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  【港大研究展】王维仁、Nasrine 回归田中央 中国乡村发展的六个设想
  时间: 10月08日 ~ 11月27日 每天08:00-20:00
  地点: 上海 虹口区 香港大学上海学习中心
  费用: 免费
  类型: 展览

【港大研究展】王维仁、Nasrine 回归田中央 中国乡村发展的六个设想第1张图片

  Illusions of the Rural Gravity
  开幕酒会:10月8日 19:00
  展览地点:上海市虹口区北苏州路298号 香港大学上海学习中心一楼展厅Gallery-SH

  本次展览的内容主要来自香港大学Nasrine Seraji教授和王维仁教授所带的一个研究项目,回应了中国乡村生活逐渐消失的现实问题。研究案例的地点在浙江松阳,研究团队经过实地田野调查和多层次的分析讨论,提出了六个提案,从不同角度回溯和反思了中国乡村的发展,并勾勒出松阳未来的各种可能性。

  展览名为《Illusions of the Rural Gravity 回归田中央——中国乡村发展的六个设想》,来自于参加此次研究的Michelle Lo 和 Shane Wan的提案。中国从高速城镇化的建设时期逐步迈入理性反思的时期,城市的主题开始向“保护”“更新”“调节”倾斜,新农村的建设受到更多人的关注。和城市一样,中国乡村在近三十年里发生了巨大的变化,沿海一带尤为明显。浙江松阳的历史和未来或许是中国乡村发展的一个缩影。

  A young Mayor prefers to ask students of architecture to think about his territory rather than leaving it to professionals. Weijen Wang, head and professor of architecture, Nasrine Seraji,dean ENSAPM, PARIS centennial visiting professor of architecture HKU were accompanied by12 students and demonstrator; Victor Leung on a trip in the Zhejiang province. It was February,the most festive and difficult period of the year for Chinese Cities, exciting and busy, domestic, touristic as well as global, private but very public. We learned that there is no easy answer to the question of the disappearance of villages and rural life in China.

  What ever happened in the countryside?


  王維仁 Weijen Wang

  Wang Weijen, associate professor at department of architecture of Hong Kong University, graduated from UC Berkeley and Taiwan University. His design projects won several AIA Design Awards and Far Eastern Architectural Award, and were exhibited including in Taipei Museum of Modern Art, Beijing Architecture Biennale, Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism and Venice Architecture Biennale of 2008.

  娜斯琳·瑟拉吉 Nasrin Seraji-Bozorgzad
  香港大学建筑学院客座教授,Atelier Seraji创始合伙人,英国建筑师学会会员,美国建筑师学会会员,英国皇家建筑师学会会员,法国注册建筑师,英国注册建筑师。

  Nasrine Seraji founded Atelier Seraji in 1990. Formed by her early experience at London’s Architectural Association, she subsequently worked in large architectural offices in England and the United States before coming to France. Over the years, Seraji has pursued a path constantly enriched by her simultaneous engagement in architectural practice, teaching, and research.


  香港大学上海学习中心 HKU Shanghai Study Center

  Shanghai Study Center belongs to the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong, and is dedicated to hosting major events such as conferences, symposia and lectures, and exhibitions on architecture and related fields and provides a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and new developments between architects, designers, and the public through exhibitions and related gallery talks, conferences, and design tours.

  李亮聪 Anderson L.C.Lee

  Academic director of the HKU Shanghai Study Centre, Assistant Professor of The Faculty of Architecture, HKU, Master of Architecture degree from Princeton University, Registered Architect in the State of New York, and a full member of the American Institute of Architects (A.I.A).

  苏杭 Kelsi Su
  Public Program Officer of HKU Shanghai Study Center, Master of Architecture degree from Tongji University.



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