Every design event seems to have THAT THING. You know, the thing that everyone congregates to and must photograph. These days it doesn’t end with simply a photograph – nope, that photo is going to end up on Instagram and hopefully it will be intriguing enough for people to smash that like button. “That thing” at Milan Design Week? It’s Le Refuge, a pink, jungle-like daybed designed by Parisian/Italian artist and designer Marc Ange at the Wallpaper* Handmade exhibition space.
Le Refuge是一处供一个人独自享受舒适与安静的地方。它是童年记忆的投影器。它的大叶子在阳光下形成一个避风港,远离现实,就像房间里一个孩子想要逃离现实生活奔向的丛林一样。
From Ange:
Le Refuge is a place where one finds comfort and peace. It is the projection of a childhood memory. Its large leaves form a shelter under the sun, away from reality, just like those of the imaginary jungle that grows in the room of a child who seeks escape.
您可以在2017年4月9日前往米兰Mediateca di Santa Teresa亲自参观Le Refuge。如果您无法访问并拍摄自己的照片,请查看标签#marcange,#LeRefuge和#WallpaperHandmade。
You can visit Le Refuge in person within the Mediateca di Santa Teresa in Milan through April 9th, 2017. If you’re not able to visit and snap your own photo, check out the hashtags #marcange, #LeRefuge, and #WallpaperHandmade.