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Creative Nature   


Nature is how things are without human intervention.  This seems to be the common definition on nature.Therefore, an inherent contradiction exists in the term“Creative Nature”.  It is in this condition of contradiction that the Narada Resort project finds its challenge and meaning.  To be “creative” necessarily means human agency, so how can “nature” be “creative”?  Does such notion of nature provide us with a tenable distinction to draw between that which is natural and that which is artificial?

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From a scientific approach, human beings are not separate but part of the natural order.  Nature is not an entity.  Nature is a hypothetical state that defines the context of our existence.  The artifacts that we produce, sure enough, would not exist had we not existed, but that does not mean that they encroach upon nature or are distinct from 'natural objects'.  Based on this framing, the design objective was to explore the multiple strands of definition that characterize “Creative Nature” within the dichotomy of nature and artifice.
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With the above mission, the project is in the mountainous range of Qixian Mount in central Hainan.  The site is in a small linear clearing in thetropical forest defined by dense greenery and large rocky boulders at the base of a cliff adjacent to a small ravine.  The project brief called for the design and construction of a 1000 square meters ofrestaurant and teahouse.  From the inception of the project it was recognized by Verse Design that the perception of nature is always in one way or another shaped by human contact, either physically manipulated or mentally appropriated. Therefore, it was determined that the project must consider a purposeful approach to interacting with nature, one that brings design intentions to the relationship.

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1.  三维自然环境体系:
2.  二维自然环境体系:

In the process of design, nature was understood as a range of complexity defined by space.  What this means is that the spatial phenomena emerges
when the figural is sufficiently programmed with intention and therefore defined within the domain of “creative”.  Simultaneously, the spaces,
physical or perceptual, defined by the figural within which the intentions operate as an extension of the natural environment/context, this spatial
perception is defined within the domain of “nature”.

Finally, in the completed project, two distinctly different design intentions in the perceptions of nature were realized:

1.  Nature as a three-dimensional construct:  
The floating glass box/restaurant
The envelopment—“to dine in the tree foliage”
2.  Nature as a two-dimensional construct:  
The picturesque window—two-dimensional paintings on the wall

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建筑设计:VERSE DESIGN 建言建筑
室内设计:SYMMETRY DESIGN 大匀国际设计中心
景观设计:H & A LANDSCAPE 翰祥景观国际有限公司

via: gooood




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