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Making of The Meadow with SketchUp & Skatter


自然散射插件V1(Skatter for SketchUp v1)本周发布啦!作为资深的SketchUp 用户,我非常荣幸将这个工具带到SketchUp 用户群中。Skatter是来自建筑师兼3D艺术家Thomas Hauchecorne的创意,之后他又进一步进行了开发。今天我很高兴分享这篇由早期公测版的用户——AART Architects建筑事务所的建筑师 Mads Bjerre写的文章。他最早是在Skatter后援论坛中分享了制作“草地”这篇文章,这颠覆了大家对于Skatter插件的呈现效果的想象。如果你喜欢这篇文章,你可以去ArchVIZ商店免费下载制作“草地”的所有场景文件资源!

Skatter for SketchUp v1 was released this week! As a SketchUp user for many years now, it is a great joy for me to help bring this tool to the SketchUp user community. Skatter is the brainchild of Architect and 3D Artist Thomas Hauchecorne, and he did a superb job developing it. Today I’m very happy to share this article by one of our early beta group users, Mads Bjerre from AART Architects. He first shared “The Meadow” in the Skatter Support forums sparking everyone’s imagination as to what can be done with Skatter.Enjoy this article and know that “The Meadow” Scene file along with the assets is available for free on The ArchVIZ Shop!






简短的介绍之后,我将为大家介绍一些“草地”场景以及我怎样使用SU自然分散插件(Skatter for SketchUp)作为其中一个主要工具的。

Welcome to this article, whose purpose is to guide you through the making of ״The Meadow״。
The Meadow is a project made especially for the release of Skatter, which is a brand new extension for SketchUp. Skatter is a powerful new tool, which makes it possible to scatter compound objects either as an array, or over the surface of a host object/plane. This is particularly advantageous when working with 3D vegetation like grass, trees, bushes etc.
I think that many SketchUp users will agree with me that this has always been a major challenge especially in the rendering part. There have been previous attempts to make scatter plugins, and these plugins roughly did the job, but with some limitations. Consequently, many have to rely on other programs like Photoshop in post processing.
Nevertheless, I think many of us love SketchUp. When working as an architect as I am, time matters almost every time. In my case, it always depends on what I am able to accomplish in a very short time. That is why I chose SketchUp. It is fast, intuitive, flexible, and easy to use. Thanks to the many serious developers of SketchUp extensions out there, more and more opportunities are opening up, and every time the gap between SketchUp and other more “sophisticated” and advanced 3D programs narrows.
With this small introduction, I will continue to tell a bit more about the scene “The Meadow” and how I’ve used Skatter for SketchUp as one of the main tools.

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The scene was created to test the capabilities of Skatter for SketchUp. Therefore, I chose to work with a landscape scene, without buildings! Something I never do. I like the idea that I control everything in my workflow, so I decided to make everything from scratch, right down to each single straw of grass.
I searched the net for some reference images, to see how the distribution of natural grass looked like. I also found some landscape images for inspiration, and to help me mentally visualize the project.
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3D草地的制作/3D Grass Making

在我继续工作之前,我需要说明下如果没有其它很好的SU插件,工作不会这么容易地展开。在制作草地的时候,我使用自由缩放(Fredo Scale)和贴图扩展(Fredo ThruPaint)工具。在创建地形的时候,我使用了SU的细分(Artisan)工具。利用自由缩放工具可以扭转和弯曲几何体块,贴图扩展工具是一个很好的工具,当你在一些异形的几何上贴覆材质时,保证效果不会失真。


Before I continue, I need to say that the work would have been less easy without some other great SketchUp plugins. To make the grass, I used Fredo Scale and Fredo ThruPaint. For the terrain, I used Artisan for SketchUp. Fredo Scale allows you to twist and bend your geometry, and Fredo ThruPaint is a great tool for UV mapping your textures on challenging geometry without any distortions.
I started out by using Fredo Scale to bend the grass components in different angles. I then used Fredo’s ThruPaint to map the grass texture. I made a single grass texture in different shades of green, and mapped it on every single straw. Then I moved the position of the texture to catch the different green shades. In this way, I had only one material to control in V-Ray, which I think is an advantage when you are working with complicated scenes.

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基础的草地材质/Basic Grass Material

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I made the flowers in exactly the same way. I made an all-in-one flower texture, and used ThruPaint to move the position to fit the geometry

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一体化花朵材质/All in One Flower Materials

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Now I had to make the grass bundles.
This is the part where I used Skatter for SketchUp for the first time in the process. I made a simple hexagon shape as my host object, and selected four of my previously made grass components to be scattered. I used different settings for the different grass tufts, but for the most part, I used Uniform as my distribution method and enabled the Random Transform feature. Skatter offers endless possibilities to control your distribution, but these simple changes gave a pretty good result.

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Eventually, I ended up with some different grass tufts, starting from low grass, and ending up with reed.

