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Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第1张图片

施华洛世奇水晶世界总部将CAO PERROT,s_o_s architekten和 Snøhetta三个建筑设计事务所组成一支队伍。“Snøhetta, CAO PERROT and s_o_sarchitekten创造了真正诗意化的设计和正式语言,当这里于2015年4月30日开放时,将令参观者为之着迷。这支国际性创意设计团队参与讨论了这一位置的独特性。新的施华洛世奇水晶世界扩建建筑由许多各式各样的侧面构成,象征了这一品牌。”施华洛世奇文化主管Carla Rumler说。


SwarovskiKristallwelten (Swarovski Crystal Worlds) was the first time opened in 1995 andsince then the touristic destination has become one of Austria’s most popularattractions with an average of 600 000 visitors annually. On the occasion ofthe Tyrolean family-owned company’s 120 year anniversary this year, Snøhettahas been commissioned to take part in the expansion leading up to the grandre-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten on April 30.

SwarovskiKristallwelten has put together a team of three architectural firms, includingCAO PERROT, s_o_s architekten, and Snøhetta. “Snøhetta, CAO PERROT and s_o_sarchitekten have crafted a design and formal language of truly poetic tenor,which will mesmerize our visitors when it opens on April 30, 2015. The forcesbehind this international network of creative talents have engaged in a dialogwith the uniqueness of this location. The rich abundance of facets that embodythe Swarovski brand is reflected by the architecture of the new SwarovskiKristallwelten”, says Carla Rumler, Cultural Director at Swarovski.

Snøhettahas contributed with three main elements to the expansion; a playtower andadjacent playground, a shop entrance, and a café and restaurant area.

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第2张图片





Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第3张图片


With thegoal of having the expanded Swarovski Kristallwelten appealing to all visitors’senses, with a particular focus on children, a new building typology hasemerged in this project. Situated in the south end of the garden, the 20 metertall playtower will foster a wide range of playing experiences on fourvertically arranged levels, creating an innovative experience of space. Herechildren can explore and play, and amongst other things, climb freely in a 14meter one-of-a-kind climbing net.

Thetower’s façade consists of 160 crystal facets, where not two are alike. Thepanels are printed with an innovative pattern made from millions of tiny motifsthat are linked to the history of Swarovski. The view from inside to theoutside is visible at all times, just as the activities on the inside alwayscan be seen from the outside. At night, the structure presents a spectacularbody of light that magically enhances the reflections of the surroundingCrystal Cloud and Mirror Pool.

This area,for children of any age, is complimented by an innovative playground landscapeunder the open skies. A free-form topography of steel and wood offers childrenan infinite number of ways to play. Not only is it possible to enjoy well-knownkinds of activities, but children additionally have the opportunity to discovernew games and forms of movement.

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第4张图片

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第5张图片 +



Daniels.Café & Restaurant

The caféand restaurant area is formed as a pavilion that is embedded into the garden –organically shaped concrete structure framing the views into the surroundinglandscape. Gently swinging pillars and ceilings accentuate the impression ofform and light. The bright surfaces and the material, set with SwarovskiCrystals, produce an effect that is beyond compare.

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第6张图片

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第7张图片

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第8张图片

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第9张图片




The newlydesigned shop entrance is crafted as a fascinating installation of light andsound – an emotional and virtual time travel. Kilometers of glowing fibers froma spiral-shaped tunnel lead the visitors into the new shopping area and aninteractive sound installation expands the space with an additional acousticdimension.

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第10张图片

Grand re-opening of Swarovski Kristallwelten / Snøhetta第11张图片   




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