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气味的艺术1889-2014是首个把气味作为艺术品来展示和分析的展览。此展览是由前纽约时报的香水评论家Chandler Burr负责策划,并由Cano Estudio负责编目和陈列的。本次展览将在马德里的Círculo de BellasArtes持续到二月四号。

Círculo de BellasArtes - Madrid, Exhibition / November 20, 2014 to February 04, 2015
The Art of Scent 1889 — 2014, is the first exhibition that presents and analyses scent as a work of art. Curated by Chandler Burr –former perfume critic at The New York Times–, this display and catalogue was designed by Cano Estudio. It may be visited until February 4th in Madrid’s Círculo de BellasArtes.

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Scent-based works comply with all of the criteria defining works of art. In 1950, photographs were perceived as little more than small mirrors of reality. Today, we understand that they are subjective and may be manipulated, like artwork. Picasso said: «Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand». Burr agrees, adding: «In 1889 AiméGuerlain created the glorious lie that is Jicky, based on synthetic molecules that began to free olfactory artists from the limitations of nature. The Art of Scent 1889 — 2014 presents this and seven other brilliant works of truth for our consideration.
The current sample is an updated version of the previous exhibition that was presented in the New York Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in 2012, attracting some 150,000 visitors.
Like its predecessor, “The Art of Scent 1889 — 2014” presents perfume makers as artists and places their olfactory works on the same level as creations of art, literature and music, identifying them with the aesthetic movements to which they belong.

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纽约的展览是由建筑师Diller Scofidio+Renfro完成的,而马德里版本的设计委托给了一个当地的文化和生活方式奢侈品牌创意机构Cano Estudio。
“我们寻求一种能够内在地让参观者屏息静气,片刻地忘掉外部世界的空间。目标是创造出一种放松的氛围来感受香气。一种最纯粹状态的,没有任何修饰,也没有任何容器和包装的香气。简单的只有香气,思想和感受。这是要创造一个即便不在视觉上做任何事并且实质上全空却也能够很吸引人的空间。”负责陈列设计的Jesús Cano这样说。
Cano Estudio的办公室是一家享有盛名的创意机构,以其为奢侈品牌或文化机构设计的临时建筑作品知名。“我们创造出一个空白的画布,用光在感觉的面板上作画,
来作出能让我们集中感受其中一个最被忽略的感官——嗅觉——的这样一个气泡。因为我们想要提醒嗅觉实际上是离情绪最近的,“Jesús Cano 这样补充到。Cano Estudio还负责了气味的艺术1889-2014展览的图形图案设计。

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While the New York exhibition was carried out by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the design of the Madrid version was commissioned to Cano Estudio, a local creative agency working with luxury brands of culture and lifestyle.
We sought a space that intrinsically invited visitors to lower their voices, breathe deep and for a few moments, disconnect from the outside world. The goal was to create a relaxing atmosphere to discover the perfume. Perfume in its purest state. Without decorations. That is, without containers or packaging. Simply, aroma, mind and feeling. It was about creating a space that was attractive, even while doing virtually nothing and remaining practically empty» explains Jesús Cano, responsible for the design of the display.
His office, Cano Estudio, is a prestigious creative agency that is well-known for its ephemeral architectural works for luxury brands or cultural institutions. «We create a blank canvas and draw sensory panels with the light, to make a bubble that allows us to focus on one of the least popular senses, olfaction. Because we must recall that smell is the shortest pathway to the emotions”, adds Jesús Cano. Cano Estudio, is also responsible for the graphic image of The Art of Scent 1889 — 2014.
In addition, this exhibition also reveals the relationship of each perfume with emblematic works of art history. With a Quick Response code, it is possible to discover works of art which, like these perfumes, were icons during this era.

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