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Architecture could finally break out in San Francisco, where "dreams go to die"



When it comes to contemporary architecture, San Francisco is a stubborn town. But could change be coming at last? Proposals by high-profile architects such as OMA, Studio Gang and Foster + Partners could bring a more dramatic skyline and a transformed waterfront – if San Francisco's notoriously persnickety planning system and pressure groups let them.

Salesforce塔楼,佩里•克拉克•佩里设计的玻璃和钢铁摩天楼,现在正在旧金山建设,是该城市新潮摩天楼计划之一 /The Salesforce Tower, a glass and steel skyscraper by Pelli Clarke Pelli, is now under construction in San Francisco and is one of a new wave of skyscrapers planned for the city

“旧金山的文化始终是保护自己的,” Ben Grant说,他是SPUR的城市规划专家,SPUR是当地的一个非营利组织,为了设计智能城市。“一个像洛杉矶一样有态度的城市,嘿,不管怎样我们都要去地狱,因此建造任何你想要的建筑,哪怕所有有风险的建筑。旧金山相信它早已完美了。”


"San Francisco culture has always been protective of itself," says Ben Grant, an urbanist with SPUR, a local nonprofit organisation that advocates for smart urban design. "A city like LA has the attitude, hey, we're going to hell anyway, so build whatever you want, and hence all the risky architecture. San Francisco is convinced that it's perfect already."
The city's conservative attitude toward urban design is surprising, given its reputation as an innovator, particularly in the field of technology.



Silicon Valley (geographically based 30 miles to the south, but culturally and financially at home in the city) started as a handful of ambitious entrepreneurs building computers in garages. Now, it's the centrepiece of what the title of a 2011 book about Valley history dubbed The Greatest Creation of Wealth in the History of the Planet.

Jeanne Gang的扭曲的福尔松塔,占据了 Salesforce 项目附近的基地/Jeanne Gang's twisting Folsom Tower will occupy a site near to the Salesforce project


The city's planning department estimates that the lodestar of new jobs and new technology is now drawing 10,000 new residents to San Francisco every year. This crunch has put the spurs to the city's sluggish development process, and also shaken off a bit of its hidebound attitude about building design.


除了少数例外,像赫尔佐格与德梅隆的2005de Young美术馆,该城市很少注意到建筑的非凡的创新。当地的流言可以迅速毁灭一个项目,如果附近的人不喜欢它的外观,并且旧金山臭名昭著的审批过程会让一个项目拖延多年。

With a few exceptions, like Herzog & de Meuron's 2005 de Young Museum, the city has rarely been noted for remarkable innovations in architecture. Local grumblings can quickly scuttle a project if neighbours don't like the looks of it, and San Francisco's infamous permitting process can hold up a project for years.



“在15年前搬到这里的人之间有一个联盟,不想让它改变,而政治上留下的人通常是我的盟友,”Kevin Griffith观察说,他是BRIDGE的CEO,一个非营利性的发展经济适用房的组织。“对于每一个新的建筑,我们看到,更多的是在概念阶段终止。”

In a city that's only seven miles by seven miles, land use is always a political hot button. Many locals see new buildings as monuments to a rich elite that drives working people out of their neighbourhoods.
"There's an alliance between people who moved here 15 years ago and don't want it to change and the political left who would normally be my allies," observes Kevin Griffith, CEO of BRIDGE, a non-profit that develops affordable housing. "For every one new building we see, many more died at the concept phase."

Heller Manus的350布什街是旧金山新的建筑势力的一部分,在先前两次尝试失败后最终被建立起来 /Heller Manus' 350 Bush Street is part of the new construction momentum in San Francisco, and is finally being built after two previous attempts were scuttled


This is particularly true downtown. Supertall towers have been the order of the day in cities like New York and Chicago, but after a brief building boom in the 1970s, San Franciscans became quite protective of their skyline. "Manhattanisation" became a dirty word.


