The architectonic concept for this ecumenical chapel is that the countless columns
that disorderly support the rectangular roof for the chapel, are conceived as an
analogy of a group of filaments that, when lit with the proper energy, can illuminate our
earthly lives with a glimpse of heavenly light.


The architectonic concept for this ecumenical chapel is that the countless columns
that disorderly support the rectangular roof for the chapel, are conceived as an
analogy of a group of filaments that, when lit with the proper energy, can illuminate our
earthly lives with a glimpse of heavenly light.
According to Pythagoras “this world is false and illusive, a turbid medium in which the
rays of heavenly light are broken and obscured in mist and darkness”.
On the other hand, Mother Teresa tells us that through constant prayer we can become
an instrument of the divine light that illuminates the world.
“The filaments of the light bulbs are useless if they are not energized.
You, me, are filaments.
The energy is God.
We have the possibility of letting this energy pass through ourselves and let it utilize us
in order to produce light for the world”.

This ecumenical chapel takes advantage of its central position within the residential
development to remind its users that spiritual life has become a forgotten priority in our
everyday activities; the chapel takes the central stage of the development in order to
emphasize the possibility of making the act of praying a useful habit that cannot only
help each one of its inhabitants find their own path in life, but also to help everyone of
them become an energized filament which produces light for the world.
This chapel is configured as a lightweight structure, almost ephemeral, that makes itself
accessible for everyone at anytime; the chapel dissolves its boundaries in order to
impregnate itself of its immediate surroundings and becomes a semi transparent
object difficult to idealize. This building performs as a character that acts under the
effects of light, that changes with sunlight, that becomes enhanced by its users and
celebrates its mission as a catalyst of the everyday activities proper of this residential
Furthermore, spirituality is no longer a luxury for a few, that can only be achieved
through a scheduled visit to a sacred site, but it could become a usual state of mind that
transforms our everyday lives and becomes one positive influence for the world that
surrounds its users.

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