META-Project正在招聘项目建筑师 / 资深建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 建筑实习生 / 室内设计师 / 合伙人研发助理,详情请点击蓝色链接。
The narrow alleyway connecting small courtyard residences, or Hutong, has been heralded as the definitive exemplar of Beijing’s urbanism since the city became the capital during the Yuan dynasty. To this day, legions of critics and writers have looked to Hutongs as a kind of architectural endangered species, evidence of how traditional urban fabrics have been crushed under the maw of modernization and construction. This explanation is too convenient, too simple, however, and does not capture the reality of the situation in Beijing - Hutongs proved to be more resilientand complex than ever. They are here to stay: they not only provide a glimpse into Beijing’s long and heralded history, but they are also a cultural and physical reality providing a key to a prosperous urban life in the future.
位于北京旧城中心胡同里的META-工作室,一直以来持续的关注胡同的更新和进化。Located in the middle of the old city of Beijing, META-Project has been interested in the regeneration and evolution of the Hutongs.
自2012年起,META-工作室的创始人王硕与建筑师安竹·布莱恩特发起并组织了[超胡同]。[超胡同]是一项备受殊荣的国际性研究合作项目,它获得格莱汉姆基金会(Graham Foundation)以及麦肯锡城市中国计划(Urban China Initiative)的持续支持,并在北京设计周,上海设计大展,威尼斯双年展等重要展览上展出。Since 2012, the founder of META-Project, Wang Shuo and Architect Andrew Bryant had initiated and organized [META:HUTONGS] , an award winning, internationally-recognized research collaborative. It is sponsored by the Graham Foundation, as well as Mckinsey Urban China Initiative (UCI), to carry through 4 years and has exhibited at Beijing Design Week, Design Shanghai, and Venice Biennale.

↑ 超胡同在威尼斯双年展
基于[超胡同]引发的思考, “西海边的院子”就是META-工作室所进行的关于如何在保护与拆除之间进行改造的一次尝试。Set out from the reflection of [META:HUTONGS], “Courtyard by the west sea” is an attempt for what can be done between preservation and demolition.
视频链接 http://v.qq.com/cover/j/jbj6gm6g6udaf9o.html?vid=i0154gbk0aa
西海边的院子项目位于什刹海西海东沿与德胜门内大街之间的一个狭长基地,在德胜门城楼正南方不到四百米。面朝西海一侧的两排砖混结构的厂房建筑,前身就是什刹海地区久负盛名的蓝莲花酒吧,基地东侧则是七八十年代搭建的几间矮小破旧的临时性房屋,没有保护价值。房主希望能将这一贯通西海与德胜门内大街的地块改造成具有北京胡同文化特质的空间,同时又能满足一系列非常当代的混合使用功能 - 包括茶室、正餐、聚会、办公、会议、以及居住、娱乐。
The project is located in a narrow base between Xihai(the West Sea) east bank and Deshengmen Inner Avenue, less than four hundred meters to the south of Deshengmen tower. Facing two rows of brick-hybrid structure plant construction on the side of the west sea, the predecessor of the site was the prestigious Blue Lotus Bar, on the eastern side were a few little shabby temporary housing built in the seventies and eighties, which had no conservation value. The owner hoped to renovate this land which goes through from the West Sea and Deshengmen Inner Avenue into a space with a kind of Beijing Hutong cultural characteristics, while meeting a series of very contemporary mixed-use features - including the tea house, dinner, party, office, conference, as well as living and entertainment.

↑ 定位图(Location)

↑ 改造前

↑ 平面图(plan)
META-Project combed through existing structures before conducting a detailed renovation and intervention andtransformed the courtyard into a "three-step-courtyard" form, And here the proposed "three-step-courtyard" is not an imitation of traditional courtyard’s axial symmetry pattern, but a contemporary reinterpretation of multi-layer courtyard and its possibility in depth by means of well-proportioned patchwork, movement of steps and shift of scenes, meanwhile satisfying owner’s wish to build a cultural life in this hutong, Three-step-courtyard is full of trees and vegetation and is in a clear division of various functions required by the owner, making daily walk a spatial experience with continuity and full of rhythm.

↑ 空间介入分析

↑ 庭院内部

↑ 庭院内部

↑ 庭院内部
材料搭接实验(material tectonic experiment)
Inner facade and west fa?ade have used polished volcanic rock with five degrees of depth of palette, similar with the periphery walls of the mansions nearby hidden in the hutongs both in scale and in color, while in texture reflecting a more accurate and detailed change. Different-sized and-proportioned catalpa wood outdoor windows created through a complex construction are observed within the various viewpoints bringing changes in the facade expressions, while maximizing the possible viewing from the inside outward.

↑ 西立面

↑ 西立面局部

↑ 内立面局部
较为开敞的后院围墙则演化成为一场材料搭接的实验,在尝试了几种不同材料之后,我们确定了以“筒瓦”作为后院墙材料搭接实验的主体 -将本用于屋顶排水的筒瓦在旧墙内侧垂直叠放成为围屏,并通过精心控制的细微扭转,使这一原本灰暗的材料在不同光线与角度下呈现出耐人寻味的光影变化。
The fencing walls of the more open backyard have evolved into an experiment for material overlapping, after trying several different materials, we determined to use the "tube tile" as the main material for the walls of the back yard – thus the commonly roofing-used tube tiles for draining now layered vertically inside the old wall serving as a veil of fence, with carefully manipulated subtle twist, giving the original grey material a rich taste of light and shadow interaction under different lights and angles.

↑ 筒瓦搭接构造图解及筒瓦细部

↑ 筒瓦中景

↑ 筒瓦中景

↑ 筒瓦远景
By carefully constructed volcanic rock, catalpa wood and tube tile, it has introduced into the courtyard a feel as if walking in the alley with rich material experiences.
室内体验营造(interior experience creation )
室内引用了“金砖”地面和灰砖墙面,并用深色木质的栅格屏风和内嵌家具对空间进行流动化的界定,以延续庭院的胡同日常体验。In order to continue the daily hutong courtyard experience into the interior space, we introduce “golden brick” flooring and grey brick walling, together with dark-colored wood grid screen and built-in furniture defining a fluidized space.
室内体验的营造都围绕着对室外自然(西海或庭院)的取景,使不同的“窗”成为连通内外环境、使之互相渗透的“转换器”。All creations indoors circle around outdoor nature (the West Seaand courtyard). Different "windows" have become the “transformer” linking and mutually penetrating inside and the external environment.

↑ 窗
Courtyard by the West Sea,an ongoing dialogue between the exterior city and the interior intends to find and elaborate a Beijing hutong life in contemporary qualities.

↑ 露台
项目信息(PROJECT DATA)地点:北京, 西海时间:2013年业主:私人功能:茶室、正餐、聚会、办公、会议、居住、娱乐面积:800㎡设计团队:META-工作室灯光咨询:韩晓伟摄影:陈溯 LOCATION:West Sea, BeijingDATE:The year of 2013CLIENT:PrivatePROGRAM:Tea House, Dinner, Party, Office, Conference,Living and EntertainmentAREA:800㎡DESIGN TEAM:META-ProjectLIGHTING CONSULTANT:Han XiaoweiPHOTOGRAPHER:Chen Su
MORE: META-Project
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