这座城市可能会背离其陈旧的方式,由Salesforce 塔发出信号,Pelli Clarke Pelli (公司在吉隆坡双子星塔的后方)建造的玻璃和钢组成的摩天大楼。现在正在市中心区建设,1070英尺高的摩天大楼——形状像方尖碑,回想起古代世界的伟大符号——将成为旧金山最高的建筑。

One towering sign that the city might departing from its old ways is the Salesforce Tower, a glass and steel skyscraper by Pelli Clarke Pelli (the firm behind the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur). Now under construction in the downtown district, the 1,070-foot skyscraper – shaped like an obelisk, to recall the great icons of the ancient world – will be the tallest building in San Francisco.

在马努斯的350布什街内部,经过2次失败的尝试后终于被建立起来/Inside Heller Manus' 350 Bush Street, which is finally being built after two failed attempts

承载着该城市最知名的科技公司的名声,Salesforce 塔被竖立在摇摇欲坠的废墟上,该城市碉堡一样的公交车站在2010年倒塌。

Bearing the name of one of the city's most prominent tech companies, Salesforce Tower is being erected in the ruins of the crumbling, bunker-like bus station the city knocked down in 2010.





Across the street, Salesforce has already built a 30-storey building designed by SOM, which houses some 6,000 employees. The company's longtime headquarters, which it still occupies, is catty-corner to that building – meaning that this single tech company is dominating nearly an entire intersection in the heart of the city.

伦敦的福斯特公司和当地的Heller Manus公司合作了First和Mission塔/London-based Foster + Partners is working with local firm Heller Manus on the First and Mission Tower

Salesforce周围的街区不久将被新的塔填满,这些塔避免方盒子的形状,80年代风格的高层设计在旧金山使建筑的建造枯燥了太久。最有趣的是Jeanne Gang设计的Folsom Bay Tower,螺旋伸向天空的“涟漪”设计。 Gang说外部的斜体轮廓将会给内部的每个单元独特的形状,没有两个相同的。计划今年破土动工,福尔松塔将比最初计划的高度还要高。城市给开发商Tishman-Speyer许可,在原有的分层上建造额外的10层——这在城市中甚至是第一次,30层的设计曾经给人眩晕感。

更多个性化建筑的例子在城市中初步萌芽。三个街区之外,纽约的OMA 在旧金山Fougeron 建筑事务所的帮助下,在短短的几周内设计了突破地面的锯齿形塔。看起来像首席架构师 Shohei Shigematsu说的话,“像一个庞然大物被切碎”然后重组。

这里的西面,Foster工作室和当地公司Heller Manus合作,提出了一个巨大的办公大楼的方案,像一个多面水晶王冠。高达910英尺(277米),这座塔将成为这座城市中的第二高,而且在同一个街区里有一个54层的姊妹楼。

The blocks around Salesforce will soon bristle with new towers that eschew the boxy, 1980s-style high-rise designs that made building in San Francisco such a bore for so long. The most interesting is the Jeanne Gang-designed Folsom Bay Tower, which will corkscrew into the sky with its "ripple" design. Gang says the italicised contours of the exterior will give each unit inside a unique shape, no two alike.
Scheduled to break ground this year, the Folsom Tower will rise higher than initially proposed. The city gave developer Tishman-Speyer permission to build 10 extra storeys above the original zoning cap – this in a city where even the first, 30-storey design would have once given people vertigo.
More examples of signature architecture are tentatively sprouting across the city. Three blocks away, OMA New York, with the help of San Francisco-based Fougeron Architecture, has designed a zigzagging tower set to break ground in just a few weeks. It looks, in the words of lead architect Shohei Shigematsu, "like a monolith cut to pieces" and reassembled.
West of there, Foster + Partners, working with local firm Heller Manus, has proposed an enormous office tower shaped like a multi-faceted crystal crown. Rising 910 feet (277 metres), the tower will be the second-tallest in the city, and will have a 54-storey younger brother on the same block.

