Appreciation towards Onion for providing the following description:
Bear House is on Cha-Am Beach, a famous seaside resort town in central Thailand, three hours drive from Bangkok. The brief is to renovate a three-storey building of eight metres wide and twenty-eight metres long,utilizing an area of three-hundred and eighty square metres, turning it into a second home of the Sahawat family.When the interior construction started, in December 2011, the boy of the family was two years old. A baby was expected. In April 2012, Bear House was happily finished.

该项目业主是泰国Be@rbrick玩具收藏家Sittawat Sahawat 和 Nipapat Sahawat夫妇。他们十分热爱收集迈迪蔻玩具公司(Medicom Toy) 推出的各式各样Be@rbrick公仔。Be@rbrick公仔外形简单,有着标志性的大肚腩。每个公仔都由九个部分组成,即头、身躯、臀、两条胳膊、两只手和两条腿,其关节和头可以灵活转动。很多艺术家都曾为公仔模型设计过装饰图案,如英国时装设计师Vivian Westwood和美国纽约传奇式的涂鸦艺术家Stash。BAPE迷彩图案公仔是Sahawat家庭的主要藏品,有28厘米高的400% Be@rbricks公仔,和7厘米高的100% Be@rbrick基本款公仔。
Bear House belongs to the Thai Be@rbrick collectors. Sittawat Sahawat and Nipapat Sahawat are siblings whoare fascinated by various sizes and styles of Be@rbrick toys, produced by the Japanese company Medicom ToyIncorporated. Be@rbrick is an anthropomorphised bear with a simplified form and pot belly. Each plastic figurefeatures nine parts, namely head, torso, hips, arms, hands and legs. It has flexible joints and a swivelled head.
Many artists have created decorative patterns for the standard mould such as the British fashion designer VivianWestwood and Stash who is considered one of New York’s graffiti legends. In the Sahawat family’s collection, the major figures are BAPE camouflage print. They are twenty-eight centimetres high and referred to as 400% Be@rbricks as its actual size, or a 100% Be@rbrick, is seven centimetres high.

尺寸对于这个小熊之家来说十分重要。设计时,设计师首先考虑了Be@rbricks展示橱窗,其次才是房屋的布局。设计师将橱窗想象成17个400% Be@rbricks公仔的家,内设台阶、梯子和28厘米高的大个儿公仔"居住"的空间。展示橱窗占据了餐厅的整面墙壁,将房间入口与三层高的起居空间联系在一起,它是住宅的核心和整个房间结构的缩影。橱窗由浅色的橡树板材制成,与住宅墙壁的主要材质相似。小熊之家是大版的Be@rbricks展示橱窗。
Size matters in Bear House. The design process does not start from the house itself but the Be@rbricks displaycabinet. It is thought of as a house of seventeen 400% Be@rbricks. It is composed of steps, ladders and voids that fit the scale of twenty-eight centimetres tall figures. It occupies a whole wall of the dining room, linking the house’s entry to the living area which is three stories high. The cabinet is a central piece and a model of thehouse. It is made of light coloured oak wooden panels resembling the other main surfaces of the house. Bear House is a bigger version of Be@rbricks’ display cabinet.

Miniature fixtures and oversize furniture are the features of Bear House. Lamps and pillows are oversize so thatthe inhabitants may feel smaller than they actually are. The house has four sizes of doorknobs, customised for different size of doors. They are sometimes too big for a child’s hand and too small for an adult’s hand. The ladder that seems too high is one of the living area’s decorative elements. It leads the gaze high up to square skylights, oversize voids, and windows of different scale. Every room on the upper floors overlook the hall ofliving area.

主卧安装了一个放大版的Be@rbrick’s梯子。梯子连接了特大号床和小"阁楼"内布置的小床。小床提供了两种不同的视野—起居室高高的厅堂和对面房间外的海景。主卧前面是由法国品牌Paul&Joe和日本迈迪蔻玩具公司合作生产的70厘米高、绘有警服图案的1000% Be@rbrick公仔。从二楼的起居区、卧室和楼梯与通往主卧的斜道之间的楼梯平台上可以看到这只大号公仔。
An enlarged Be@rbrick’s ladder is placed in the master bedroom. It connects a space between the king size bed and a single day bed in an elevated hole. There are two views from this day bed. Next to the hole is the three stories hall overlooking the living area. The opposite side across the room is the sea view. In front of the masterbedroom stands a 1000% Be@rbrick of seventy centimetres high, painted in a pattern of police uniform. It is a special collaboration between French label Paul&Joe and Medicom Toy. This 1000% Be@rbrick can be seen from the living area on the second floor, the bedroom on the second floor, and the landing that links the stair and the ramp towards the master bedroom.

小熊之家明亮而快乐。房屋的前部分分布着起居室和泳池。泰国著名的年轻涂鸦艺术家MMFK and P7为整个空间设计了可爱的动物涂鸦。起居室内的大号沙发后面是穿着水手服的独眼怪兽(MMFK)和长着条纹眉毛的蓝色熊(P7)。泳池旁11米长的墙壁上是MMFK设计的一只熊正在吞噬独眼怪兽的卡通形象,而旁边是P7画的一只额头写着“surf”字样的黑熊。这些可爱的涂鸦是为小熊之家专门设计的。
Bear House is bright and humorous. Its living room and swimming pool are the front part of the house. The whole space is coloured by young Thai graffiti artists well known as MMFK and P7. In the living room, behind the oversize sofa, MMFK paints a one-eye monster, dressed up as a sailor, whereas P7 paints a blue bear head with striped eyebrows. Next to the swimming pool, on the wall of eleven metres long, MMFK illustrates the cartoon representation of a bear devouring his iconic one-eye monster. P7 drew a black bear head with the word ‘surf’ on its forehead. These illustrations are customised only for Bear House. English text by M.L. Chittawadi Chitrabongs

Bear House by Onion , Location : Cha-Am beach, ThailandCompletion : 2012Area: 380sq.mOwner : Nipapat Sahawat , Sittiwat SahawatInterior architect : Onion;,Arisara Chaktranon, Siriyot ChaiamnuayPhotographer : Wison Tungthanya

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