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Ross Lovegrove说,作为一名设计师,促进可持续发展是“职责”
"It's your duty" as a designer to promote sustainability says Ross Lovegrove


英国设计师Ross Lovegrove认为,设计师有义务提高整个行业的可持续发展实践水平,在环境责任方面需要树立榜样的应该是设计师,这不仅仅是某个品牌的任务。


Designers are responsible for improving sustainable practices across the industry, according to British designer Ross Lovegrove.
Lovegrove believes it is designers, rather than brands, that need to set an example when it comes to environmental responsibility.
"If you're a known name in the design industry I think it's your duty, I think it should be part of the whole circle of what you do," he said.

上图为Ross Lovegrove和Natuzzi创意总监Pasquale Junior Natuzzi,两人正讨论设计师需要树立榜样/Ross Lovegrove, pictured above with Natuzzi creative director Pasquale Junior Natuzzi, said designers need to set an example

Ross Lovegrove在米兰设计周期间与Dezeen记者在Ergo发布会上进行了交流,Ergo属于Natuzzi的家具系列产品,利用可再生和可回收材料制成。



The designer spoke to Dezeen during Milan design week at a launch event for Ergo, a furniture collection for Natuzzi that is made using renewable and recyclable materials.
He said he was drawn to working with the Italian furniture brand because he felt the company would be open to his ideas about making the furniture industry more sustainable.
"I don't design furniture very often and I'm not interested in just doing another L-shaped sofa," he explained. "I wanted to come in and try to facilitate a change in mindset. Natuzzi is a big company with young blood and they are open to doing things differently."

Lovegrove设计的Ergo系列采用FSC认证的种植木材/Lovegrove's Ergo collection is made using wood from FSC-certified plantations

Ergo系列包括一系列卧室用品,其设计和制造均考虑到了可持续性。 Lovegrove花了三个月的时间来研究材料,以确定哪种材料既可以提供必要功能,又具有自然的外观。




The Ergo collection comprises a range of items for the bedroom that are designed and manufactured with sustainability in mind. Lovegrove spent three months researching materials to identify natural options that also provide the necessary performance.
The frames for the furniture are constructed using wood from FSC-certified plantations, which is slotted together to prevent the need for additional metal fixings. Any adhesives used are water based and formaldehyde free, and the surfaces are finished with a natural wax.
All of the upholstery is produced using organic textiles, including linen, wool and cotton. The mattress for the bed is made from 100 per cent natural latex and is upholstered in a hemp fibre.
Included in the collection is a chandelier featuring LED light sources capable of rendering different colour temperatures that can be adjusted throughout the day to match the user's circadian rhythm.

床由天然乳胶制成,并采用大麻纤维软垫/The bed is made from natural latex and upholstered in a hemp fibre

Lovegrove解释说,他设计的各种产品的形式由他所掌握的有机风格演变而来。他以前的作品有为Bernhardt Design设计的曲线木椅和一对形如水下生物的OLED灯。




Lovegrove explained that the forms used for the various products are an evolution of the organic style for which he has become known. His previous designs have included a curvaceous wooden chair for Bernhardt Design and a pair of OLED lamps that resemble underwater creatures.
The Ergo collection's fluid forms are intended to evoke shapes found in nature which, in the case of the chaise longue in particular, were adapted to fit the contours of the human body.
"In my case, when I work with organic form, it's because organic form is incredibly honest, it's very reduced," the designer told Dezeen.
"It's based on a two-dimensional form that fits your spine line. If I was to do any more with the form I'm not sure it would have made it better – it's a spine line with the minimal thickness it takes to become structural."

Ergo系列的流体形式旨在比拟自然界中的形状/The Ergo collection's fluid forms are intended to evoke shapes found in nature





建筑师Arthur Mamou-Mani使用3D打印的生物塑料制作了他的时装品牌COS系列产品,而Rossana Orlandi组织了一场竞赛,让设计师们提出开发回收或再利用塑料的新方案。

其他例子,如意大利建筑师Carlo Ratti设计了一系列拱门,由来源于土壤的真菌制作而成,Barber&Osgerby为Emeco设计了一种可以无限循环使用的椅子,它们由特殊塑料制成的。

Ergo是Natuzzi在米兰推出的两个系列之一,另一个是由Marcel Wanders设计的Dand家具系列,旨在庆祝该品牌最初成立的Puglia传统。

Sustainability was a key topic at this year's Milan design week, with many designers and brands addressing issues such as waste, climate change and the need to reduce our dependence on plastics.
Lovegrove sees the Ergo collection as a positive step towards demonstrating how ecological materials and processes can be applied in ways that still fulfil the demands of a discerning clientele.
He said he plans to pursue more projects that have a positive impact on the planet, as he believes the industry has to change.
"I'm involved with industry and industry is good and bad," he admitted. "Unless we start reducing the sheer scale of stuff we're producing I think we're going to have some real problems."
Architect Arthur Mamou-Mani used a 3D-printed bioplastic to create his installation for fashion brand COS, while gallerist Rossana Orlandi organised a competition that challenged designers to develop new ways of recycling or reusing plastic.
Elsewhere, Italian architect Carlo Ratti created a series of arches grown from a fungus that is being returned to the soil, and Barber & Osgerby designed a chair for Emeco made from a special plastic that can be endlessly recycled.
Ergo was one of two ranges that Natuzzi launched in Milan, along with Dandy by Marcel Wanders, a series of furniture that celebrates the traditions of Puglia, the region where the brand was first established.

该系列在米兰设计周期间亮相/The collection was unveiled during Milan design week

今年是Natuzzi成立的60周年。创意总监Pasquale Junior Natuzzi表示,他不想像许多品牌在纪念重要里程碑时那样回顾经典,他希望专注于未来产品。



Natuzzi is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Creative director Pasquale Junior Natuzzi said that, rather than looking to its archive like many brands do when commemorating a significant milestone, he wanted to focus on the future.
"We want to celebrate these 60 years using our origins as a starting point to look into the future," Natuzzi explained.
"Natuzzi has a strong bond with its homeland and its extraordinary resources," he added. "This feeling inspires us and encourages us to look at nature with respect and devotion, translating this into organic design and ethical production."









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