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“There is a balance between nature, rustication, and modern with the language and materials. It has an unexpected geometry that balances elegantly with the architecture. The architecture and landscape are one composition. The plantings are interesting and the materials are rusticand of the place.”—2013 Professional Awards Jury


Woodside Residence By Lutsko Associates, San Francisco, CA


At this residence, the buildings and site were designed together to blur the boundary between landscape and architecture. The buildings, landscapewalls and large-scale plantings were placed to create a series of exterior rooms that integrate with the building interiors and create a seamless experience of place. The landscape architect used plant communities from the surrounding landscape to form the site, bringing an experience of the surrounding native California landscape into the residence.

↑ 总平面图Site Plan.









↑ 新栽种的原生草场包裹着建筑和建筑的外围空间。A newly installed native grass meadow wraps the building and domestic exterior spaces.

↑ 橡树和当地林下叶层植物塑造区域入口,为访客传递抵达的信号。Oaks and a native understory planting shape the entry to the site while establishing a sense of arrival.

↑ 三面低矮石墙和一面工作室构造出小庭院。The auto-court is defined on three sides by low stone walls and the studio on the fourth.

                                                 ↑ 穿过工作室的小道可从小庭院达到中央庭院。The central courtyard is accessed from the auto-court via a passageway through the studio.

↑ 树木、碎石、水和石头的简单组合创造了一个沉思的内向型空间,大的雕像元素强化了这一空间特点。A simple palette of trees, gravel, water and stone creates a contemplative, inwardly focused space, accented by large sculptural elements.

↑ 简单呈现的水元素灵感来自于加利福利州乡村风景,在前门入口处营造了平静的氛围。The simple presence of water references California's rural landscape and provides a calming entry experience to the home's front door.

↑ 房屋、办公室和工作室塑造了中央庭院的格局。The central courtyard space is framed by the house, office and studio.

                                                ↑ 石铺台阶从住宅向下延伸到泳池。Stone steps lead from the family room down to the swimming pool.

↑ 用砌筑立面和基础墙的石材建成的低矮石墙向景观区域延伸,让建筑体在材料和形式上与周围景观融为一体。The same stone selected for building facades and foundation walls extends into the site as low stone walls, integrating the buildings' material and form with the surroundinglandscape.

↑ 原生草场包裹着建筑及建筑外围空间,将历史景观引入区内并与西边的开阔草坪建立视觉联系。A native grass meadow wraps the buildingsand domestic spaces, drawing the historic landscape into the site and creating a visual connection with the open grasslands to the west.

↑ 紧挨泳池南端的封闭式“盒子”菜园。A vegetable garden is tucked into a sheltered spot just south of the pool.

↑ 石墙用来平衡和界定内外部空间。Stone walls serve to balance and define the exterior domestic spaces.

↑ 沿区域边缘种植的小橡树进一步明确了区域界线,同时强化了该区与附近林地的联系Young oaks planted along the property's edge aid in defining a sense of place while reinforcing the site's connection to the adjacent woodlands.

The project is located in the suburban outskirts of the San Francisco Bay Area. It's situated outside of Woodside, a small equestrian community thatbacks up to the east of the coastal range.

The clients, a family of five including three young children, had lived in the immediate area since before the children were born. They had outgrowntheir three bedroom house and were looking for a long term home nearby. Though they originally had hoped to purchase a new house, this site inspired them to take on a larger project. The three acre property had most recently been developed in the 1950's and, with two rundown housesand a neglected formal landscape, was nothing special in itself. Its potential was the surrounding landscape. The property was surrounded by coastlive oaks with glorious views out to a historic ranch and the coastal range beyond. The clients envisioned developing the site to live up to the splendorof its surroundings.

Since the clients understood that thoughtful development of the landscape was essential to their goals, they hired a landscape architect and architect with a long-standing collaborative relationship. The design team worked with the client to create a program that included a main residence, a barn/studio, an office, pool and pool house. They decided to keep the buildings relatively small and use them to frame outdoor rooms to function as extensions of the interior spaces. While the clients desired a large lawn for playing, a vegetable garden and large gathering spaces, their primarygoal for the landscape was to incorporate the surrounding natural beauty. The buildings would be contemporary interpretations of rural and traditional dwellings set within a native California landscape.

Western Woodside was historically a mix of coast live oak woodland and grasslands over shallower upland soils. Although this area has beendeveloped for over 100 years, large ranches and estates have provided space for great trees from the previously existing woodland to flourish. Although no oak trees existed on the interior of the property, ancient oaks from the remnant forest are found scattered on neighboring lots and visible on the forested hillsides to the west.

The landscape architect used the oak woodland and native meadow communities as the basis for the planting design. An irregular band of oaks wraps the property, pulling in the surrounding woodlands as a framework for the development of the site. Within this glade, a native grass meadowwraps the buildings and domestic spaces, creating a visual connection to the open grasslands to the west. Despite these surrounding grasslandsbeing made of weedy annuals, the meadow on the site was composed of native perennial grasses to bring the historic, wild landscape into the siteand actively restore it to a more natural state. The experience of walking from a woodland into a glade, the sense of compression and expansion, became a guiding concept for the arrangement of buildings and landscape.

A grove of oaks and a native understory screen the site from the adjacent road. After moving through the oaks, the visitor arrives in an auto-court, defined by the barn/studio on one side and low stone walls on the other three. The visitor moves through an opening in the barn/studio and steps out into a central courtyard framed by the barn, house and small office. Though the lawn and meadow are partially visible through the house, the extent of space isn't apparent until the visitor steps inside the building with views across the lawn and out to the meadow and trees beyond. At theback of the house, the pool and pool house frame the large lawn.

The design team worked together to blur boundaries between building and landscape. The buildings are one room deep, creating gateways or semi-transparent screens that frame the exterior spaces. The same stone used for building facades and foundation walls was used for low stone walls to define the domestic exterior spaces and reach out into the surrounding meadow.

The central courtyard is an interpretation of a traditional California courtyard. Water, the fundamental element in traditional rural California, is used here in simple, contemporary forms. California sycamores, riparian trees with a mature sculptural form and striking white bark, are planted to further emphasize the presence of water. The clean lines and simple palette of trees, gravel, water and stone create a contemplative, inwardly focused space, accented by large sculptural elements. Inspired by the region's historic, rural character and beautiful native landscapes, the residenceis a contemporary collaboration that integrates the site into its surrounding environment while truly embodying outdoor California living.(VIA:ASLA  )




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