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纽约第五大道阿玛尼  建筑设计:Fuksas Architects,照明设计:Speirs + Major, 摄影:Allan Toft. Image © Speirs + Major

     受灯光在文化及科技方面扮演的核心角色的启发,联合国宣布2015年为“国际光与光学技术国际年”(international year of light and light-based technologies即IYL2015)。在2015国际光和光学技术年,联合国希望提高人们对光及光学技术在我们生活、未来以及社会发展重要性的认识。


Light is all around us, and it increasingly affects our daily lives. For example, we have started to carry personal light sources around with our smartphones, and in our homes many electrical machines now utilize light to display information and simply to appear more attractive. In a larger context, architecture and cities have also developed a new dimension with the advent of electrical lighting for work and entertainment.
Inspired by the central role of light for our culture and technology, the United Nations has proclaimed 2015 as the “International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies” (IYL2015). With IYL2015 the UN wants to raise the awareness of the importance of light and optical technologies in our lives, our future and the development of society.

Read on after the break for more enlightenment around IYL2015.

彩虹之上,上海,2013。国际光学工程学会国际光年摄影大赛一等奖 , Image © Paul Reiffer


Light is a key element in architecture. For centuries the sun was primarily used to simply illuminate stone facades, but glass opened a path for interior spaces with increased brightness and a feeling of openness. With the introduction of electrical light and sophisticated optical technology engineers have looked for ways to copy the qualities of natural light, from diffuse illumination to accentuation. They were driven by the vision to create an attractive atmosphere within buildings and to improve life in the working environment. Through the rapid innovation of lamps with increasing light outputs we have already moved towards the point where the goal of avoiding glare is as relevant as the light itself.
With contemporary LED technology we possess a building element where tiny software driven pixels can be flexibly embedded in furniture, interior surfaces or even facades, changing their intensity and colour dynamically. Thereby building surfaces have started to turn into self-luminous media elements for aesthetic or commercial storytelling. At commercial melting pots for flickering light experiments like New York’s Times Square, we can grasp the idea of living within dynamic screens that never rest.

纽约—城市与风暴. Image © Iwan Baan for New York Magazine

灯光通常被认为是理所当然的,只有在没有灯光的时候我们才能意识到照明的整体影响。在2012年的飓风桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)中,灯光突然熄灭,使繁忙的曼哈顿下城在夜晚陷入寂静。街灯和交通信号灯全部熄灭,使公共区域陷入黑暗中。只有少量汽车前灯给空荡荡的街道带来片刻的闪烁,公寓中,人们重新点起蜡烛,让人不禁设想电灯照亮夜晚以前的生活情境。

Light is often taken for granted and only through its absence do we become aware of the overall influence of illumination. With Hurricane Sandy in 2012 the lights suddenly blacked out and busy lower Manhattan fell into silence in the evening. Non-functioning street and traffic lights delivered the public realm into darkness. Only the headlights by a few cars brought hasty moments of brightness into the empty streets, and in the apartments people turned back to candles and received an impression of how life was before electrical lighting colonized the night.

Realities: united, NIX, simulation drawing, 2005. Exhibition: Lightopia, Gent. Image © realities: united

     因此,需要更多的调查去了解光和健康之间的关系,为充满挑战的生活和工作环境寻找合适的答案。IYL2015宽阔的视角将会涉及光学、文化、科技和能源等众多领域。有时甚至简单的技术也能够在解决问题时产生显著的影响:“一升光”或“太阳能援助计划”已被证明是为发展中国家提供更好照明的成功方法。在“一升光”项目中,只需一个装满水和漂白剂的旧塑料瓶就能折射阳光这样的简单的装置就足以为一个家庭提供照明,感谢Alfredo Moser和一个麻省理工的学生组成的团队。