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使用V-RAY /Using V-RAY


This is pretty straightforward. I used a reflection layer and a 2-sided material for a translucency effect. For the flower leaves, I also made a transparency map and a bump map. The bump map was overkill, though.
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Below is the bundles I decided to use in my final scene.

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地形建模/Modeling the Terrain


As I mentioned earlier, the terrain modeling was mainly made with Artisan for SketchUp – another great plugin. If we are to be fair, Sandbox could probably do the job, but Artisan provides some great additional features, which are hard to do without when you want things to go easy, and especially if you want to control your scatter distribution. More on that later.
I started out with a simple sandbox plane. I then used Artisan Sculpt Tool to form the terrain.

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When I was pleased with the final design, I used Fredo’s ThruPaint tool to project my ground cover textures to the terrain without any distortions. I went back to Artisan and used the Paint Brush Tool, which allows you to paint a new texture on top of the existing ground cover texture by clicking and dragging. I painted the road area and the bottom of the lake using this method. Artisan also do this without any texture distortion.

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Now I could prepare the terrain for Skatter, using Artisan’s Select Brush. By clicking and dragging the brush, I could select specific areas, especially in my road area, where I needed more control with my scatter distribution. I grouped the areas, and placed my camera in the scene.
Now, I was ready to use Skatter.

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Below is the final Camera position.

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在地形的3D模型中使用Skatter /Using Skatter with the Terrain 3d Model






It’s Skatter Time!
Now the fun part begins, namely, to use Skatter on some larger areas.
I imported my grass tufts into the scene, and made them into simple V-Ray proxies. I first scattered the road. It was my intention to get the road to look old and rarely used, with grass in the center and on the sides with some vague bumpy tracks.Because I grouped the road areas earlier it was much easier to control the scatter parameters to get this look. In this situation it was necessary to use some other Skatter features.
Because I worked with sloped terrain, I needed to get my scattered objects to follow the surface. I did this with the Pointing up slide bar, which was set to normal. I also used Scale falloff in the Area section, to make a sliding transition toward the tracks. Because I worked with proxies, and not visible components, I enabled the “Render Only” feature, so I could control future editing in the Render List.
For the road area I used six layers : one for each of the grass bundles, one for each of the flowers and one for the stones. I also scattered some stones manually, which together with a simple bump map on the ground cover texture did the trick.

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Below is the first render test of the scattered road area.

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The rest of the scattering was made in the same way, but because much of the remaining vegetation was far away from the camera position, I used the Camera feature and enabled Exclude non visible to remove every scattered objects outside the viewport, and Distance clipping, since it was not necessary with such high level of details in the background, where your eyes cannot see it anyway

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Finally, I placed some trees, and made a water material for the lake. I chose not to spend a lot of time doing too many lightning adjustments, as I did not have time for it. So the scene lightning is just a good old V-Ray Sun and Sky. I used an HDRI in the water reflection though. My final V-Ray settings was just an exterior preset in a medium quality.
The image below is the final raw render.

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This is the image with a white override material.

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后期制作/Post Production


I used less than an hour on the post processing. I had already found the background images, and my background trees, so I used the time adjusting light, contrast and color balance.

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为了这个教程,我已经将地形模型和使用的组件(小草、花朵等)放入到Ronen的ArchVIZ 免费商店中,所以大家可以自由地在3D模型中操作它们或者用在你们自己的项目中。现在就打包下载“草地”的资源吧!


I hope you got something out of following this tutorial. Keep in mind, that this was just a small part of the many great possibilities Skatter for Sketchup offers.
For this tutorial I have added the model of the terrain, and the used components (grass, flowers, etc) to Ronen’s ArchVIZ Shop for free so feel free to experiment with them in the 3D model, or in your own projects.
Grab “The Meadow” Pack Now!
Below you can see some other render tests I made earlier.
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So, that`s it.
I hope you enjoyed it. If there is any question regarding any subject I would be pleased to answer it.

Mads Bjerre是一名丹麦建筑师,他在2010年从奥尔胡斯建筑学院硕士毕业。他现在是Aart Architects建筑事务所的一名建筑师。这是一家丹麦建筑公司,它在奥尔胡斯、哥本哈根和奥斯陆都设有办事处,专门从事现代化的北欧设计和建构解决措施。Mads的工作涵盖了3D设计研究、建模和效果图制作。SU和V-Ray是他在Aart建筑事务所使用的主要工具。

Mads Bjerre is a Danish architect who graduated with a Master in Architecture from Aarhus school of architecture in 2010. He works as an architect for Aart Architects.A Danish architectural firm, with offices in Aarhus, Copenhagen, and Oslo, who specializes in modern Scandinavian design and architectural solutions. Mads work consists of 3D design studies, modeling and visualizations. SketchUp and V-Ray are used as main tools for this at Aart.





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