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杭州西湖边的V+ Lounge/ Studio Waffles + LYCS Architecture第1张图片

V+ Lounge by the West Lake

杭州V+ Lounge是著名品牌V+继北京、成都后国内的第三家分店,由华夫设计(Studio Waffles)和零壹城市建筑事务所(LYCS Architecture)共同完成其室内空间设计。项目地处西湖旁最为繁华的核心商业区域——东坡路平海路口的西南角,3层以上便可远眺湖景,离苹果亚洲最大的旗舰店不足100米。项目独特的地理位置传递出关于湖水的灵感,设计团队通过对曲线、镜面与光线的运用,将水下、水面、水上的不同感官体验融入进室内空间。

The interior space of Hangzhou V+ Lounge, which serves as the famous brand’s third branch in China after Beijing and Chengdu, is designed together by Studio Waffles and LYCS Architecture. The project is located at the southwest corner of the crossroad of Dongpo Rd. and Pinghai Rd, which is also the most flourishing commercial zone nearby West Lake. Meanwhile, the site is less than one hundred meters away from the largest flagship store of Apple in Asia.It is this unique location of the project that initiated the inspiration of translating the water of West lake into a design concept. Curves, mirrors and different lights are adopted to support this concept, thus integrating diverse sensory experiences of underwater, water surface as well as over-water as a whole interior space.

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Taking advantage of the height of the ground floor, the designers set light with geometrically divided form on a whole wall. The openness and grandeur is guaranteed. Fine and delicate materials imply the quality of the space in a luxury but modest way.

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Underwater Diving
The third floor is an integrated bar with various counters, which satisfy different needs of the customers.

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休息区正中间耸立着黑白大理石拼接的巨大V+ logo,Logo图案在不同的视角下面会产生不同的变化。大理石墙面经过点光源的反射,将层高的优势通过戏剧化的材质表现方式进行解构和重组。

A huge V+ logo is standing in the middle of resting area by joining pieces of black and white marbles together. The logo image varies as the view changes. The height of the space is deconstructed and recombined by a dramatic way of material expression that goes simultaneously with reflection image of many spot lighting, finally enhance the perception of this spacious lounge area.

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An underwater atmosphere is emphasized in the counter zone. There are translucent water-textured glass as wall and placing spotlights and diffuse lights on the top. After that,the designer, taking advantage of the depth of the space, constructing an underwater bar with its interior space shifting from the solid to the void. The counter itself is made by multi-layered glasses and mirrors. It smoothly presents an image of different seasons when the light changes.

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Exploring in the water
In the KTV part, the designers carry out a breakthrough way of introducing the scenery of West Lake into interior space.

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The fifth floor is designed with the concept of rambling in the bottom of the lake. Mirrors and continuous grilling are adopted to present the underwater world deep into the lake.The corridor has a surface with both simplicity and elegance.Light is placed behind the mirror and in the gap between curved grillings. Compared with the dark ripples created by the lights and shadows, landscape of the West Lake is particularly vivid.

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Rooms and corridors are joined organically with continuous grillings on the wall. There are thin boards in the boxes where various classic couches are supported. They seem to flow in the large box, reducing the conventional visual weight of itself. Hence the interior space visually becomes more expansive.

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The concept of the sixth floor is infinite West Lake. The interior space is sprightful with white streamlined wall adopted. They are connected seamlessly with reflective material. As simple and dynamic as its water metaphor, the whole space flows like a delicate curve left by a tiny boat cut through the West Lake.

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High-reflective materials in the corridors bring the outdoor scenery of West Lake into interior space. Between the image reflected on the ceiling and the view outside, a contradiction emerges. Meanwhile, there are flexible ribbon-like light coming from scattering lights near the corridor as if one can only experience when he travels in the sparkling underwater world.

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六层的包间对单一的空间进行了分割,以立柱或沙发等结构将一个全封闭空间转化成两个半封闭空间。包间内地面为精密抛光处理的黑色反射材质。一幅水下摄影为主题的壁画赋予墙面 “水”的波澜之感,电视背景墙以吸声性能极好的羊毛毡贴装,在全镜面的空间中以深沉的颜色增加墙体质感。

In rooms on the sixth-floor, the whole space is divided into two open zones by structure and furniture. The floor in the box is carpeted with fine polished black floor, reflecting images of other parts of the room. In this reflective space, water theme fresco and dark sound-absorbing wool on the wall reinforce the existence of the space boundary, providing the beauty both in form and function.

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In order to maximize the landscape value of West Lake, V+ rooms adopt a design method of connecting from inside to outside. There are a lot of full height glass and smooth mirrors on the ceiling and floor, which introduces the landscape of the lake into the rooms. Hence, customers are able to enjoy singing while embracing the natural landscape simultaneously.

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七层与八层是专属于V+ Lounge VIP的独享空间,设计语言与其他空间相统一,但却更为尊贵与奢华。沿西湖面的两层空间部分被上下打通,形成一个中空的空间,既交相呼应又独立分隔,并将水的语汇元素用现代的方式展示在空间中。

Rippling on the water
There are V+ Lounge VIP rooms on the seventh and eighth floors. With a similar and unified design language, these rooms are more luxury. An atrium independently connects the two floors on the lake side, representing water elements in the space in a rather modern way.

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To express the lithesome light and shadow as well as delicate dynamics on the lake surface, space on the seventh floor is designed with fine massive material to pursue a twinkling expression of the water surface. Glass and metal provide a majority of the material selection of the counter area. Lights pass through the glass just in the way a shining diamond does, which draws the interior visual attention all on this counter.

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In the individual area, oval panels cover the pillar and form a table in a certain height. Thus unique dining experience is created Along the windows, several flexible tables and chairs are placed. The dark indoor space highlights the West Lake’s night scene outside the windows.
The method of material contrast of seventh floor continues on the eighth floor. However, in order to distinguish from the free line elements on the seventh floor, line elements controlled more by sequence and symmetry are introduced on the eighth floor.

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In VIP rooms, ceilings is constructed by white metal pieces and heavy solid concrete, emphasizing the both the weight and lightness, diversity and integrity in material. The designers chose dark tone stone jointed with metal lines as a floor pattern, whose deep dark skin serve as a counterpart of the white metal pieces,emphasizing the lithesome impression of the latter.

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With several changes in details added, the cigar room keeps the sequential and symmetrical form. It becomes more subtle after elaborately considering lights exert their influence.

项目名称: 杭州V+ Lounge
室内设计:华夫设计 + 零壹城市建筑事务所
项目地点: 中国杭州
设计团队(华夫设计): 王令尘(Oscar Wang),温斌(Evan Wen),宓安裕,张云龙
项目时间: 2015年
项目面积: 2779 平方米

Project Credits
Project Name: Hangzhou V+ Lounge
Interior Design: Studio Waffles + LYCS Architecture
Design Team(Studio Waffles): Oscar Wang,Evan Wen,MI Anyu,Nissa Zhang
Design Team(LYCS Architecture): RUAN Hao, HE Yulou, LAI Zhenyu,ZHANG Qiuyan, WU Miao, XU Weizhuo,XU Jing,LUO Jingzhong
Project Date: 2015
Size: 2779 sqm
Photo Copyrights: Studio Waffles ,LYCS Architecture
Drawing Copyrights: Studio Waffles ,LYCS Architecture

来源:本文由华夫设计 + 零壹城市建筑事务所提供稿件,所有著作权归属华夫设计 + 零壹城市建筑事务所所有




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