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Drake Devonshire Inn / +tongtong第1张图片

Drake酒店在加拿大多伦多惊艳亮相10年后,推出了属于自己的乡村品牌酒店--德雷克德文郡酒店Drake Devonshire Inn,该酒店位于安大略省历史名镇Prince EdwardWellington。当地以手工食品,美酒,美丽的淡水沙滩和季节性活


酒店经营者邀请到John Tong以及他的设计团队+tongtong倾力打造这所位于浓荫深处,湖畔边缘的酒店,酒店共有11间客房与2间套房。建筑师立足于当地的乡土建筑特征:斜屋顶,宽门廊,砖烟囱还有多功能仓库等要素,旨在打造一个


Drake Hotel to launch Devonshire Inn
Rural retreat in Southern Ontario’s PrinceEdward County
Ten years after its revolutionary launch indowntown Toronto, the Drake Hotel brand is celebrating with the addition of arural country inn, bar and restaurant in the historic town of Wellington inPrince

Edward County—an area renowned for itsartisanal foods, new wines, beautiful freshwater beaches and seasonalactivities. Soft launched in September 2014, the Drake Devonshire willofficially celebrate its

grand opening May 2015.

All Photos ©  Nikolas Koenig


Drake hotelier and visionary Jeff Stoberbrings back the original Drake designer John Tong and his design studio,+tongtong, to help him and the Drake team reinvent a circa 1800 foundry as an11-room and

two-suite inn. The relaxed, lakefront innis tucked just off Wellington’s main street, nestled in a treed property with aprivate waterfront and a meandering creek.

The historic building and its new additionstake their aesthetic cues from Ontario’s vernacular architecture, celebratingits pitched roofs, covered porches, brick chimneys, multi-purpose barns, ad-hoc

renovations, off-the-shelf buildingmaterials and mismatched furnishings. Though it was inspired by the qualitiesof a simpler time, this inn has a contemporary view of the world. As such, itsfeatures are

blended with contemporary art installationsby emerging and well-known art stars, and plenty of doses of the Drake’sidiosyncratic and mischievous personality.

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Guests are encouraged to escape to an allseasons retreat for a weekend; gather with friends, family or colleagues for aspecial getaway or celebration; or simply drop in for a meal or a drink. TheInn

offers a variety of entertaining spacesincluding a full-service restaurant in a Douglas-fir lined dining hall completewith an oversized, double-sided fireplace, a screened-in, Adirondack styleporch

pavilion, a Philip Johnson inspired glass‘box’, an old fashioned living room and a covered bar and outdoor deck withbleachers cascading down to the lake.

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Food and drink

General Manager, Chris Loane and Front DeskSupervisor, Morgan Haviland will look after guests’ needs and desires.

Head Chef Matt DeMille’s menu based onlocal ingredients, and fun twists on classic ‘Commonwealth’ dishes withall-time Drake favourites paired with local and classic wines and spirits.

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Destination history and what to do:

Prince Edward County is located in SouthernOntario on a large headland at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Accessible fromToronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Upstate New York, the County is a municipalitymade

up of several quaint villages, with alllocal, year-round attractions. Locals and visitors make up a crowd of historybuffs, outdoors enthusiasts, foodies, wine connoisseurs and young families.

The 700 sq. km of low-lying fertile fieldsthat is more known as Prince Edward County were a gift from the Britishmonarchy to the Loyalists following the American Revolution. Two centurieslater,

generations of perfecting agriculture in arelatively isolated rural locale has evolved into a culinary retreat forfoodies. Farm to table fare is prepared by expert chefs in both food trucks and

restaurants. Limestone rich soils havegiven rise to Canada’s newest booming wine region, specializing in Pinot Noirand Chardonnay, with various varietals from dozens of wineries to boast.Winemakers in

PEC are serious about their craft but setaside all pretention for tasting experiences.

Prince Edward County is a region surroundedby fresh water lakes with numerous natural attractions. Most notable isSandbanks Provincial Park - known for its expansive sandy beaches and dunes.Throughout the

County people participate in bird watching,fishing, and ice fishing all winter on Lake Ontario. The beautiful environmenthas made the region into a haven for artists who can tackle creative endeavours

undisturbed, with a theatre company,galleries, studios, and artist cooperatives nestled all over the peninsula.

Getting There:
Wellington is a two hour-drive fromToronto, a three-hour drive from downtown Ottawa, and four to five hours fromMontreal.

The Drake Devonshire is open year-round.Rates start at $229 CAD.

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