Nick Frank在世界各地拍摄地铁站,藏在地面之下的地铁站,不仅仅是一个交通中转站,也是日常生活的舞台,这里上演着出发和到来。摄影师在夜幕最深,无人踪影的沉默时刻,拍下这些让人印象深刻的鲜活照片。Nick Frank目前准备出版自己的英文和德文摄影作品集。
Subways is an illustrated book project by Nick Frank showing subway stations around the world that create a very special scenario.
Arrivals, departures, meetings, the clash of different people... Subway stations are more than just a central location for travellers. In fact, they represent the lively background for everyday life and drama while offering intimate insight: first a heartbreaking farewell, then a joyful welcome: a location that serves as a stage for personal plays. Until the curtain comes down and night falls, when night slowly becomes day, when the sound of voices grows silent, when the frequency of visitors falls below a minimum level... Right then and there, SUBWAYS tell their individual stories that come alive with impressive photographs – creating a scenario that gets under your skin. When dynamics turn into evanescence and silence, you have to capture the moment! Join us on a journey to the subway stations of the world!
At the moment Nick Frank looking for published for my book which will be in english and german.