巴特莱特学生Freja Bao设计朝圣目的地“重塑中国”
Bartlett student Freja Bao designs pilgrimage destination "to rebrand China"
UCL巴特莱特建筑学院毕业生Freja Bao以中国的首都文化为出发点,设计出一个名为“辉煌城市”的总体规划方案,有助于改变国家的政治形象。
虚构的城市位于中国南海海域,一块具有争议的旅游胜地,Freja Bao将其构思为向全球华人开放的朝圣之地。
Bartlett School of Architecture graduate Freja Bao has devised a masterplan for a new Chinese cultural capital that could help to change the country's political image.
Called Splendour, the fictional city is a tourist destination located on the disputed territories in the South China Sea. Bao imagines it as an open pilgrimage destination for all Chinese speaking global citizens.
Freja Bao 说“中国已被西方媒体视为东南亚最大的政体,而这个项目正是以实际情况为前提来重塑中国的政治形象。作为体现中国文化的新一汇集地,我借鉴了在第二次世界大战之后由欧盟提出的EEC概念。EEC的第一步就是促进经济合作,这个做法是与其他国家建立经济上的依存关系,从而避免可能的政治冲突。”
"China has been rendered as an ultra-political bully amongst its South East Asia neighbours by the western media," says Bao. "This project employs the premise to rebrand China's political image. The new cultural capital city of the Great China Region, borrowed the concept of EEC, the former EU, which was created in the aftermath of the second world war."
"The EEC's first steps were to foster economic cooperation: the idea being that countries that trade with another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid political conflict."
Freja Bao研究的项目,作为巴特莱特教学第10课题的一部分,课题由Simon Dickens和CJ Lim作为指导老师。今年的设计课题探讨了人员流离失所、城市搬迁以及乌托邦的出现原因。
Bao developed the project as part of the Bartlett's Unit 10, under the tutorage of Simon Dickens and CJ Lim. This year, the design unit explored the idea of displacement of people, the relocation of cities and the creation of utopias.
Students were asked: "Can the appropriation of fiction and narrative inform the shaping of an urban and architectural vision, while addressing real and urgent sociopolitical, economic and environmental concerns?"
Freja Bao的回应来自于孟元老所著书中的“辉煌之梦” 的思想,他于1126年在书中记录了北宋的灭亡,自身一步步沦为难民的经历以及对往日辉煌都城的无限眷恋。
Bao's response was inspired by the book The Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor – a memoir written by Meng Yuan lao, who became a refugee from Kaifeng, the affluent capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, in 1126.
Believed to be a mixture of fiction and fact, the memoir vividly recalls the old capital's urban life, seasonal products, and festivals, as well as foods, customs, and traditions.
Freja Bao说,因自然四季的存在,才会产生每个季节各自的节日活动,而不是政治一体化所导致的。
Instead of global politics, Bao says that nature governs Splendour through the four seasons and their respective seasonal festivities.
During each season, different parts of the city will be activated. In spring, orchids bloom alongside along the hotel units, while in summer, a bamboo colonnade lines the entranceway, seaweed farms and fish farms are brought to life, and bamboo shoots and leaves are collected and transported to the restaurants.
In autumn, the island's chrysanthemum terraces come into bloom transforming the capital's crescent shaped-plan into to a full moon shape. The display references the grand chrysanthemum plots from the Chinese film Curse of the Golden Flower – in Chinese culture, the golden chrysanthemum carries the meaning of family reunion and a worship of moon.
In winter, vertically-growing plum blossoms in the restaurant areas create a veil across service zones, shielding them from view of diners while also providing protection from the wind.
In the Bartlett Summer show catalogue, the Unit 10 tutors explained: "According to the 2006 Stern Review, around 200 million people will be permanently displaced by 2050, through an amalgamation of complex economic, social and political drivers, exacerbated by increasingly unpredictable environmental conditions."
"Rather than 'fighting', governments together with planners and architects, need to envision built environments that embrace the enemy."