以上是来自日本的ALTS Design Office设计安土住宅的理念。
“It seem to be small space, but which cause to feel big. ”
“It seem to closed space, but which is opened to other space. ”
“It seem to be internal space, but which makes you feel being external space. ”
子与之间的空间彼此相互关系是丰富多样的,同时模糊了一般的界限 We have tried to include such as conflicting sensations, and create various and rich
spaces. So we considered that "Make a ‘house’ in a house". First, we designed inside liberating space like outside. Next, we designed a BOX (‘house
‘) enclose only the required privacy features in the house. Thereby, small ‘house’ with different levels are appeared in the inside space, and which
create a new space rich and diverse. These new spaces gently connect family relationship and make the boundaries vague.
Project name: Azuchi house
Architects film: ALTS DESIGN OFFICE
Architects Member: Sumiou Mizumoto / Yoshitaka Kuga
Construction: built of wood
Number of stories : 2
Gross area: 88.36 ㎡ Location: Shiga/Japan Completed date: 2013.7