↑ 方案(动画及图解)中出现的南立面英文字母“YOUTH CENTER”由于其他原因并未实施
Situatedin the center of New Town, Jiading Youth Centre ambitions to connect Ziqidonglai Park and Yuanxiang Lake ,thus becoming an significant node of public space of this district. After decades of “off-line”, the sleeping building calls for renovation and vitality as it calls for energetic and creative young people to occupy in. So, this unique refurbishing project makes great sense as an urban renewal practice.

This Center enthusiastically respond to the national policy of “Public business and innovation for all” by creating an integrated stage for “the Makers” : an entirely open, creative space for gatherings on-line or off-line, communication, education, exhibition, working, relaxing etc.Surrounded by urban green area, the building’s boundary is blurred by the integration of stage, meandering corridor, landscape system and the bamboo forest, creating diverse possibilities of events.

在A栋的改造中,设计采取在原有建筑简洁的框架下置入可塑球体的空间操作方式, 创造出多样、灵活的空间。大小不一、形态各异的球体与原有的规则体量相互挤压、吸收、交融…最终生成多孔的内向型空间,创造多样与复合的内部交流面。空间的内与外,包容与穿越,模糊了建筑与环境的界线边界。建筑通过巧妙的曲线朝紫气东来公园打开城市界面,为城市创造一个汇聚活力和能量的都市舞台。
The design attempt for Building A is putting multiple sphere volums into original regular structure to create diversified and flexible space. These spheres with various sizes and forms react chemically with the original rectangular form by squeezing, absorbing, integrating etc, thus making an introversive space with multiple holes and creating diverse interfaces of internal communication. The boundary between the building and surroundings becomes blurred as the space integrates the inside and outside by encouraging diversity and pass-through. The elaborate curves of the building facing Ziqidonglai Park react to the public interface and create an energetic stage for the public.
For Building B, the roof arises from the floor and the floor reacts with various terraces, thus defining the subtle interface of gatherings and communication.

The design endeavor of this practice is to re-engine the existing context with vitality and attractiveness. On the other hand, we also attempt to create the “place” where people can meander and communicate.

项目名称:嘉定青年中心项目地点:上海市嘉定区天祝路德富路路口项目规模:A楼570㎡,B楼地上186㎡,地下198㎡设计/建成时间:2014.10.1/2015.4.30建设单位:上海磁力青年发展中心设计团队:Wahsco主创建筑师:赵振富建筑设计:Hirofufu 于烔室内设计:Hirofufu平面设计:陈铭灯光顾问:缪海琳施工总包:上海众一市政工程有限公司照片摄影:Simon White,Hirofufu动画及后期剪辑:Hirofufu
Project:Youth Center,JiadingLocation:Tianzhu Road and Defu Road,Jiading,ShanghaiGFA:570sqm for Building A; 186 sqm for Building BYear: 2014.10.1/2015.4.30Cilent:Cili Youth Development Center,ShanghaiDesign Team:WahscoArchitect in Charge : Zhao ZhenfuParticipant architect : Hirofufu,Yu TongInterior Design:HirofufuGraphic Design:Chen MingLight consultant : Miao HailinConstruction:Zhongy Municipal Corporation,ShanghaiPhotography: Simon White,HirofufuAnimation&Post production : Hirofufu
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