Due to the abundance of light today we have lost the beauty of the night in many places of the world. Particles in the sky that reflect urban light emissions reduce the opportunity to enjoy the stars at night. Not only does this “sky glow” affect people, particularly astronomers, but it also affects other organisms, such as birds that are oriented by stars. Therefore several groups like the Dark Sky Association or the research team “Loss of the Night” have raised public awareness for the ecological effects of outdoor lighting. In addition, medical scientist have pointed out the health risk that night shift worker face when their circadian rhythms are disrupted.
Hence, more research is necessary to understand the dependencies between light and health in order to find adequate answers for challenging living and working situations. The wide perspective of the IYL2015 will ensure that the various dimensions of light, culture, technology and energy will be included. Sometimes even very simple technologies can have a remarkable impact in solving problems: “Liter of Light” or “SolarAid” have proven to be successful ways for developing countries to enjoy better light. In the case of “Liter of Light,” all that is required is an old plastic bottle filled with water and chlorine that refracts sunlight – enough to light up a home and easy to make, thanks to Alfredo Moser and a group of MIT students.

Swing time. Boston, 2014. Image © Howeler + Yoon Architecture

准备好加入IYL2015有趣的会议、极富吸引力的展览和启发性的出版物。查看由联合国或L-RO之类关注建筑话题的合作网站组织的全球的活动项目。 以下为大家搜罗了部分建筑环节的主要活动:

Get ready and join the International Year of Light 2015 with interesting conferences, attractive exhibitions or enlightening publications. Check out the global event programme by the United Nations or partner sites like L-RO, which focuses more on architectural perspectives. The following selection includes some highlights for the architecture community:

展览:“24:00:00 – 城市时代的灯光,” 伦敦。Image © Arup

艺术家:Soo Sunny Park,灯光艺术:Unwoven Light,展览,巴黎。 Image © Soo Sunny Park


• 比利时根特,展览至3月15日:Lightopia,一个具有启发性的展览,包括设计灯以及创造照明设备的不同方面。
• 英国伦敦,展览至3月1日24点——城市时代的灯光,展示在城市环境中灯光的重要性。
• 瑞典斯德哥尔摩,展览至1月23日:你说到光明,我想到阴影,收集109个来自建筑师的有关光明与黑暗的观点,来自安藤忠雄、让•努维尔以及斯诺赫塔。
• 法国巴黎,展览至2月23日: 接触--奥拉维尔•埃利亚松作品展,奥拉维尔•埃利亚松是现代最重要的灯光艺术家之一,展览在弗兰克•盖里设计的巴黎路易•威登基金会艺术中心举办。
• 法国巴黎,3月4日—5月31日:辉煌的演出,一个由Light Collective组织的激动人心的展览,可以通过奇妙的灯光艺术作品的精选体验灯光的魅力。

• Gent, Belgium, until March 15: Lightopia, an enlightening exhibition considering different facets of designing with light and creating luminaires.
• London, England, until March 1: 24:00:00 – Lighting in the Urban Age, showcasing the importance of light in a city context.
• Stockholm, Sweden, until January 23: You Say Light – I Think Shadow, a collection of 109 perspectives on light and darkness from architects such as Tadao Ando, Jean Nouvel and Snøhetta.
• Paris, France, until February 23: Contact, an exhibition by Olafur Eliasson – one of the most important contemporary light artists – at the new Fondation Louis Vuitton by Frank Gehry.
• Paris, France, March 4 – May 31: The Play of Brilliant, an exciting exhibition to experience the brilliance of light by a selection of fantastic light art pieces organized by Light Collective.

