The aim of the work is to provide a view of a beautiful Japanese garden just across the street. At the same time,we want to shut out noises from the street, yet invite the fresh breeze from the outside.
First of all, we planned a horizontal opening to the garden in such a way that the passenger at bus stop across a street is not visible. Besides, a big "light well" was set above the main room to get sunlight and fresh air. Thelight well softens the direct sunlight and promotes natural ventilation. It is like "Tsuboniwa", a tiny garden ina traditional Japanese house. It is very important to carry out natural ventilation to mitigate Japan's muggy summer. Also, family members will easily communicate with each other through the well.
This work is located in an especially historical area in Kyoto. We carefully designed the shape, the roof pitch, the height and the wall line in order to revive a traditional street. In the corridor and stair room, vivid kimonocloths, a characteristic design of Kyoto, give a new feeling when moving to the next room.
In Kyoto, old buildings were made of wood, however, now we have to protect residents from earthquake and fire. This house is made from modern materials, but covered by lattice windows and doors to fit the street. Astime goes by, the architecture of this house will get a better relation with the city context.
Site address: Shimogyo,Kyoto,Japan / size: steel, 3 story / structural consultant: Eisuke Mitsuda / construction company: Toshin Corp. /completion period: 2012/07 / site area: 86.59m2 / floor area: 171.63m2 /photo credit: Kei Sugino