| 上物溪北度假农舍坐落在浙北山谷的茶山竹海中。位于小溪北岸的狭长用地,东西方向长约百米,南北方向宽不足三十米。
placid mogan cottage lies in a bamboo and tea plant valley in the north of zhejiang province. with an east-west length of more than 100 meters and a north-south width of less than 30 meters, the narrow site is located to the north of a brook.
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| 基地上原有一座乡村小学,校舍靠北侧一字排开,空出南侧场地。
There once was a primary school lined along the north boundary of this site, and the rest southern part of the site was a playground.
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| 我们沿用原有的场地关系,并将建筑化整为零后结合现有场地高差分散布置,在保证酒店每个客房都拥有南向景观与日照条件的同时,兼顾酒店客房的私密性、服务动线的隐蔽性和便捷性,以及外部场地的丰富性。
Followed this figure-ground relation, we distributed the single mass volume into small components, and then spread them onto the ground according to different elevations of the site. the design intends to maximize the view of the landscape in the south and fulfill the requirements of sunshine, with the consideration of the privacy of hotel rooms, imperceptibility and flexibility of the service circulation, and diversity of the exterior environment.
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| 原有小学校舍的青砖黛瓦双坡顶,也成为我们延续场地记忆的起点。比如通过采用特定的砌筑方式,既保持了青砖墙作为本地建筑材料的属性,又使其拥有尺度感和一定的实用功能。屋面的处理方式则是综合考虑当地民居瓦屋顶形式、保温构造要求以及周围的山形。
The double pitch black tile roof of that primary school is the origin of representation of the site memory. we try to maintain the black brick wall as local architectural material and apply them with a sense of scale and relatively practical value. the construction of the roof is also a result of integration of the tile roof form of local housing, the installaiton requirement of insulation and the response to the surrounding mountain shape.
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| 在这样的基地环境中,我们试图将主观情感抽离,回应由场地位置、功能需求与建筑材料等所带来的一系列基本问题,进而展现建筑的本质。因为我们坚信:如果审慎地考虑过的场地和功能,那么建筑将在被使用的过程中将逐渐显现它自身的力量,成为这个物质世界的一部分,而不需要任何多余的美化。
In this ambient of site, we try to pull our subjective emotion away to present the essence of the architecture by responding a series of basic questions like site location, function, architectural material and etc. since we believe that, if the building is conceived sophisticatedly enough for its site and program, it will develop its own strength during the use, and serve as a part of the natural world, with no need for artistic additions.
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地点: 浙江德清县莫干山镇南路村
建筑面积: 1055m2
建筑设计: 孔锐,范蓓蕾
室内设计: 贾少杰
景观设计: 王绚鹏
设计时间: 2011年11月- 2012年06月
建造时间: 2012年06月- 2013年05月
摄影: 侯博文
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| 本文来源于:http://www.genarchitects.cn/
via: gooood
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