Due to the volume that exceeded the initial floor area ratio, the oblique 30-meter line limitation imposed by the road and the constrictions created by sunlight rights, we had to create a concrete shell with maximized floor area ratio within the legal regulations by rounding, cutting or connecting all the edges. Eventually, we were able to add one more layer. Through this method, emphasizing succession rather than completion, we were able to create a relatively spacious building compared to other buildings in the neighborhood, even after we maxed out the floor area ratio and building coverage.
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  In order to establish a concrete shell reflecting succession, we held various and intense discussions with a construction company (Geo Hyun Construction) and decided to employ, for the first time, curved Styrofoam blocks using an NV cutter as concrete moulds, Compared to manipulating plywood moulds by correction, this method was significantly more cost-efficient. The semi-gloss industrial paint finishes are expected to conceal commercial and structural devices and imbue freer and pleasant feelings to viewers-much like a typical design from Paul Smith.
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Gangnam Commercial Building / SYSTEM LAB第22张图片

  Written by Chanjoong Kim
  Gangnam Commercial Building
  Architect: _SYSTEM LAB(Chanjoong Kim, Taek Hong)
  Location : 16-9, Dosan-daero 45-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, S.Korea
  Program: Commercial (Shop, Office)
  Site area: 330.20С
  Building area: 194.73С
  Gross floor area: 919.27С
  Landscape area: 19.39С
  Building to land ratio: 58.97 %
  Floor area ratio: 149.87 %
  Parking: 14
  Building scope: B3, 4F
  Building height: 14.82 m
  Structure: R.C
  Exterior finishing: Exterior wall - Painting on a sphere, Floor - Stone[THK30]
  Contractor: Geo Hyun Construction
  Interior: Paul Smith + Core Design
  Architect: ChanjoongKim (Kyung Hee University) + Taek Hong( _SYSTEM LAB)
  Design Team: Kyunam Song(project manager), Hyunsoo Park, Younghwan Kim, Youngjin Cho, Chulmin Ahn
  Photographer: Yongkwan Kim

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  via: gooood




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