Artificial Snow Cave Emergency Shelter
Margot Krasojević Architects设计了一个雪堆造型的小屋,采用了碳纤维网状结构,波状外形模拟了周边令人眩晕的悬崖断壁和景观形态,打造出了一个人造雪窟,登山者可以进入其中,像在积雪中挖掘的可居住的洞穴一样。
Designed by Margot Krasojević Architects, the hut offers a snowdrift frame made from weighted carbon fibre mesh, this contoured landscape mimics the surrounding vertiginous precipices and landscapes, the carbon fibre snowscape creates an artificial snow cave which can be burrowed into and around enabling climbers to inhabit the excavated structure in a similar way to a snow cave.
Rope emergency shelter plan, Plan showing undulating snow cave snowdrift mesh with suspended rope structure/应急避难所概念设计,波浪起伏的悬索结构
The composite carbon frame catches the snowdrift using snow as an insulating material, as it is a mesh structure pockets of rooms can be carved into the build up of snow as well as air vents to help air circulation, it is possible to further insulate the structure by digging a small pit deeper into one part of the cave floor to provide a place for the coldest air to gather, away from the occupants, the entrance may be partially blocked with chunks of snow to deflect wind and retain heat.
Multiple layers of Silicium applied to the carbon fibre mesh produce an electric current from direct natural light, photovoltaics can be used to store this energy which is forced through the electrical resistance wire embedded within the mesh, creating heat energy and then cooling the structure to create an icy surface trapping snow for added insulation, and melting it away as necessary, which in the process contributes to strengthening & insulating the structure.
A wooden frame, sits within the artificial snow cave, suspends an elevation of climbing ropes creating a more flexible space which can be canvased if necessary, inspired by the snow lotus whose leaves are covered with dense white woolly hairs minimizing frost damage at night and preventing ultraviolet light damage from the intense high altitude sunlight, with this principal in mind the rope structure sways attempting to prevent freezing, it is clamped to the wooden frame in sections and can be added to. The artificial snow cave landscape mesh is self supporting, it rests on the undulating parts of the contoured carbon fibre mesh.
The composite carbon frame catches the snowdrift using snow as an insulating material. Flexible moving rope structure prevents freezing/复合碳纤维材质吸附雪作为绝缘材料,灵活摆动的悬索避免结冰。
Cell like modules within the rope structure contain sleeping quarters, holographic filters applied to the carbon roof panels control temperature and direct light into and throughout the sleeping modules and into the artificial snow cave below.
Undulating snow cave carbon fibre mesh/波浪形的碳纤维网状结构
绿色太阳能光伏板控制光线并产生能量储存在碳纤维网状结构之中。雪洞作为庇护所,即使外面的温度下降到-50 C,内部也依然保持在0 C,通过开凿积雪建造而成,因此入口通道位于主要下方,能够保持热量,通过这样的设计将雪景网状结构与木构架悬索结构整合在一起。建筑建于陡坡上,对基地上部进行改造挖掘,得以简化施工,水平置入斜坡之中。屋顶被设计为穹窿型,防止滴溅,网状结构更容易实现通风防止窒息。一个狭窄的入口隧道通向主要空间部分,这里是从积雪中高高架起的一个平台。
Green photovoltaic panels control light and produce energy stored in the carbon fibre snow cave mesh. The snow cave provides shelter at temperatures of 0C even if the outside temperature drops to -50 C; constructed by excavating snow so that the entrance tunnel enters below the main space to retain warm air, in this case within the snowscape mesh emerging into the wooden framed rope shelter. Construction is simplified by building it on a steep slope and digging slightly upwards and horizontally into the slope. The roof is domed to prevent dripping on the occupants and because it is made from mesh it is easier to clear ventilation holes avoiding suffocation. A narrow entrance tunnel leads into the main chamber which consists of a flat area with elevated sleeping platforms excavated from snow.
Exterior perspective. Rope shelter partly deconstructed/外部透视图。部分悬索结构拆解示意图
Zoning sequence; Cell like modules within the rope structure contain sleeping quarters, holographic filters applied to the carbon roof panels control temperature and direct light into and throughout the sleeping modules and the artificial snow cave below/空间序列。悬索结构内部为类似细胞一样的模块空间,其中包含睡眠区,碳屋面板应用了全息滤波器控制温度和直射光,控制休息区和下面的人造雪窟。
Rope emergency shelter plan, Plan showing undulating snow cave snowdrift mesh with suspended rope structure/悬索结构的应急避难所概念设计,动感十足的网状避难空间与悬索结构结合在一起。
Rope Shelter, reinforcing structure during earthquake avalanche/防护绳索,在地震雪崩时起到加固的作用。
Trekkers tunnel underneath artificial snow cave to enter the structure/行人通过下方的隧道进入建筑内部。
Cross section of zoned inhabitable areas within the shelter/避难所内部空间分区示意图
Sleeping pods, Cell like modules within the rope structure contain holographic filtered sleeping quarters/睡舱,悬索结构内部的细胞状睡眠空间。
Elevation showing structural anchor/结构锚固的立面示意图
The composite carbon frame catches the snowdrift using snow as an insulating material. Flexible moving rope structure prevents freezing/复合碳纤维结构吸附随风飘扬的雪花,利用雪作为绝缘材料,灵活摆动的悬索避免结冰冻僵。
Undulating snow cave carbon fibre mesh/起伏的网状碳纤维结构
Artificial snow cave carbon fibre mesh surface sequence/避难所的表皮结构序列
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