使日本Ryusenji寺庙恢复活力/Love Architecture
Love Architecture rejuvenates buddhist ryusenji temple in Japan
Love 建筑事务所重新翻修了一座建筑,理由是希望这座历史性的Ryusenji寺庙能刺激当地人的活动,并逐渐成为社区的聚集地。项目基地位于日本的川口市,随着时间的推移,它已经变成了殡仪馆和停车场,压制了主要寺庙建筑的外观。高高的栅栏围绕在房屋周围,使建筑物封闭起来,丧失了吸引力。
Love Architecture has renovated a building within the grounds of the historic Ryusenji temple in hopes for it to stimulate activity among locals and evolve as a place for gathering for the community. Built in the city of Kawaguchi, Japan, the site over time had changed into a funeral hall and parking lot, oppressing the appearance of the main temple building. Tall fences run around the premises and closed off the buildings making it an uninviting place.
Love 建筑事务所的设计师们采用了一些技术来完成这个项目。原先弯曲的立面被改直了,现存的花岗岩用于聚焦对主要寺庙的视角。八角形代表阴间;本质上是宇宙的形成。昏暗的入口通过不同的光线让人意识到地方的变化。中心的螺旋楼梯是由夯土制成的。同时,这里的空间作为前室,现在被种上树,从视觉上划分了墓葬和礼拜区域。地藏菩萨和佛石雕像都聚集在这个地方,沿着前室适当地分布。
The designers at Love Architecture approached the project with several techniques. The originally curvy front has been made straight, and the existing granite stone has been used to focus the perspective on the main temple. The octagonal form represents hades; essentially the form of the universe. The dim lit entrance makes one aware of the change in place through the difference in light. The spiral staircase in the center is made of rammed earth.Meanwhile, the space where it was originally the front approach has been planted with trees to visually divide the area into funeral and worship areas. Jizo and Buddha stone statues that were gathered in one place have been appropriately distributed along the front approach.
Blending nature and architecture was a focus during the construction. The trees along both sides of the front approach and the flowers display the sunlight through trees, and wind through rustling of leaves, and reflect change of seasons through the different fruiting and blooming of flowers. The path leading to charnel house was set as a representative of ‘life’ and the path back from charnel house and towards the graves representing ‘death’.
After the renovation, they say there are more visitors accompanied by children. We wish that children would play in the water basin during summer. They would play in the temple in their childhood. They would visit the temple and cherish it – Yukio Asari , Love Architecture
在竹天花板的缝隙中闪烁的光像夜空中的星星/The light streaming in through the gap in the bamboo ceiling blink like the stars in the space
中间的螺旋楼梯用夯土制作/The central spiral staircase has been made of rammed earth
中间的螺旋楼梯用夯土建造,让顶部的光线进入/The spiral staircase in the center made of rammed earth allows the top light from the sky to enter
小天窗让光线进入寺庙的中心地带/A small skylight beams light into the central core of the temple
水上栈桥代表着生死分离的界限/The staircase bridging over the water basin functions as the boundary which separate life and death
水被设置在停尸房的周围/Water has been installed around the charnel house