未来健康建筑的照明。瑞典皇家理工学院光学研讨会,Stockholm. Image © KTH

月夜归零,会议,智利的阿塔卡马大区。Image © Noche Zero


• 美国纽约,3月13日:从对光有利到正确用光:运动的社会照明观From the Right to Light to the Right Lights: Social Lighting in Motion。帕森斯设计学院;一个有趣的讨论会,有关社会问题和行动的实践与辩论。
• 瑞典斯德哥尔摩,3月19日:未来健康建筑的照明,瑞典皇家理工学院光学研讨会;有关建筑、设计、生物学和行为学的信息化国际研讨会
• 巴尔的摩市(美国马里兰州中北部港市),10月8日—10日: 点亮美国,一个综合性全球照明会议,其主题是由联合国教科文组织提议的。
• 智利阿塔卡马大区,10月12日:月夜归零,一个保护夜晚天空的鼓舞人心的项目。
• 意大利罗马,10月28日—23日:专业照明设计大会-- 一个关于建筑照明设计的全球化信息化的公约。

• New York, USA, March 13: From the Right to Light to the Right Lights: Social Lighting in Motion. Parsons, The New School For Design. An interesting debate about practice in and discourse on social issues and activism.
• Stockholm, Sweden, March 19: Lighting for future healthy architecture. Light Symposium KTH University. Informative international symposium about architecture, design, biology and behavioral sciences.
• Baltimore, USA, October 8-10: IALD Enlighten America, a comprehensive global lighting conference on themes raised by the UNESCO initiative.
• Atacama, Chile, October 12: Noche Zero, an inspirational event to preserve the night sky.
• Rome, Italy, October 28-31: Professional Lighting Design Convention, an informative global convention on architectural lighting design.

书:光之城,作者: Sandy Isenstadt, Margaret Maile Petty, Dietrich Neumann. Image © Routledge

书:You Say Light – I Think Shadow,作者:Sandra Praun and Aleksandra Stratimirovic. Image © Sandra Praun and Aleksandra Stratimirovic


• 光之城—城市照明200年,城市灯光历史研究的全球性框架,提供有关灯光快速发展的新观点。作者:Sandy Isenstadt,Margaret Maile Petty,Dietrich Neumann. Routledge.
• SuperLux:城市智能灯光艺术、设计和建筑。作者:Davina Jackson (ed.),Mary Anne Kyriakou,Vesna Petresin-Robert,Thomas Schielke,Peter Weibel, Peter Droege。伦敦:Thames & Hudson. (forthcoming)
• You Say Light—I Think Shadow,收集的109个有关光明与黑暗的观点,来自安藤忠雄、让•努维尔以及斯诺赫塔建筑事务所。作者:Sandra Praun and Aleksandra Stratimirovic。斯德哥尔摩:Art and Theory Publishing.
• After Dark,令人印象深刻而多层面的网络期刊,关于娱乐、照明、实验以及生活的黑暗。Uncube杂志第29期说:After Dark的光线问题,是由Thomas Schielke写的关于光和空间的每月专栏。在德国,他被建筑灯光所吸引并且为灯光公司以及DIAL学会工作。他出版了大量的文章以及合著了书“Light Perspective”

• Cities of Light – Two Centuries of Urban Illumination. Global framework for historical studies of urban lighting offering new perspectives on the fast-moving developments of lighting today. Authors: Sandy Isenstadt, Margaret Maile Petty, Dietrich Neumann. Routledge.
• SuperLux: Smart Light Art, Design and Architecture for Cities. Authors: Davina Jackson (ed.), Mary Anne Kyriakou, Vesna Petresin-Robert, Thomas Schielke, Peter Weibel, Peter Droege. London: Thames & Hudson. (forthcoming)
• You Say Light – I Think Shadow. Collection of 109 perspectives on light and darkness from Tadao Ando, Jean Nouvel up to Snøhetta. Authors: Sandra Praun and Aleksandra Stratimirovic. Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing.
• After Dark. Impressive and multifaceted online issue about the dark for entertainment, for illumination, for experimentation and for life. uncube magazine No.29: After Dark.Light matters, a monthly column on light and space, is written by Thomas Schielke. Based in Germany, he is fascinated by architectural lighting and works for the lighting company and academy DIAL. He has published numerous articles and co-authored the book “Light Perspectives”. For more information or follow him @arcspaces.





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