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New department of communication science and informaticsEU Competition_1st prize
W?hringerstrasse 29将原来分散在不同教学楼的信息学院集中在这个特色的大楼内。通信科学系占有若干研讨室和七个计算机机房。地面层和地下两层为信息系和通信科学系的图书馆以及一部分化学系图书馆。
The new site allows to combine the entire faculty of informatics, previously distributed on different buildings, in an unique structure. The department of communication science gets seminar rooms and seven computer – research rooms at the W?hringerstrasse 29. On the groundfloor and in the two basement stories are located the library for informatics and communication science such as part of the library for chemistryfaculty.

The building at the W?hringerstrasse fills a typical gap site, but operates as a L-form joint (with internal service- and supply core) around the courtyard. The reinterpretation element of the bow window at the W?hringerstrasse connects the different alignments of the surrounding buildingsand a caesura at the upper level the different heights.
The focal point of the construction lies at the W?hringerstrasse, where the main entrance, accessible through an inviting hall, is located. From thisentrance the lecture halls in the basement, the library and the seminar rooms on the upper floors are reachable. As a result of this decision, theorientation in the building toward the different uses is optimized. The university library has its own intern access.

Appropriate work- and communication opportunitiesThe focus of university planning lies in the construction of appropriate work- and communication opportunities for students, scientists and administration members such as suitable library and communication infrastructure. The new areas have a flexible design, to adapt and expansionfor future demands. Additionally, systems and processes are set in, to reduce operating costs and increasing sustainability.
Special attention was taken to the multifunctional service and communication spaces for students. The University of Vienna is continuing its project student space: central target of this project is to shape the university “environment” in an attractive way, to optimise the spaces of learningand research, to increase space of communication and to offer an adequate infrastructure in seminar rooms and lecture halls.

ComissionerBIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
Project dataConstructed area 1.234m2Plot area 1.917m2Net gross area 10.660m2Gross floor area 12.000m2Net costs EUR 3,5 Mio.Cubature 46.500m2Construction costs EUR 25,5 Mio.
Start of construction 02/2010Completion 02/2010
Structural engineering FCPBuilding physics Bauphysik KalwodaSpace designer DI Anna DetzlhoferFurnishing NMPB

↑ 地下层 Underground floor

↑ 地面层 Ground floor

↑ 一层 F1

↑ 二层 F2

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