OMA纽约办公室和当地公司Fougeron 建筑事务所已经在旧金山计划了一个摩天大楼,三个街区外是Gang的Folsom塔 /OMA's New York office and local firm Fougeron Architecture also have plans for a skyscraper in San Francisco, three blocks away from Gang's Folsom Tower

OMA的纽约办公室同样和旧金山的Fougeron事务所合作设计了一座塔楼/OMA's New York office is also working on a tower design with San Francisco-based Fougeron Architecture

这种成长看起来像技术繁荣一夜之间的产品,但事实上它是25年前计划的果实,在1989年Loma Prieta地震毁坏了这座城市,它导致许多高速公路被拆除。“那一带过去是挤满了高速公路的坡道。没有它们,我们突然有了10英亩的土地和机会,” Tiffany Bohee说,他是旧金山城市重建局局长。“20年的城市规划和选民的倡议终于发芽。”谨慎乐观的态度创造的视野,终于在这里发芽。“我认为我们正在寻找有质量的工作,伴随着比过去的时光更加复杂和精密的设计,”当地的建筑师 Owen Kennerly说,他是一个土生土长的纽约人,24年前来到旧金山设计,发现这座城市是一个奖励,但有时是棘手的画布。“它在变化。但真正的好工作将经得起时间的考验。”Van Ness大街和Market街道是越来越荒凉的街区,它们位于贫民窟区域的尾部,称为中间市场。“这是没有人的地方,”John McNeal说,他是挪威设计公司Snøhetta的高级建筑师,在此有一个项目正在进行中。

This growth may look like an overnight product of the tech boom, but it's actually the fruit of plans made over 25 years ago, when the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake maimed the city, leading many of its freeways to be torn down. "That neighbourhood used to be jammed with freeway ramps. Without them, we suddenly had 10 acres of land and opportunity," says Tiffany Bohee, director of San Francisco's civic redevelopment agency. "This is 20 years of city planning and voter initiatives finally sprouting."
There's a cautious optimism that creative horizons are finally opening up here. "I think we're seeing quality work, with more sophistication and precision design than in the old days," says local architect Owen Kennerly, a New York native who came to design in San Francisco 24 years ago and finds the city a rewarding but sometimes prickly canvas. "It varies. But the really good work will stand the test of time."
Take Van Ness Avenue and Market Street, a more or less desolate neighbourhood at the butt end of the skid row region called Mid Market. "It's no man's land," says John McNeal, senior architect at the Norwegian design firm Snøhetta, which has a project underway there.


OMA的锯齿状塔的设计看起来“像一个庞然大物被切成碎片”然后重组/OMA's zig-zagging tower is designed to look "like a monolith cut to pieces" and reassembled


This area has always been nothing but a buffer zone, but ever since a landmark deal involving City Hall and local real estate firm the Shorenstein Company brought the headquarters of Twitter to a once-abandoned building less than three blocks away, developers have started to regard it as prime property.

Snohetta的SFMOMA项目已经完成了,安排在5月对公众开放/Snohetta's SFMOMA has completed and is set to open to the public in May

围绕Van Ness和Market十字路口的四个角已经有高层住宅建设在进行中。Snøhetta已经和当地企业Solomon Cordwell Buenz合作建立了一个称为One Oak Street的39层的住宅塔,其具有戏剧性,弯曲的立面被陡然削减。“没有人的土地,是什么让它具有吸引力,”McNeal说。“如果我们得到它的权利,我们可以创造一个全新的地标和一个全新的社区。”

All four corners of the intersection around Van Ness and Market have residential high-rises in the works. Snøhetta has partnered with local firm Solomon Cordwell Buenz to erect a 39-storey residential tower dubbed One Oak Street, with dramatic, swooping cuts in its curved facade. "Being no man's land is what makes it attractive," McNeal says. "If we get it right, we can create whole new landmarks and a whole new neighbourhood."


当时,对于马里奥•博塔设计的建筑反应是冷淡的(博物馆最常被称为一个“碉堡”),但是现在是后现代的标志,成为了该地区吸引关注和发展的灯塔。Snøhetta 刚完成了235000平方英尺的SFMOMA的附属建筑,在原始博物馆后升起的一座闪烁的冰山建筑。

也许没有项目说明目前的势头,包括350布什街,在旧金山的唐人街边缘建造的19层的办公大楼。由Heller Manus设计,该建筑的前立面将采用建立在1923年的前证券交易所的保留部分。一个更高的,三层玻璃和混凝土的结构将在它后方和周围建起。

At the time, reaction to the Mario Botta-designed building was somewhat chilly (the museum was most often referred to as "a bunker"), but the post-modern landmark, became a beacon that drew attention and development to the area. Snøhetta has just completed a 235,000-square foot addition to SFMOMA, a twinkling iceberg of a building rising behind the original museum.
Maybe no project illustrates the present momentum so well as 350 Bush Street, a 19-storey office building rising at the edge of San Francisco's Chinatown. Designed by Heller Manus, the building will have a front facade that incorporates preserved remains of a former stock exchange built in 1923. A taller, three-tiered glass and concrete structure will rise behind and around it.


建筑师Jeff Heller 首先在1997年为这个项目描绘了计划。每次他们尝试去建立它时,经济发生下滑,第一次在2000年,又一次在2007年。突破一直没有实现,直到2014年的秋天。“我是耐心的类型,这是一件好事,因为你等待这些事情发生时可能会从窗口跳出,”Heller 说。

Architect Jeff Heller first drew up the plans for this project in 1997. Every time they tried to build it, the economy tanked, first in 2000 and again in 2007. The groundbreaking didn't happen until autumn of 2014. "It's a good thing I'm the patient type, because you could jump out of a window waiting for these things to happen," Heller says.



旧金山也在寻找其全面应得的份额,混合使用的滨水开发区。废弃的Hunters Point Naval 船厂,曾经是一个有毒和放射性物质的不适合居住的垃圾场,正在改造成12000平方的新的滨水家园。

San Francisco is also seeing its fair share of sweeping, mixed-used waterfront developments. The abandoned Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, once an uninhabitable dump of toxic and radioactive materials, is being transformed into 12,000 new waterfront homes.


20年的发展,项目的总体规划起源于旧金山重建部门,该部门已经不再存在(被社区投资和基础设施建设厅取代)。现在由加利福尼亚公司Envelope A+D领导,他们也在旧金山奥克塔维亚大道提出了微家园项目——奥克塔维亚大道是一条新的道路,2006年取代了中央高速公路的一段。

Twenty years in the making, the project masterplan originated with a city organ that no longer even exists, the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (since replaced by Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure). It is now being led by Californian firm Envelope A+D, which also proposed a micro-homes project on San Francisco's Octavia Boulevard – a new road that replaced a section of the central freeway in 2006.






Snohetta 和旧金山 Solomon Cordwell Buenz工作室在 One Oak 街道项目上搭档,该项目是规划中的四个摩天大楼之一,位于城市的Van Ness 和Market街道的交叉口/Snohetta has partnered with San Francisco studio Solomon Cordwell Buenz on One Oak Street, one of four skyscrapers planned for the intersection between the city's Van Ness and Market streets

Gustafson Guthrie Nichol领衔设计了两个公园作为印度贝森项目的一部分 Gustafson Guthrie Nichol is leading the design for two new parks as part of the India Basin project




Gustafson Guthrie Nichol的印度贝森公园则将作为城市海滨区域的一片1.5英里的公共土地的一部分/Gustafson Guthrie Nichol's India Basin parks will form part of a 1.5 mile stretch of public land on the city's waterfront


废弃的 Hunters Point Naval船厂被安排在滨水基地中重新创造12000户住宅/The abandoned Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is set to be redeveloped to create 12,000 homes on the waterfront site




海军造船厂项目由伯克利工作室Envelope A+D设计/ The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard project is led by Berkley-based studio Envelope A+D

福斯特事务所是专注于用一系列超高层改造城市天际线的几个建筑公司之一/Foster + Partners is among the architecture firms set to transform the city's skyline with a series of towers

Pelli Clarke Pelli事务所的Salesforce塔楼早已在城市中建造/Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects' Salesforce Tower is already under construction in the city





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建筑 (13876 articles)

当代建筑 (23 articles)

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旧金山 (63 articles)

OMA (72 articles)

Jeanne Gang (5 articles)

Snohetta (2 articles)

滨海建筑 (2 articles)